2015-05-02 23 views




Set descendentList = [2] 
def parentIdList = [0,1,2,3,2] 
def idList = [1,2,3,4,5] 

* First: I would like to find the index of matches from the descendentList in the 
* parentIdList 
def findIndexMatches(Set descendentList, List parentIdList, List idList) { 
    List indexes = [] 
    def size = descendentList.size() 

    descendentList.each { descendent -> 
    indexes.addAll(parentIdList.findIndexValues { it == descendent }) 

    addExistingValuesToFromIdListToDecendentList(descendentList, idList, indexes) 

    // Then once again check the parentIdList for the index of all the matching values. 
    if(size != descendentList.size()) { // no more indexes were added to decendentList 
    findIndexMatches(descendentList, parentIdList, idList) 

* and then add the value which exists in that index from the 
* idList to the descendentList 
def addExistingValuesToFromIdListToDecendentList(Set descendentList, List idList, List indexes) { 
    indexes.each { 
    descendentList << idList[it as int] 

findIndexMatches(descendentList, parentIdList, idList) 
println descendentList // outputs [2,3,4,5] 

类似下面的东西似乎工作 - 不尽管写了任何测试,所以可能会因不同的用例而失败 - 只是一个简单的,惯用的递归解决方案。

def descendentList = [2] 
def parentIdList = [0,1,2,3,2] 
def idList = [1,2,3,4,5] 

def solve(List descendentList, List parentIdList, List idList){ 
    List matchedIds = descendentList.inject([]){ result, desc -> 
     result + idList[ parentIdList.findIndexValues{ it == desc } ] 
    if (matchedIds){ 
     descendentList + solve(matchedIds, parentIdList, idList) 
    } else { 

println solve(descendentList, parentIdList, idList) 

给定此代码,如果您将值添加到descendentList以便descendentlList = [2,1],那么输出是[2,1,3,5,2,4,3,5,4]。我认为这是允许多次将相同索引添加到descendentList的相同问题。 – dspano


根据其他回应,确实没有说明该号码只能添加一次。也可以通过添加unique()调用来解决(或者在合并时检查) – rhinds



class DescendantIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> { 
    private final List<T> parents 
    private List<T> output 
    private final List<T> lookup 
    private List<T> next 

    DescendantIterator(List<T> output, List<T> parents, List<T> lookup) { 
     this.output = output 
     this.parents = parents 
     this.lookup = lookup 

    boolean hasNext() { output } 

    Integer next() { 
     def ret = output.head() 
     parents.findIndexValues { it == ret }.with { v -> 
      if(v) { output += lookup[v] } 
     output = output.drop(1) 

    void remove() {} 

def descendentList = [2] 
def parentIdList = [0,1,2,3,2] 
def idList = [1,2,3,4,5] 

def values = new DescendantIterator<Integer>(descendentList, parentIdList, idList).collect() 

在此之后,values == [2, 3, 5, 4]


我在这里对于@rhinds解决方案的评论中有同样的问题,我想你可以直接调用.unique()。 – dspano


它取决于他们想要的解决方案是什么;-)他们没有在问题中指定,只要我可以看到 –


@dspano也可以使用'def lookups = parentIdList.indexed()。groupBy {it .value} .collectEntries {k,v - > [k,idList [v.keySet()]]}',但我目前找不到一个干净的地方来使用它;-) –



def parentIdList = [0,1,2,3,2] 
def idList = [1,2,3,4,5] 

tree = [parentIdList, idList].transpose().groupBy{it[0]}.collectEntries{ [it.key, it.value*.get(1)] } 

def childs(l) { 
    l.collect{ tree.get(it) }.findAll().flatten().toSet() 

def descendants(descendentList) { 
    def newresults = childs(descendentList) 
    def results = [].toSet() + descendentList 
    while (newresults.size()) { 
     newresults = childs(newresults) - results 
    return results 

assert descendants([2]) == [2,3,4,5].toSet() 
assert descendants([2,1]) == [1,2,3,4,5].toSet() 
assert descendants([3]) == [3,4].toSet() 