2014-01-20 27 views

近日笔者从Mac OSX上卸载SVN 1.7和下面这个页面上的说明安装SVN 23年6月1日:How do I uninstall subversion on OS XSVN 1.6 - 不是一个有效的URL

“的svn --version”运行良好,并说23年1月6日是安装。


svn info http://www.domainname.com/svn/path_to_folder 


http://www.domainname.com/svn/path_to_folder: (Not a valid URL) 
svn: A problem occurred; see other errors for details 

命令工作正常的另一台Mac其中有SVN 1.6.18预装。所以服务器或命令没有问题。有谁知道它可能是什么?


'svn --version'显示任何可以说'http'的模块吗? –


它仅显示ra_svn和ra_local模块。 – FoY




* ra_neon : Module for accessing a repository via WebDAV protocol using Neon. 
    - handles 'http' scheme 
    - handles 'https' scheme 
* ra_svn : Module for accessing a repository using the svn network protocol. 
    - with Cyrus SASL authentication 
    - handles 'svn' scheme 
* ra_local : Module for accessing a repository on local disk. 
    - handles 'file' scheme 
* ra_serf : Module for accessing a repository via WebDAV protocol using serf. 
    - handles 'http' scheme 
    - handles 'https' scheme 

你显然编译自己的二进制文件。 INSTALL文件提到这一点:

b. Serf library 0.3.0 or newer (http://code.google.com/p/serf/)

serf is a library for HTTP and WebDAV which is an alternative to Neon for accessing Subversion repositories over http:// and https:// URLs. serf is designed as an asynchronous library which can take advantage of HTTP pipelining, so ra_serf may be more efficient than ra_neon and better for HTTP proxy caches. The serf library can be found at:


In order to use ra_serf instead of ra_neon, you must install serf, and run Subversion's ./configure with the argument --with-serf. (To only use ra_serf and not ra_neon, you should also use --without-neon.) If serf is installed in a non-standard place, you should use


instead. If you build with both ra_neon and ra_serf, Subversion will use ra_neon by default; add "http-library = serf" to the [global] section of your ~/.subversion/servers file to use ra_serf instead.

For more information on serf and Subversion's ra_serf, see the file subversion/libsvn_ra_serf/README.
