2012-01-30 34 views




import java.util.*; 

public class Grid<T> { 

    ArrayList<T> array; // holds objects in grid - would rather use an array 
         // but that won't support generics 
    int rows; // number of rows in grid 
    int cols; // number of cols in grid 
    int length; // total number of objects in grid - maybe just get this from ArrayList 
    int conNum; // number of connections for each point on grid (either 4 or 8) 
       // used for determining distances between points on the grid 

    // constructor 
    Grid(int row, int col, int numCon) { 
     rows = row; 
     cols = col; 
     length = rows * cols; 
     conNum = numCon; 
     array = new ArrayList<T>(length); 

    // returns total size of grid 
    public int len() { 
     return length; 

    // returns number of rows 
    public int row() { 
     return rows; 

    // returns number of columns 
    public int col() { 
     return cols; 

    // wish I didn't have to use this 
    // would be nice to just be able to use set(int i, T t) 
    public void add(T t) { 

    // sets object i in flattened out array 
    public void set(int i, T t) { 
     array.set(i, t); 

    // returns object i in flattened out array 
    // for faster access when user just needs to iterate through all objects 
    // in grid without respect to position in 2D grid 
    public T get(int i) { 
     return array.get(i); 

    // returns the row position of i in grid - adjusted for warp around edges 
    // is there a better way to do this? 
    private int modRow(int i) { 
     if(i >=0) { 
      if(i < rows) { 
       return i; 
      } else { // i >= rows 
       return i % rows; 
     } else { // i < 0 
      return (i % rows + rows) % rows; 

    // returns the column position of j in grid - adjusted for warp around edges 
    // is there a better way to do this? 
    private int modCol(int j) { 
     if(j >=0) { 
      if(j < cols) { 
       return j; 
      } else { // j >= cols 
       return j % cols; 
     } else { // j < 0 
      return (j % cols + cols) % cols; 

    // sets object at (i,j) value from store adjusted for wrap around edges 
    public void set(int i, int j, T t) { 
     array.set(modRow(i) * cols + modCol(j), t); 

    // gets object at (i,j) value from store adjusted for wrap around edges 
    public T get(int i, int j) { 
     return array.get(modRow(i) * cols + modCol(j)); 

    // returns distance on the grid between two objects at (y1,x1) and (y2,x2) 
    public int dist(int y1, int x1, int y2, int x2) { 
     int y = distFirst(y1, y2); 
     int x = distSecond(x1, x2); 
     if (conNum == 4) // taxicab distance 
      return y + x; 
     } else { //if(conNum == 8) supremum distance 
      return Math.max(y, x); 

    // returns distance on the grid between the first coordinates y1 & y2 of two objects 
    public int distFirst(int y1, int y2) { 
     int dist = Math.abs(modRow(y2) - modRow(y1)); 
     return Math.min(dist, rows - dist); 

    // returns distance on the grid between the second coordinates x1 & x2 of two objects 
    public int distSecond(int x1, int x2) { 
     int dist = Math.abs(modCol(x2) - modCol(x1)); 
     return Math.min(dist, cols - dist); 





if(index < 0) return index + max_size; 
else if(index >= max_size) return index % max_size; 
else return index; 

感谢您的代码。对于索引<0,这只有在索引> = -max_size时才有效。虽然我不打算低于这个水平,但这对我的使用可能足够了。 – COM 2012-01-30 01:55:37


我尝试了T []数组,然后array = new T [length],但是这给了我一个错误。 – COM 2012-01-30 01:57:31


@Perception:原始index < 0检查有什么问题?

if(index < 0) return (index % max_size + max_size) % max_size; // <-- like that 
else if(index >= max_size) return index % max_size; 
else return index;