2012-11-07 198 views



其实有, 但大量的代码已经被写入 检查这个 enter link description here

* Play with this code and it'll update in the panel opposite. 
* Why not try some of the options above? 
/* @license 
morris.js v0.5.0 
Copyright 2014 Olly Smith All rights reserved. 
Licensed under the BSD-2-Clause License. 
/* @license 
morris.js v0.5.1 
Copyright 2014 Olly Smith All rights reserved. 
Licensed under the BSD-2-Clause License. 
(function(){var a,b,c,d,e=[].slice,f=function(a,b){return function(){return .......}).call(this); 

    element: 'bar-example', 
    data: [ 
    { y: '2006', a: 100, b: 90 }, 
    { y: '2007', a: 75, b: 65 }, 
    { y: '2008', a: 50, b: 40 }, 
    { y: '2009', a: 75, b: 65 }, 
    { y: '2010', a: 50, b: 40 }, 
    { y: '2011', a: 75, b: 65 }, 
    { y: '2012', a: 100, b: 90 } 
    xkey: 'y', 
    ykeys: ['a', 'b'], 
    labels: ['Series A', 'Series B'], 
    horizontal: true, 
    stacked: true 