2016-12-08 39 views


我确定要自动化,但我没有使用Java或Javascript的经验。你能告诉我要开始并引导我完成这项任务吗? R语言是否合适?


你想用Java或Javascript做? –


不了解Java。怎么样的Javascript? – Lain


您提供的网站是以JAVA语言开发的。所以你的第一步:只是**切丁**其中**技术你想开发**你的东西....! –





pg <- read_html("http://www.fiskistofa.is/english/quotas-and-catches/total-catches-by-harbours-months-and-vessel-type/") 

html_nodes(pg, "select#fyrirsp>option") %>% 
    map_df(~data_frame(value=html_attr(., "value"), display=html_text(., trim=TRUE))) 
## # A tibble: 5 × 2 
## value      display 
## <chr>       <chr> 
## 1 ateh    By landing harbor 
## 2 hteh Main species by landing harbor 
## 3 atem      By month 
## 4 ateu     By vessel type 
## 5 atev    By fishing gear 



#' Get catch data by various parameters 
#' @param search_by either one of ateh, hteh, atem, ateum, atev or their display name equivalents 
#' @param dagur_fra,hnappur from/to dates (either an R Date object or a date in dd.mm.yyyy string format) 
#' @param lang language (prbly not relevant but it was part of the HTTP request). "en" by default and I assume a subset of ISO2C is valid 
get_catch_data <- function(search_by, dagur_fra, dagur_til, lang="en") { 


    URL <- "http://www.fiskistofa.is/english/quotas-and-catches/total-catches-by-harbours-months-and-vessel-type/bbt.jsp" 

    # this will enable us to translate the search parameter to what we need 
    # match.arg also gives us error checking the param for free 

    by_trans <- c(`by landing harbor`="ateh", `ateh`="ateh", 
       `main species by landing harbor`="hteh", `hteh`="hteh", 
       `by month`="atem", `atem`="atem", 
       `by vessel type`="ateu", `ateu`="ateu", 
       `by fishing gear`="atev", `atev`="atev") 

    search_by <- match.arg(by_trans[tolower(search_by)], 
         c("ateh", "hteh", "atem", "ateu", "atev")) 

    # if strings are not passed in for dates, make them strings 

    if (inherits(dagur_fra, "Date")) dagur_fra <- format(dagur_fra, "%d.%m.%Y") 
    if (inherits(dagur_til, "Date")) dagur_til <- format(dagur_til, "%d.%m.%Y") 

    # shld prbly add date string format error checking code here 

    # the form is submitted via HTTP POST. This fills in the form & submits it 

    res <- POST(url = URL, 
       query = list(lang=lang), 
       body = list(fyrirsp = search_by, 
          dagurFra = dagur_fra, 
          dagurTil = dagur_til, 
          hnappur = "Enter"), 
       encode = "form") 

    # error checking the result (will bail if anyting but a HTTP 200 response 


    # parse the resultant HTML 

    doc <- content(res, as="parsed") 

    # find and extract the table 

    # this makes an assumption that the display table always has "Total" and 
    # no other tables on the page will. a somewhat fragile assumption that shld 
    # be the first thing you debug if there are errors at some point down the road 

    html_nodes(doc, xpath=".//table[contains(., 'Total')]") %>% 
    html_table(header=TRUE) -> out 




get_catch_data("ateh", as.Date("2016-07-01"), as.Date("2016-12-07")) 
## # A tibble: 71 × 64 
##     Species Vestmannaeyjar Þorlákshöfn Grindavík Sandgerði 
##      <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> 
## 1      Cod   3.262   539  2.708  953 
## 2     Haddock   1.521   145 560.000  93 
## 3     Saithe   2.849   318 791.000  160 
## 4     Redfish   2.580   642  1.499  51 
## 5      Ling  316.000   387 216.000  41 
## 6 Blueling, European ling   62.000   22 13.000   3 
## 7  Tusk, torsk, cusk   8.000   50 184.000   1 
## 8  Atlantic wolffish   77.000   29 83.000  14 
## 9     Monkfish   82.000   44 18.000  40 
## 10  Greater argentine,   4.000   0 54.000   0 
## # ... with 61 more rows, and 59 more variables: Keflavík <dbl>, 
## # Hafnarfjörður <dbl>, Kópavogur <int>, Reykjavík <dbl>, Akranes <int>, 
## # Arnarstapi <int>, Rif <dbl>, Ólafsvík <dbl>, Grundarfjörður <dbl>, 
## # Stykkishólmur <dbl>, Búðardalur <int>, Brjánslækur <int>, 
## # Patreksfjörður <dbl>, Tálknafjörður <int>, Bíldudalur <int>, 
## # Þingeyri <dbl>, Flateyri <dbl>, Suðureyri <dbl>, Bolungarvík <dbl>, 
## # Ísafjörður <dbl>, Súðavík <int>, Norðurfjörður <int>, Drangsnes <int>, 
## # Hólmavík <int>, Hvammstangi <int>, Skagaströnd <dbl>, 
## # Sauðárkrókur <dbl>, Hofsós <int>, Siglufjörður <dbl>, 
## # Ólafsfjörður <int>, Grímsey <int>, Hrísey <int>, Dalvík <dbl>, 
## # Árskógssandur <int>, Hauganes <int>, Akureyri <dbl>, Húsavík <dbl>, 
## # Kópasker <int>, Raufarhöfn <dbl>, Þórshöfn <dbl>, Bakkafjörður <int>, 
## # Vopnafjörður <dbl>, `Borgarfjörður Eystri` <int>, Seyðisfjörður <dbl>, 
## # Mjóifjörður <int>, Neskaupstaður <dbl>, Eskifjörður <dbl>, 
## # Reyðarfjörður <dbl>, Fáskrúðsfjörður <dbl>, Stöðvarfjörður <dbl>, 
## # Breiðdalsvík <int>, Djúpivogur <dbl>, Hornafjörður <dbl>, `Ýmsir 
## # staðir` <int>, Noregur <int>, Færeyjar <dbl>, Holland <dbl>, 
## # Skarðsstöð <int>, Total <dbl> 


get_catch_data("atem", as.Date("2016-07-01"), as.Date("2016-07-31")) 
## # A tibble: 50 × 3 
##     Species `July  2016` Total 
##      <chr>   <dbl> <dbl> 
## 1      Cod   13.908 13.908 
## 2     Haddock   2.063 2.063 
## 3     Saithe   5.539 5.539 
## 4     Redfish   4.265 4.265 
## 5      Ling   302.000 302.000 
## 6 Blueling, European ling   38.000 38.000 
## 7  Tusk, torsk, cusk   29.000 29.000 
## 8  Atlantic wolffish   506.000 506.000 
## 9     Monkfish   106.000 106.000 
## 10  Greater argentine,   180.000 180.000 
## # ... with 40 more rows 


get_catch_data("ateu", as.Date("2016-07-01"), as.Date("2016-12-07")) 
## # A tibble: 71 × 9 
##     Species `Costal fishing` `Research vessel` Trawler 
##      <chr>   <dbl>    <int> <dbl> 
## 1      Cod   3.747    33 47.325 
## 2     Haddock   13.000     8 4.785 
## 3     Saithe   150.000     4 16.182 
## 4     Redfish   46.000    28 19.330 
## 5      Ling   1.000     0 357.000 
## 6 Blueling, European ling   0.000     1 290.000 
## 7  Tusk, torsk, cusk   2.000     0 21.000 
## 8  Atlantic wolffish   2.000     0 710.000 
## 9     Monkfish   0.000     0 45.000 
## 10  Greater argentine,   0.000     0 1.334 
## # ... with 61 more rows, and 5 more variables: `Quota vessel` <dbl>, 
## # `Small quota boat` <dbl>, `Recreational fishery` <int>, `Hook and line 
## # boat` <dbl>, Total <dbl> 



  • 你不需要tibble,但我更喜欢使用的是内置的数据帧生成功能,原因是多方面的。
  • 您应该添加更多的参数错误检查。
  • 你应该清理一些返回的数据帧的列名称
  • 你应该清理(即移除)结果数据帧中的“总”字段/行。
  • 我没有找到使“通过渔具”返回任何数据的参数组合(页面本身)。