2016-03-10 37 views





if (opts.dictionary) { 
    if (!(opts.dictionary instanceof Buffer)) { 
     throw new Error('Invalid dictionary: it should be a Buffer instance'); 

请参考下面这个例子: How to find a good/optimal dictionary for zlib 'setDictionary' when processing a given set of data?


var zlib = require('zlib'); 
var result = zlib.deflateSync('The dictionary should consist of strings (byte sequences) that are likely to be encountered later in the data to be  compressed, with the most commonly used strings preferably put towards the end of the dictionary. Using a dictionary is most useful when the data to be compressed is short and can be predicted with good accuracy; the data can then be compressed better than with the default empty dictionary.',  {'dictionary': new Buffer('rdsusedusefulwhencanismostofstringscompresseddatatowithdictionarybethe', 'utf8') }); 

你能为我提供了一个代码示例如何缩小用字典? – Luka


我更新了答案 – Rabea


链接解释了如何生成一个字典和为什么,所以我没有看到我在这里复制它的原因,也有一个实际生成它的例子,这就是为什么我使用相同的缓冲区他们的例子 – Rabea