2012-02-06 252 views

我想从“行情”列表中获得一个随机列表项。我目前有一个web部件,它具有用于选择要显示的报价类型的自定义属性。 “行情”列表中引用了以下类别“企业,技术和财务”)。目前,我正在使用一个foreach循环来显示特定类别的所有引号。我有CAML查询来过滤要显示的引号类型。在web部件的自定义属性中输入的值用于CAML查询以显示引号。生成一个随机数得到一个随机列表项


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 

if (this.WebPart != null && this.WebPart.PracticeArea != null) 
string PracticeArea = this.WebPart.PracticeArea; //get the value of the property 

//getting a reference to the site location 
string webUrl = SPContext.Current.Site.AllWebs["practices"].Url; 

//Getting the Quotes list 
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(webUrl)) 
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb()) 
//getting the Quotes list 
SPList quotesList = web.Lists["Quotes"]; 

//SPListItemCollection collLisItems = quotesList.Items; not needed 

//CAML query to filter or obtain the correct quote based on Area. Value for Area is 
//passed from the custom property and used in the caml query 
SPQuery quotesbySector = new SPQuery(); 

//creating an object to handle our random list item selection 
//not too sure whether this is correct 
Random rndQuote = new Random(); 

int num = rndQuote.Next(); 

//string camlquery1 = "<Where><Eq>" + "<FieldRef Name='Area'/>" + "</Eq></Where>"; 
string camlquery1 = @" 
<FieldRef Name='Area'/> 
<Value Type='Text'>" + PracticeArea + @" </Value> 

quotesbySector.Query = camlquery1; 

SPListItemCollection collListItems = quotesList.GetItems(quotesbySector); 

//SPListItem firstQuote = collListItems[0]; 

//for each loop might need to be removed, as we are only interested in getting a 
//random quote and not all quotes 
foreach (SPListItem item in collListItems) 

string quotes = (string)item["Quote"]; 
string quotesSource = (string)item["Source"]; 
string quotesYear = (string)item["Year"]; 
//string quotesArea = (string)item["Area"]; //not needed used for test purposes 

plhQuotes.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(quotes + "<br/>" + "<br/>" + quotesSource + 
"<br/>" + "<br/>" + quotesYear + "<br/>" + "<br/>")); 



catch (Exception err) 
plhErrors.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(err.ToString())); 






您尝试完成代码时面临什么特定问题? – phoog 2012-02-06 18:00:57


您当前的代码正在处理错误地生成随机数。你的当前代码会产生一个新的随机种子,这种方式往往会导致非随机序列。什么不适合你的工作,你似乎没有在本网站上获得帮助所需的关键部分,完全理解你的问题是什么,只是问一个关于这个问题的问题。你也想创建一个不大于你的收藏大小的数字。 rndQuote.Next()的位置是正确的,你初始化它的位置应该在循环的外部。 – 2012-02-06 18:05:42


@丹尼尔 - 我打算低估这个问题,直到你试图完全实现你正在尝试做的事情,并且你完全解释什么是和什么不工作。这将允许您解决一些设计问题(即以不正确的方式初始化随机类)并试图获得问题的全部范围。 – 2012-02-06 18:07:01




  • 项目的数量,count = collListItems.Count
  • 模操作,collListItems[randNumber % count]

使用Random.Next(int32,int32)并生成0和count之间的数字会不会更容易?这将允许他使用该随机数的结果作为索引值? – 2012-02-06 18:09:27


@Rhhound - 稍微容易一点,但我认为这是更一般和教育。 – 2012-02-06 18:11:18



List<String> quoteList = new List<String>(); 
Random rand = new Random(); 
String quote; 

if(quoteList.Count > 0) 
    int index = rand.Next(quoteList.Count); // Returns 0 through number of items minus 1 
    quote = quoteList[index]; 


//Assuming individual lists for categories (ex: technologyList) 
//for technology list 
Random random = new Random(seed); //seed is optional 
var itemNumber = random.Next(0, technologyList.Count); 
return technologyList[itemNumber]; 



我的理解是,每次你想产生下一个随机数时,你都不应该对Random对象的实例进行重组,因为种子值会不断变化。 – 2012-02-06 18:14:33


Random.Next的上限是非包含的,所以第二行应该读取'var itemNumber = random.Next(0,technologyList.Count);' – phoog 2012-02-06 18:15:09


@Rhhound不断创建新的Random的最常见的陷阱因为种子是基于系统时钟的,所以你得到了多个具有*相同*种子的实例,并且每个实例返回的第一个数字是相同的。 (循环通常以比系统时钟周期更高的频率重复) – phoog 2012-02-06 18:18:50



SPListItemCollection collListItems = quotesList.GetItems(quotesbySector); 

//Getting a random list item from based on the PracticeArea value entered in webpart's 
//custom property, which is used in the CAML query above to filter the results returned 
Random randomQuote = new Random(); 
int randItem = randomQuote.Next(0, collListItems.Count); 


SPListItem ourQuote = collListItems[randItem]; 

string quote = (string)ourQuote["Quote"]; 
string quoteSource = (string)ourQuote["Source"]; 
string quoteYear = (string)ourQuote["Year"]; 

if (quoteYear != null) 
plhQuotes.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(quote + "<br/><br/>" + quoteSource + "<br/> 
<br/>" + "Year: " + quoteYear)); 
plhQuotes.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(quote + "<br/><br/>" + quoteSource)); 

Sorted !.感谢所有的建议。