2013-10-09 43 views


     <b>Last Name</b><span class="red">*</span> 
     @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.LastName, new { id = "txtLastName" }) 
     @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.LastName) 
     <b>First Name</b><span class="red">*</span> 
     @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.FirstName, new { id = "txtFirstName" }) 
     @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.FirstName) 
     <b>User Name</b><span class="red">*</span> 
     @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.UserName, new { id = "txtUserNameAdd" }) 
     @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.UserName) 


     source: '/AdminSearchResult/UserNameList?fullName=' + $('#txtFirstName').val() + " " + ('#txtLastName').val() 


public ActionResult UserNameList(string term, string fullName) 
    // my code 

    return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); 

当部分视图被加载时,屏幕上有名字,姓氏和用户名。 用户输入名字和姓氏。基于名字和姓氏输入用户名称列表(来自活动目录)成为自动完成下拉数据的来源。


fullname is ($('#txtFirstName').val() + " " + ('#txtLastName').val()) 


$(document).ready(function (e) { 

     source: '/AdminSearchResult/UserNameList?fullName=' + getFullname() 


function getFullname() { 
    var lastName = document.getElementById('txtLastName').value; 
    var firstName = document.getElementById('txtFirstName').value; 

    return firstName + " " + lastName; 




若本线:来源:“/ AdminSearchResult /使用rNameList?fullName ='+ getname()是源:'/ AdminSearchResult/UserNameList?fullName ='+ getFullname()? – juju


这是一个错字。我的代码有全名。对不起 – DotNetBeginner


'getFullname()'返回你想要的客户端? –






,或者创建处理上提交请求的功能:在你的jQuery准备 :

//Initialize the autocomplete with jQuery options which submits on Select of item 
var InitAutoComplete = function() { 
var $input=$(this); 
var options = { 
    source: '/Index/Autocomplete', 
    select: submitForm 

var ajFormSubmital = function(){ 
var $form= ($this); // the passed in form 
var options = { 
url: 'some url', 
type: 'GET', 
data: $form.serialize() 

// Now do some ajax stuff in the same scope standard ajax 
$.ajax(options).done(function(data) { 
var $target = $($form.find('#myspan')); //don't let the $$ fool you, one variable is named $form 
//now replace the target with the data 
$newData=$(data); //Grab the data returned by the ajax call 
return false; // we don't want the form to post directly 

// create a submit form method 
var submitForm = function (e,ui) { 
var $input=$(this); //the autocomplete input field 
$input.val(ui.item.label); //The label contains the text value can also be obtained per jQuery specs 

// remember to name your variables in your controller. 
// the controller will receive 'term' and also the 
// form fields will be serialized and the will have the names you assign 
// in your model, not the field Ids. So concatenate in your model 
// and return a json string 
// Wire up the form submit event to your form in your ready event 
// Wire up the autocomplete field to your your InitAutoComplete method. 
// you will wire up in the $(function() {}) - don't use $(document).ready()  
// it does not work for the ajax call after the second and even-number post  backs 
// $('#myform').submit(ajFormSubmital); 
// Tweak the above code and you should be able to use this in any form.