2012-08-27 107 views

自定义字段中有一些默认值,名为“PLACE”,它有LONDON,PARIS等。我如何从C#中的JIRA SOAP API检索这些(伦敦,巴黎)。 JIRA-JIRA 4.0和C# - .net framework 4.0。如何使用C#从JIRA中检索自定义字段值?


我添加一些代码(蟒蛇,虽然它不是真的很难转化为C#)使用'XML-RPC' – Kuf


嗨,如果这是有帮助的,请[接受其中一个答案](http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/16721/how-does-accept-rate-work/65088#65088):) – Kuf


我不认为自定义字段的默认值是可在JIRA 4.0 SOAP API中获得。也许在JIRA 5.x REST API中? – mdoar



如果您未在SOAP API上设置,则可以使用XML-RPC来完成此操作。 Python代码样本(可以更改为C#):


# Refer to the XML-RPC Javadoc to see what calls are available: 
# http://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/rpc-jira-plugin/latest/com/atlassian/jira/rpc/xmlrpc/XmlRpcService.html 

import xmlrpclib 

# Jira connction info 
#server = '' 
server = 'https://your.jira.com/rpc/xmlrpc' 
user = 'user' 
password = 'password' 
filter = '10302' 
customfieldID = "customfield_10417" 

s = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(server) 
auth = s.jira1.login(user, password) 

# get list of issues 
issues = s.jira1.getIssuesFromFilter(auth, filter) 
for issue in issues: 
     # get open since time 
     for customFields in issue['customFieldValues']: 
       if customFields['customfieldId'] == customfieldID : 
         print "found field!"+ customFields['values'] 