2015-04-06 404 views


int main() 
float array[7][2] = { { 1, 22 }, { 2, 15 }, { 3, 16 }, { 4, 14 }, { 5, 13 }, {6,19}, {7,12} }; 
int i; 
float before = 0, after = 0, localmax = 0; 
int Index = 0; 

for (i = 0; i<7; i++) 
    if ((array[i][1] >= before) && (array[i][1] >= after)) 
     before = array[i-1][1]; 
     after = array[i + 1][1]; 
     localmax = array[i][1]; 
     Index = i; 

cout << "The local maxima in the array are " << localmax << endl; 
cout << "The corresponding values in the array are " << array[Index][0] << endl; 
return 0; 



它给出了什么输出,你期望的输出是什么? – Erik


本地最大值为15,但很明显需要22,16和19而不是 – America32


“所有本地最大值”,但您的输出是单个“localmax”......所以这是什么? –





NR。 1:您可以在每次找到一个时打印localmax(将cout放在for循环中)

int main() 
float array[7][2] = { { 1, 22 }, { 2, 15 }, { 3, 16 }, { 4, 14 }, { 5, 13 }, {6,19}, {7,12} }; 
int i; 
float before = 0, after = 0, localmax = 0; 
int Index = 0; 

for (i = 0; i<7; i++) 
    if ((array[i][1] >= before) && (array[i][1] >= after)) 
     before = array[i-1][1]; 
     after = array[i + 1][1]; 
     localmax = array[i][1]; 
     cout << "A local maxima is: " << localmax << endl; 
     Index = i; 

return 0; 

Nr。 2:你创建一个localmax矢量并使用push_back来保存你找到的任何本地最大值。

int main() 
float array[7][2] = { { 1, 22 }, { 2, 15 }, { 3, 16 }, { 4, 14 }, { 5, 13 }, {6,19}, {7,12} }; 
int i; 
float before = 0, after = 0, localmax = 0; 
int Index = 0; 
std::vector<float> localMaxVector; 

for (i = 0; i<7; i++) 
    if ((array[i][1] >= before) && (array[i][1] >= after)) 
     before = array[i-1][1]; 
     after = array[i + 1][1]; 
     Index = i; 

cout << "The local maxima in the array are " << endl; 
for(std::vector<float>::const_iterator i = localMaxVector.begin(); i != localMaxVector.end(); ++i) 
std::cout << *i << ' '; 
return 0; 

请注意,这只是给你你应该做的事情的要点。我刚刚复制了你的代码并修改了相关的部分。我很确定你的程序在做任何事之前应该会崩溃,因为你好像在第一次迭代中试图访问array [-1]。 – Thomas


你不和“之后”,“之前”设置前验证数组索引,我很惊讶,你的代码没有崩溃(I-1和i + 1)。


int main() 
    float array[7][2] = { { 1, 22 }, { 2, 15 }, { 3, 16 }, { 4, 14 }, { 5, 13 }, { 6, 19 }, { 7, 12 } }; 
    int i; 
    float before = 0, after = 0; 
    int Index = 0; 

    for (i = 0; i<7; i++) 
     if (i > 0) 
      before = array[i-1][1]; 
     if (i < 6) 
      after = array[i+1][1]; 
     if ((i == 0 || array[i][1] >= before) && (i == 6 or array[i][1] >= after)) 
      //when you're at the very first point, you don't have to verify the 'before' variable, and for the very last point, you don't have to verify 'after' 
      cout << array[i][1] << " at position " << i << " is a maxima" << endl; 

    return 0; 

如果你想保留结果,你可以使用std :: vector像Thomas。



for (i = 0; i<7; i++) 
    if ((i == 0 || array[i][1] > array[i - 1][1]) && (i == 6 || array[i][1] >= array[i + 1][1])) 
     localmax = array[i][1]; 
     Index = i; 