2017-02-13 55 views


employee = str(1) 

numbemployee = input('How many employees are there in your department? ') 

while numbemployee < str(0): 
    print('The number of employees cannot be less than zero!') 
    numbemployee = int(input('How many employees are there in your department? ')) 

while employee <= numbemployee: 
    name = str(input('What is the name of employee ' +employee +'? ')) 
    employee = str(int(employee) + 1) 
    totalyears = int(input('How many years has ' +name +' worked for the company? ')) 
    while totalyears < 0: 
     print('The number of years worked cannot be less than zero!') 
     totalyears = int(input('How many years has ' +name +' worked for the company? ')) 
    if totalyears <= 6: 
     base_salary = 10000.00 
     print('The base salary for ' ,name ,' should be $' ,base_salary) 
    elif totalyears <= 13: 
     base_salary = 14000.00 
     print('The base salary for ' ,name ,' should be $' ,base_salary) 
    elif totalyears <= 20: 
     base_salary = 18000.00 
     print('The base salary for ' ,name ,' should be $' ,base_salary) 
    elif totalyears <= 34: 
     base_salary = 27000.00 
     print('The base salary for ' ,name ,' should be $' ,base_salary) 
     base_salary = 30000.00 
     print('The base salary for ' ,name ,' should be $' ,base_salary) 
    sales = float(input('What was ' +name +"'s sales for the last quarter? ")) 
    while sales < 0: 
     print('The sales cannot be less than zero!') 
     sales = float(input('What was ' +name +"'s sales for the last quarter? ")) 
    if sales <= 3999.99: 
     commission = 1000 
     print(name ,'earned $' ,commission ,'from commission for sales from last quarter') 
    elif sales <= 11999.99: 
     commission = 2000 
     print(name ,'earned $' ,commission ,'from commission for sales from last quarter') 
    elif sales <= 15999.99: 
     commission = 5000 
     print(name ,'earned $' ,commission ,'from commission for sales from last quarter') 
    elif sales <= 23999.99: 
     commission = 8000 
     print(name ,'earned $' ,commission ,'from commission for sales from last quarter') 
    elif sales <= 27999.99: 
     commission = 12000 
     print(name ,'earned $' ,commission ,'from commission for sales from last quarter') 
     commission = 15000 
     print(name ,'earned $' ,commission ,'from commission for sales from last quarter') 
    totalwage = base_salary + commission 
    print(name ,'should recieve $' ,totalwage ,' for this quarter.') 



为什么你将你的输入转换为int,然后将它与'str(0)'比较?也可以考虑把'雇员'变成一个班级或至少一本字典...... – MooingRawr


这个“问题”需要进一步完善。你想做什么?什么是伪代码?发生了什么,你不指望? – Nathan


可以通过一个简单的例子和​​解释你尝试过的东西来把它变成一个有用的问题。请参阅http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve – chadnt



你有一堆问题与你的代码 - 这很好,这显然是一个学习问题。


accum_total_salary = 0 
accum_total_commission = 0 

while ... 

    base_salary = ... 

    commission = ... 

    accum_total_salary += base_salary 
    accum_total_commission += commission 


print("Sum total salary paid to all employees:", accum_total_salary) 
print("Sum total commission paid to all employees:", accum_total_commission) 

代码无法正常工作的很大一部分是错误地将东西转换为应该是数字的“str”。 – roganjosh