2015-02-24 63 views


MsgBox "Sorry, but you have an out-of-date database version. Please redownload via the batch file to ensure that you have the latest version. Contact the administrator of this database or your manager if you need help." & vbCr _ 
     & vbCr _ 
     & "Your current database version is " & CurrentVer & " which may be out of date. The current database version prescribed on the network share is " & FileVer & ". They must match in order for you to proceed." & vbCr _ 
     & vbCr _ 
     & "For CSC self-help instructions on how to reload the most current version of the PRF Intake Tool to your computer, please click the link below to be directed to CSC Online instructions." & vbCr _ 
     & vbCr _ 
     & "http://www.OurSite.com/online/Solutions/Search_Results.asp?opsystem=7&keywords=PRF+Intake+Tool&Category=", , "There is a problem..." 


我在Win7环境中使用Access 2010。


没有,但你可以询问用户是否他们想打开链接然后将IE导航到该位置。 – Gareth 2015-02-24 20:50:45


或为消息框构建自定义窗体,然后您可以在超链接中添加 – Sorceri 2015-02-24 20:52:18



一个简单的答案是。 MsgBox不允许超链接,只是纯文本。


Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") 

intMessage = MsgBox("Sorry, but you have an out-of-date database version. Please redownload via the batch file to ensure that you have the latest version. Contact the administrator of this database or your manager if you need help." & vbCr _ 
     & vbCr _ 
     & "Your current database version is " & CurrentVer & " which may be out of date. The current database version prescribed on the network share is " & FileVer & ". They must match in order for you to proceed." & vbCr _ 
     & vbCr _ 
     & "Would you like to learn more about CSC self-help instructions on how to reload the most current version of the PRF Intake Tool to your computer?", _ 
     vbYesNo, "There is a problem...") 

If intMessage = vbYes Then 
    objShell.Run ("http://www.OurSite.com/online/Solutions/Search_Results.asp?opsystem=7&keywords=PRF+Intake+Tool&Category=") 
End If 


  1. 添加Label对象,然后输入短信
  2. 使标签蓝色(ForeColor)和下划线(Font),所以它看起来像一个典型的超链接。
  3. 设置标签的MousePointer属性99 - fmMousePointerCustom
  4. 指定标签的MouseIcon图像光标文件(如果有的话)。
  5. 双击该标签并创建子程序单击事件。下面是一个示例代码:

    Private Sub Label1_Click() 
        Link = "http://www.YOUR_SITE.com" 
        On Error GoTo NoCanDo 
        ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=Link, NewWindow:=True 
        Unload Me 
        Exit Sub 
        MsgBox "Cannot open " & Link End Sub 


Link = "mailto:[email protected]" 

谢谢!这很好。 – 2015-02-25 02:49:15


这解决了一个完全不相关的问题,我.... ....谢谢 – 2017-10-04 22:28:23