2016-02-07 10 views

我已经修改了一个项目以将图像插入到图像中。它在本地服务器上完美工作,但在远程他说: 在此服务器上找不到请求的URL /覆盖03c7c0ace395d80182db07ae2c30f034.jpg。PHP |创建图像在本地服务器上工作,但不是远程主机

该脚本不创建图像,但在我的本地服务器上工作。 GD和Freefont安装,所以我不知道该怎么办 请帮我


$fontname = './font/arial.ttf'; 
// controls the spacing between text 
//JPG image quality 0-100 
$quality = 90; 

function create_image($user){ 

\t \t global $fontname; 
\t \t global $quality; 
\t \t $file = "./covers/".md5($user[0]['name'].$user[1]['name'].$user[2]['name']).".jpg"; 

\t // if the file already exists dont create it again just serve up the original 
\t //if (!file_exists($file)) { 


\t \t \t // define the base image that we lay our text on 
\t \t \t $im = imagecreatefromjpeg("pass.jpg"); 

\t \t \t // setup the text colours 
\t \t \t $color['grey'] = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); 
\t \t \t $color['green'] = imagecolorallocate($im, 55, 189, 102); 

\t \t \t // this defines the starting height for the text block 
\t \t \t $y = imagesy($im) - $height - 1393; 
\t \t \t $ye = imagesy($im) - $height - 1078; 

\t \t // loop through the array and write the text 
\t \t foreach ($user as $value){ 
\t \t \t // center the text in our image - returns the x value 
\t \t \t $x = 1260; 
\t \t \t $xe = 930; 
\t \t \t $text=$value['name']; 
\t \t \t $testo=$value['gatto']; 
\t \t \t $newtext = wordwrap($text, 40, "\n", true); 
\t \t \t imagettftext($im, $value['font-size'], 0, $x, $y, $color[$value['color']], $fontname,$newtext); 
\t \t \t $newtesto = wordwrap($testo, 40, "\n", true); 
\t \t \t imagettftext($im, $value['font-size'], 0, $xe, $ye, $color[$value['color']], $fontname,$newtesto); 
\t \t \t // add 32px to the line height for the next text block 


\t \t } 
\t \t \t // create the image 
\t \t \t imagejpeg($im, $file, $quality); 

\t //} 

\t \t return $file; 

function center_text($string, $font_size){ 

\t \t \t global $fontname; 

\t \t \t $image_width = 800; 
\t \t \t $dimensions = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $fontname, $string); 

\t \t \t return ceil(($image_width - $dimensions[4])/2); 



\t $user = array(

\t \t array(
\t \t \t 'name'=> '', 
\t \t \t 'font-size'=>'9', 
\t \t \t 'gatto'=>$_POST['gatto'], 
\t \t \t 'color'=>'grey'), 


\t \t array(
\t \t \t 'name'=> '', 
\t \t \t 'font-size'=>'16', 
\t \t \t 'color'=>'grey'), 

\t \t array(
\t \t \t 'name'=> '', 
\t \t \t 'font-size'=>'13', 
\t \t \t 'color'=>'green' 
\t \t \t) 





\t $user = array(

\t \t array(
\t \t \t 'name'=> $_POST['name'], 
\t \t \t 'font-size'=>'9', 
\t \t \t 'gatto'=>$_POST['gatto'], 
\t \t \t 'color'=>'grey'), 


\t \t array(
\t \t \t 'name'=> $_POST['job'], 
\t \t \t 'font-size'=>'16', 
\t \t \t 'color'=>'grey'), 

\t \t array(
\t \t \t 'name'=> $_POST['email'], 
\t \t \t 'font-size'=>'13', 
\t \t \t 'color'=>'green' 
\t \t \t) 






// run the script to create the image 
$filename = create_image($user); 


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<div class="row"> 
\t <div class="col-xs-12" id="asd"> 
\t <img src="<?=$filename;?>" width="1000" height="500"/><br/><br/> 
\t </div> 



<?php if(isset($error)){ 

\t foreach($error as $errors){ 

\t \t echo '<li>'.$errors.'</li>'; 

\t } 


<div class="col-xs-12" id="asd"> 


<p>Inserisci qui sotto il testo (rispetta il limite di caratteri)</p> 
<p>Clicca sul pulsante Modifica per generare l'etichetta</p> 
<p>Clicca col tasto destro sull'immagine, "salva immagine con nome..."</p> 
<p>Stampa e ritaglia l'etichetta (per un risultato ottimale è consigliata una stampante laser)</p> 
<p> \t Sostituiscila all'originale</p> 

<div class="dynamic-form"> 
<form action="" method="post"> 
<label>Testo1(Max 200):</label> 
<input type="text" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['name'])){echo $_POST['name'];}?>" name="name" maxlength="200" placeholder=""><br/> 
<label>Testo2(Max 120):</label> 
<input type="text" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['gatto'])){echo $_POST['gatto'];}?>" name="gatto" maxlength="120" placeholder=""><br/> 
<input name="submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Modifica" /> 






有你看着寻路,因为这可以在实际的服务器被指出错误,因为他们喜欢用全路径,而这相对的,而不是http:///但somthign,如:/ home/mysite.com/html/imgs等 –


./?在服务器里面有一个www forder和一个html文件夹。我必须使用什么路径? –


你会得到这个表单你的服务器控制面板等,可以运行一个phpinfo页面找到它,在这个http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6079479/how-to-get-the-absolute-path-to -the-public-html-folder –




我假设您在Windows上本地运行项目。 Windows处理权限与Linux不同。这就是为什么它在本地工作,但不在您的远程服务器上。


我在数字海洋上运行。我如何设置777或644? –


它的作品thanksssss !!!!!!!!!! –



chmod("/file/or/directory", 0777); 



sudo chmod 777 /some/directory 