2013-01-04 87 views

我一直在寻找很多mongodb中意外关闭的连接,但只能从想要关闭它们的连接的用户那里找到问题。node-mongodb-native MongoClient意外关闭连接




 MongoClient.connect(connection_string, { auto_reconnect: true }, function (err, db) { 
    //server code/routes in here 


编辑: 阅读mjhm的评论后,我开始更深入地研究TCP保持活力。偶然发现一些网站表示这可能是Azure的做法(现在这个问题被错误分类了!)。显然,Azure负载平衡器会在1分钟的活动后终止连接。我使用的是Azure网站,因此可能适用也可能不适用,但我认为这种见解足以让我们开始新的调查。这里http://blogs.msdn.com/b/avkashchauhan/archive/2011/11/12/windows-azure-load-balancer-timeout-details.aspx


你能否提供更多信息?你的数据库是本地主机还是其他机器?什么数据库调用触发连接关闭的消息?服务器上有多少负载?等等 – mjhm


嗨,数据库是在mongohq上托管的。该服务的负载很少。我无法可靠地重现该问题,但我注意到find()调用确实失败。我尝试在node-mongodb-native驱动器中将keepAlive标志硬编码为true,但那也没用。 –


本文有一些建议,http://christiankvalheim.com/post/32209721702/tcp-keepalive – mjhm




TCP keepalive One thing that comes up quite frequently as a question when using the mongodb node.js driver is a socket that stops responding. This usually have two sources.

There is a firewall in between the application and the mongodb instance and it does not observe keepAlive.

The socket timeout is to high on your system leaving the socket hanging and never closing. The first situation can be remedied by setting the socket connection options and enabling keepAlive and setting a hard timeout value on the socket. This will ensure that a correctly configured firewall will keep the connection alive and if it does not it will timeout. The other thing to tweak is the os tcp_keepalive_time. Basically it’s to high for something like MongoDB (default 2 hours on linux). Setting this lower will correctly timeout dead sockets and let the driver recover.

A good link to read more about it. http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Troubleshooting#Troubleshooting-Socketerrorsinshardedclustersandreplicasets