2015-05-19 31 views



假设您的公式是免费量化的,那么您可以通过引入新变量和添加约束来隐式定义平方根。 例如,你可以写:

(define-fun is_sqrt ((x Real) (y Real)) Bool (= y (* x x))) 

然后 'x' 为 'Y' 的平方根;如果你只是想非负平方根,则:

(define-fun is_sqrt ((x Real) (y Real)) Bool (and (>= x 0) (= y (* x x)))) 


(assert (is_sqrt fresh-variable sub-term)) 

Z3还提供了一个内置的操作符,用于将条件提升为功率。 你可以用它来得到一个平方根。所以写的“X”,平方根 你可以写术语:

(^ x 0.5) 



如果你实际上并不需要的功能,那么最简单的方式来定义ŸX平方根是断言Y * Y = X,即:

; This will cause Z3 to return a decimal answer instead of a root-obj 
(set-option :pp.decimal true) 

; Option 1: inverse of multiplication. This works fine if you don't actually 
; need to define a custom function. This will find y = 1.414... or y = -1.414... 
(declare-fun y() Real) 
(assert (= 2.0 (* y y))) 

; Do this if you want to find the positive root y = 1.414... 
(assert (>= y 0.0)) 

(get-value (y)) 


; Option 2: uninterpreted functions. Unfortunately Z3 seems to always return 
; 'unknown' when sqrt is defined this way. Here we ignore the possibility that 
; x < 0.0; fixing this doesn't help the situation, though. 
(declare-fun sqrt (Real) Real) 
(assert (forall ((x Real)) (= x (* (sqrt x) (sqrt x))))) 
(declare-fun y() Real) 
(assert (= y (sqrt 2.0))) 


; Option 3: built-in power operator. This is not standard SMT-LIB, but works 
; well with Z3. 
(define-fun sqrt ((x Real)) Real (^ x 0.5)) 
(declare-fun y() Real) 
(assert (= y (sqrt 2.0))) 
(get-value (y)) 
