2017-04-03 23 views



main.o: In function `getNextElement': 
main.asm:(.text+0x92): relocation truncated to fit: R_386_8 against '.data' 


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MACRO DEFINITIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 
; A macro with two parameters 
; Implements the write system call 
    %macro writestring 2 
     mov eax, 4 ;sys_write system call number 
     mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor std_out 
     mov ecx, %1 ;message to write from parameter 1 
     mov edx, %2 ;message length from parameter 2 
     int 0x80 
; A macro with two parameters 
; Implements the sys_read call 
    %macro read_string 2 
     mov eax, 3 ;sys_write system call number 
     mov ebx, 2 ;file descriptor std_in 
     mov ecx, %1 ;variable/array to hold data, pass by reference in param 1 
     mov edx, %2 ;number of bytes to read passed by value in param 2 
     int 0x80 

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DATA SEGMENT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 
section .data 
msg1 db 'Here are the elements: ' 
lenmsg1 equ $-msg1 
msg2 db 'Enter a number to search for: ' 
lenmsg2 equ $-msg2 
msg3 db 'The target value was found at index ' 
lenmsg3 equ $-msg3 
msg4 db 'The target value was NOT found...',0x0a, 0x0d 
lenmsg4 equ $-msg4 
asciinums db '7','3','2','1','0','5','6','4','8','9' 
lenasciinums equ $-asciinums 
crlf db 0x0d, 0x0a 
lencrlf equ $ - crlf     
target db 0x00 
targetlocation db 0x30 

section .text 
    global _start 
    writestring msg1, lenmsg1 
    writestring asciinums, lenasciinums 
    writestring crlf, lencrlf 
    writestring msg2, lenmsg2 
    read_string target, 1 
    writestring crlf, lencrlf 
    mov eax, asciinums ;eax holds base address 
    mov ecx, 0   ;ecx is index register 
    mov [eax+ecx], al ;copy value from asciinums into an 8-bit register 
    cmp al, target  ;compare the 8-bit register to target value 
    je targetlocation ;jump if equal to the found label 
    inc ecx    ;increment index register 
    cmp ecx, 10   ;compare index register to decimal 10 
    jne getNextElement ;if index register not equal to 10 go to getNextElement 

    writestring msg4, lenmsg4 
    jmp terminate 
    add [targetlocation], ecx 
    writestring msg3, lenmsg3 
    writestring targetlocation, 1 
    writestring crlf, lencrlf 
    mov eax, 1   ;terminate program 
    int 0x80 


mov eax, asciinums ;eax holds base address 
    mov ecx, 0   ;ecx is index register 
    mov [eax+ecx], al ;copy value from asciinums into an 8-bit register 
    cmp al, target  ;compare the 8-bit register to target value 
    je targetlocation ;jump if equal to the found label 
    inc ecx    ;increment index register 
    cmp ecx, 10   ;compare index register to decimal 10 
    jne getNextElement ;if index register not equal to 10 go to getNextElement 




'CMP人,target'目标与_AL_的地址进行比较。你想比较'target'是什么,所以它应该是'cmp al,[target]'。此错误会导致您收到链接器错误。我不认为你的意思是'je targetlocation'(这是数据部分的标签)。也许你的意思是'je found'? (这是评论的建议) –


@MichaelPetch它可以工作,但最初当我将目标位置更改为“je found”时,输出告诉我“找不到目标值。”将其更改为“jmp found”,但只是表示“目标值在索引0处找到”。任何想法如何解决这一问题?我尝试了不同的跳跃诱惑,但他们不给我我想要的。 – iwasherenotyou







mov [eax+ecx], al ;copy value from asciinums into an 8-bit register

这里你移动al到内存中,并评论说,对面。修复它,使用je found并再试一次。


而另一个问题: mov [eax+ecx], al ;copy value from asciinums into an 8-bit register 这里你毁了将数据装入eax寄存器为al。在下一个循环中,您将从内存中获取垃圾。


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MACRO DEFINITIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 
; A macro with two parameters 
; Implements the write system call 
    %macro writestring 2 
     mov eax, 4 ;sys_write system call number 
     mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor std_out 
     mov ecx, %1 ;message to write from parameter 1 
     mov edx, %2 ;message length from parameter 2 
     int 0x80 
; A macro with two parameters 
; Implements the sys_read call 
    %macro read_string 2 
     mov eax, 3 ;sys_write system call number 
     mov ebx, 2 ;file descriptor std_in 
     mov ecx, %1 ;variable/array to hold data, pass by reference in param 1 
     mov edx, %2 ;number of bytes to read passed by value in param 2 
     int 0x80 

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DATA SEGMENT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 
section .data 
msg1 db 'Here are the elements: ' 
lenmsg1 equ $-msg1 
msg2 db 'Enter a number to search for: ' 
lenmsg2 equ $-msg2 
msg3 db 'The target value was found at index ' 
lenmsg3 equ $-msg3 
msg4 db 'The target value was NOT found...',0x0a, 0x0d 
lenmsg4 equ $-msg4 
asciinums db '7','3','2','1','0','5','6','4','8','9' 
lenasciinums equ $-asciinums 
crlf db 0x0d, 0x0a 
lencrlf equ $ - crlf     
target db 0x00 
targetlocation db 0x30 

section .text 
    global _start 
    writestring msg1, lenmsg1 
    writestring asciinums, lenasciinums 
    writestring crlf, lencrlf 
    writestring msg2, lenmsg2 
    read_string target, 1 
    writestring crlf, lencrlf 
    mov eax, asciinums ;eax holds base address 
    mov ecx, 0   ;ecx is index register 
    mov bl, [eax+ecx] ;copy value from asciinums into an 8-bit register 
    cmp bl, [target] ;compare the 8-bit register to target value 
    je found   ;jump if equal to the found label 
    inc ecx    ;increment index register 
    cmp ecx, 10   ;compare index register to decimal 10 
    jne getNextElement ;if index register not equal to 10 go to getNextElement 

    writestring msg4, lenmsg4 
    jmp terminate 
    add [targetlocation], ecx 
    writestring msg3, lenmsg3 
    writestring targetlocation, 1 
    writestring crlf, lencrlf 
    mov eax, 1   ;terminate program 
    int 0x80 

是的,如果评论有帮助,请不要忘记投票。 – nopasara