2011-05-20 58 views


<Persons num="3"> 
    <Person age="5" /> 
    <Person age="19" /> 


Persons table (Age1 int, Age2 int, Age3 int , Age4 int) 


  • 所有年龄大于等于18岁的人都必须分配到列号最小的列,值必须是18
  • 如果不给的人的年龄就等于18
  • 随着年龄的所有人< 18必须遵循
  • 如果有少于4人,那些不提供必须有年龄= -1


18 18 5 -1 



declare @XmlData xml = 
'<Persons num="3"> 
    <Person age="5" /> 
    <Person age="19" /> 

declare @Persons table (Age1 int, Age2 int, Age3 int , Age4 int) 
insert into @Persons (Age1, Age2, Age3, Age4) 
select ISNULL(Age1, case when Num>= 1 then 18 else -1 end) Age1 
    , ISNULL(Age2, case when Num>= 2 then 18 else -1 end) Age2 
    , ISNULL(Age3, case when Num>= 3 then 18 else -1 end) Age3 
    , ISNULL(Age4, case when Num>= 4 then 18 else -1 end) Age4 
from (
    select Persons.Person.value('@num','smallint') as Num 
      ,Persons.Person.value('Person[@age<18][1]/@age','smallint') as Age1 
      ,Persons.Person.value('Person[@age<18][2]/@age','smallint') as Age2 
      ,Persons.Person.value('Person[@age<18][3]/@age','smallint') as Age3 
      ,Persons.Person.value('Person[@age<18][4]/@age','smallint') as Age4 
    from @XmlData.nodes('/Persons') Persons(Person) 
) Persons 

select * 
from @Persons 


5 18 18 -1 

如何将年龄存储为临时表中的行,然后使用数据透视查询(通过排序)将它们作为一行移动到最终表结构中? – Tony 2011-05-20 10:06:47




有一个约束WRT问题陈述:人/ @ NUM已经等于了一些标签


  • 限制每间房的人数


--//initial xml data 
declare @XmlData xml = 
'<Persons roomid="1" num="3"> 
    <Person age="19" /> 
    <Person age="10" /> 
    <Person age="5" /> 
<Persons roomid="4" num="4"> 
    <Person age="17" /> 
    <Person age="10" /> 
    <Person age="5" /> 
    <Person age="1" /> 

--//shade xml into temporal table: rank is applied to an age in descreasing order 
declare @tmp table (age int, roomid int, orderid int) 
insert into @tmp(age,roomid,orderid) 
select Persons.age 
     ,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by Persons.roomid order by Persons.age desc) 
    select Ps.P.value('(@age)[1]','smallint') age  
      ,Ps.P.value('(../@roomid)[1]','smallint') roomid 
    from @XmlData.nodes('/Persons/Person') Ps(P) 
order by Persons.roomid,Persons.age desc  

--//provide ordering for roomid: since roomid may be different (the only thing that is required that roomid is unique) 
declare @roomidmapping table (roomid int, roomorderid int) 
insert into @roomidmapping(roomid, roomorderid) 
select roomid, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by roomid asc) 
from @tmp 
group by roomid 
declare @roomnumber int = @@ROWCOUNT 
--//final result 
;WITH ConsequtiveNums AS 
    SELECT 1 AS Number 
    SELECT Number+1 
    FROM ConsequtiveNums 
    WHERE Number<@roomnumber 
select (select case when age>18 then 18 else age end from @tmp T inner join @roomidmapping M on T.roomid = M.roomid where T.orderid = 1 and M.roomorderid = CN.Number) 
     ,(select case when age>18 then 18 else age end from @tmp T inner join @roomidmapping M on T.roomid = M.roomid where T.orderid = 2 and M.roomorderid = CN.Number) 
     ,(select case when age>18 then 18 else age end from @tmp T inner join @roomidmapping M on T.roomid = M.roomid where T.orderid = 3 and M.roomorderid = CN.Number) 
     ,(select case when age>18 then 18 else age end from @tmp T inner join @roomidmapping M on T.roomid = M.roomid where T.orderid = 4 and M.roomorderid = CN.Number) 
from ConsequtiveNums CN 


select ISNULL(Age1, case when Num>= 1 then 18 else -1 end) Age1 
    , ISNULL(Age2, case when Num>= 2 then 18 else -1 end) Age2 
    , ISNULL(Age3, case when Num>= 3 then 18 else -1 end) Age3 
    , ISNULL(Age4, case when Num>= 4 then 18 else -1 end) Age4 
from (
    select Persons.Person.value('@num','smallint') as Num 
      ,Persons.Person.value('xs:integer(fn:number(@num))+1','int') as Num1 
      ,Persons.Person.value('Person[@age<18][xs:integer(fn:number(../@num))][1]/@age','smallint') as Age1 
      ,Persons.Person.value('Person[@age<18][xs:integer(fn:number(../@num))-1][1]/@age','smallint') as Age2 
      ,Persons.Person.value('Person[@age<18][xs:integer(fn:number(../@num))-2][1]/@age','smallint') as Age3 
      ,Persons.Person.value('Person[@age<18][xs:integer(fn:number(../@num))-3][1]/@age','smallint') as Age4 
    from @XmlData.nodes('/Persons') Persons(Person) 
) Persons 

解决方案的想法是首先提取那些> = 18的联系人,然后提取那些是0 <年龄< 18最后定那些不提供给-1
