2014-05-10 27 views

感谢您阅读本文。 我很担心网络环境中的安全防御问题,并且我在输入验证方面做了很多工作。根据用户输入重写应用程序



skip to "REAL QUESTION HERE" if you don't have much time. 

/* I have left some questions along the code in commentary, 
if you feel you can answer these it would be greatly appreciated too. */ 



//Only sources provided by the server are allowed? 

/*is it relevant to use this because I read that 
you have to use webkits for cross-platform performences 
and that they are not supported in many cases. */ 
default-src 'self'; 
script-src 'self'; 
style-src 'self'; 
connect-src 'self'; 
media-src 'self'; 
object-src 'self'; 
frame-src 'self' 

//prevent javascript from accessing cookies? 
//I will only use $_SESSION variables. 

ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', 1); 
ini_set('session.cookie_secure', 1); 
session_regenerate_id(); /*is it mandatory if I plan to use a generated 
         random value using strong entropy to make 
         a login token?*/ 

include('functions.php');//weak point? 

//for further validation use 
$usernameSafe = ''; 
$passwordSafe = ''; 

//check if the values exists. 
if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { 

    //validation of user input before letting it access the app. 
    //weak point? 
    if (isValidInput($_POST['username']) && isValidInput($_POST['password'])) { 

     $formUn = $_POST['username'];//weak point? 
     $formPw = $_POST['password'];//here too? 



//@@@@@@@@@@@@@ REAL QUESTION HERE @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
/*BYPASS_IDEA the input could be : 

    validUserName']) || 1 == 1) { inject php code here } }/* 

    //1 == 1 is used to bypass the condition. 

    /*two bracket to close the two 'if' statements involved 
    and end the app' then also escape evrything after it 
    with a block commentary char left unclosed */ 

//from the php file 'functions.php' 

function isValidInput($string) { 

    $isValid = FALSE; 

    if ($string && is_string($string)) { 

     /*can it protect against xss attack using characters 
     like &lt or any coding tags? */ 
     if (mb_detect_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', TRUE) != FALSE && 
     ctype_alnum($string)) { 

      //Is this how buffer attacks are prevented? 
      if (strlen($string) <= INPUT_LENGHT) 
       $isValid = TRUE; 



    return $isValid; 





也许适合1个问题,但仍然不错 –



从我的经验来看,防止任何类型的代码注入攻击(sql,php等)最重要的因素是用户数据的清理。当您收到输入数据时,请使用特定规则对其进行清理(这可以通过函数php preg_match函数轻松实现)。 以这种方式,如果它被认为是有害的,你可以拒绝输入。此外,当您收到$ _GET或$ _POST变量时,它不会被视为代码,除非您明确以此方式使用它。 例如,让我们考虑以下塞纳里奥:

    if (isset($ _GET['view'])) 
    include("viewsfolder/" . $ _GET['view'] . ".php"); 

在此塞纳里奥您的代码可能有有害的代码注入。假设攻击者可以找到一种方法将恶意文件上传到服务器的“viewsfolder”,然后他可以轻松地调用该文件,并通过传递$ _GET参数(查看)名称来使其在您的php代码中执行


我不认为如果你用你的输入清理输入,你会遇到某种问题正则表达式以防止unwan像'''','}',''字符。另外请记住,为了防止sql注入,您必须转义输入 - 以防将数据用于某些SQL DBMS(这也可以通过使用mysqli连接器或使用PDO的报价函数或通过使用PDO准备语句)。


谢谢!这回答了我的问题 – RockDrew