2014-04-04 79 views



Dim i, ii, num As Long 
Dim ff As Integer 
Dim sText As String 
Dim itmX As ListItem 
Dim x, y As Integer 
Dim ex As Excel.Application 
Dim sheet As Excel.Workbook 
Dim Csheet As Excel.Range 
Dim wsheet As Excel.Worksheet, snum As Long 

Dim strTransform() As String 
Dim strTemp() As String 
Dim intI As Integer 
Dim intJ As Integer 
Dim intMax As Integer 
Dim p(29) As String 
Dim adata() As String 
Dim time1() As String 
Dim holder1, holder2, holder3 
Dim time2() As String 
Dim lngIndex As Integer 
Dim lngIndexx As Integer 
Dim totaltime() As String 

Dim myFSOww As New FileSystemObject 
Dim myFSOr As New FileSystemObject 
Dim myFSOw 
Dim ft1 As TextStream 
Dim ts, ts2, ts3, ft2, r, a, b, z, c, minus, time_num1, time_num2, time_num3, time_num4, comp 
Dim date_num1, date_num2, d_t, total_parse, flow_total, req_flow, aia, air, cer, cla, clr, dsa 
Dim dsr, dwa, dwr, ida, idr, noa, nor, pua, pur, rsa, rsr, ula, ulr 
Set myFSOw = myFSOww.GetFile("C:\Users\user\Documents\bebe folder\Projects SSD\LTE Raw Data\Peek_data.csv") 
Set myFSOr = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
Set ts = myFSOr.GetFile(txtfilename.Text) 
Set ft1 = ts.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateUseDefault) 
Set ft2 = myFSOw.OpenAsTextStream(ForWriting) 

Do Until ft1.AtEndOfStream 
    On Error Resume Next 
     a = ft1.ReadLine 
     b = a 
     p(0) = a 
     r = r + 1 
     Text1.Text = r 
     z = Left(b, 1) 

     If Not IsNumeric(z) Then 
      adata = Split(a, ",") 
      For i = 0 To UBound(adata) 
       Text3 = adata(i) 
        If Text3 <> "Time Stamp" And txt_tag = Empty Then 
         ft2.WriteLine Text3 

        End If 
     txt_tag = 1 


     'FOR TIME 
     p0 = "00:00" 
     p1 = "01:00" 
     p2 = "02:00" 
     p3 = "03:00" 
     p4 = "04:00" 
     p5 = "05:00" 
     p6 = "06:00" 
     p7 = "07:00" 
     p8 = "08:00" 
     p9 = "09:00" 
     p11 = "11:00" 
     p12 = "12:00" 
     p13 = "13:00" 
     p14 = "14:00" 
     p16 = "16:00" 
     p17 = "17:00" 
     p18 = "18:00" 
     p19 = "19:00" 
     p20 = "20:00" 
     p21 = "21:00" 
     p22 = "22:00" 
     p23 = "23:00" 

     h1 = "1:00" 
     h2 = "2:00" 
     h3 = "3:00" 
     h4 = "4:00" 
     h5 = "5:00" 
     h6 = "6:00" 
     h7 = "7:00" 
     h8 = "8:00" 
     h9 = "9:00" 

     If holder1 = "" Then 
      time1 = Split(a, ",") 

      For lngIndex = 0 To UBound(time1) 
       holder1 = time1(lngIndex) 
        If holder1 = time1(1) Then 
         txt_dt = holder1 
         If Len(txt_dt) = 19 Then 
          txt_t = Right(txt_dt, 8) 
          txt_d = Left(txt_dt, 10) 
          txt_t = Left(txt_t, 5) 
         ElseIf Len(txt_dt) = 14 Then 
          txt_t = Right(txt_dt, 4) 
          txt_d = Left(txt_dt, 10) 
         ElseIf Len(txt_dt) = 15 Then 
          txt_t = Right(txt_dt, 5) 
          txt_d = Left(txt_dt, 10) 
         End If 

         txt_trm = Trim(txt_t) 
         txt_t = txt_trm 

         If txt_t = p0 Or txt_t = p1 Or txt_t = p2 Or txt_t = p3 Or txt_t = p4 Or txt_t = p5 Or txt_t = p6 Or txt_t = p7 Or txt_t = p8 _ 
          Or txt_t = p9 Or txt_t = p10 Or txt_t = p11 Or txt_t = p12 Or txt_t = p13 Or txt_t = p14 Or txt_t = p15 Or txt_t = p16 _ 
          Or txt_t = p17 Or txt_t = p18 Or txt_t = p19 Or txt_t = p20 Or txt_t = p21 Or txt_t = p22 Or txt_t = p23 _ 
          Or txt_t = h1 Or txt_t = h2 Or txt_t = h3 Or txt_t = h4 Or txt_t = h5 Or txt_t = h6 Or txt_t = h7 Or txt_t = h8 _ 
          Or txt_t = h9 Then 
           holder1 = time1(lngIndex) 
           holder1 = "" 
           GoTo 1 
         End If 
        End If 

      Next lngIndex 

      time2 = Split(a, ",") 
      For lngIndexx = 0 To UBound(time2) 
       holder2 = time2(lngIndexx) 
        If holder2 = time2(1) Then 
         txt_dt = holder2 'this is my time 
          If Len(txt_dt) = 19 Then 
           txt_t = Right(txt_dt, 8) 
           txt_d = Left(txt_dt, 10) 
           txt_t = Left(txt_t, 5) 
          ElseIf Len(txt_dt) = 14 Then 
           txt_t = Right(txt_dt, 4) 
           txt_d = Left(txt_dt, 10) 
          ElseIf Len(txt_dt) = 15 Then 
           txt_t = Right(txt_dt, 5) 
           txt_d = Left(txt_dt, 10) 
          End If 
         txt_trm = Trim(txt_t) 
         txt_t = txt_trm 

         If txt_t = p0 Or txt_t = p1 Or txt_t = p2 Or txt_t = p3 Or txt_t = p4 Or txt_t = p5 Or txt_t = p6 Or txt_t = p7 Or txt_t = p8 _ 
          Or txt_t = p9 Or txt_t = p10 Or txt_t = p11 Or txt_t = p12 Or txt_t = p13 Or txt_t = p14 Or txt_t = p15 Or txt_t = p16 _ 
          Or txt_t = p17 Or txt_t = p18 Or txt_t = p19 Or txt_t = p20 Or txt_t = p21 Or txt_t = p22 Or txt_t = p23 _ 
          Or txt_t = h1 Or txt_t = h2 Or txt_t = h3 Or txt_t = h4 Or txt_t = h5 Or txt_t = h6 Or txt_t = h7 Or txt_t = h8 _ 
          Or txt_t = h9 Then 
           holder2 = time2(lngIndexx) 
           holder2 = "" 
           GoTo 1 
         End If 

        End If 
      Next lngIndexx 

     End If 

    'subtract array time1 from time2 

     If holder1 <> "" And holder2 <> "" Then 
      For lngIndex = 0 To UBound(time2) 
       holder3 = time2(lngIndex) - time1(lngIndex) 
       If write1 = 0 And lngIndex = 1 Then 
        ft2.WriteLine time2(1) 
        write1 = 1 
       ElseIf write1 = 1 And lngIndex <> 1 Then 
        ft2.WriteLine holder3 
       End If 

      ft2.WriteBlankLines 1 
     End If 
     write1 = 0 
    End If 

List1.AddItem Format(Now, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS") & " Time end" 
Set ft2 = Nothing 

你在写什么:CSV格式或Excel?有巨大的差异。什么是“writeline”?这不是一个VB6命令。最后,如果你想得到正确的答案,你必须*发布一些代码。足以重现问题。 –


我想这里可能涉及FSO。 – Bob77


为什么要使用FSO? VB6有它自己的文件handeling –



bebebe,它很难回答你的问题,没有真正的上下文或示例代码。你如何拥有这个“RAW”数据以及导出格式是什么。 如果你想创建一个CSV,您可以使用这样的事情 - (演示基于阵列)

Dim ff As Long, strFilePath As String 
Dim rLoop As Long, cLoop As Long 
Dim strLine as String 
ff = Freefile 
strFilePath = App.Path 
If Right$(strFilePath, 1)<>"\" Then strFilePath = strFilePath & "\" 

Open strFilePath&"demo.csv" For Output As ff 

For rLoop = 0 To numRows -1 'Could use uBound or set a value if fixed - I dont know how you have this RAW DATA 
    strLine = "" 
    For cLoop = 0 To numCols -1 'Could use uBound if array 
    If cLoop>0 Then strLine = strLine & "," 
    strLine = strLine & """" & rawDataArray(rLoop, cLoop) & """" 
    Next cLoop 
    Print #ff, strLine 
Next rLoop 
Close #ff 

然而,如果你需要一个实际的excel文件,身份证建议使用COM创建一个Excel的实例 - 看到MS网站:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7t9k08y5(v=vs.90).aspx


感谢你的评论,但是FSO应该使用其他方式吗 – bebebe