2011-11-29 44 views

我正在使用ZedGraph中的图表。我想把一些数据放在里面,我不知道如何。 我的数据每1minut由一个计时器来,他们是整数。关于Zedgraph的事情是,它必须是双倍的。那不是问题。我想要每隔1分钟建立一个图表,并且每隔1分钟就会在柱状图中添加一个新的柱状图。我的图有6个系列。 A-F。如何将数据放入图表中

 DateTime dtime = DateTime.Now; 

     int a = ctrscan.analyzeNewScanQuality1A(); 
     int b = ctrscan.analyzeNewScanQuality1B(); 
     int c = ctrscan.analyzeNewScanQuality1C(); 
     int D = ctrscan.analyzeNewScanQuality1D(); 
     int e = ctrscan.analyzeNewScanQuality1E(); 
     int f = ctrscan.analyzeNewScanQuality1F(); 

     double time = Convert.ToDouble(dtime.Minute); 

     double[] y = { 90, 100, 95, 35, 80, 35 }; 
     double[] y2 = { 90, 100, 95, 35, 80, 35 }; 
     double[] y3 = { 80, 110, 65, 15, 54, 67 }; 
     double[] y4 = { 120, 125, 100, 40, 105, 75 }; 
     double[] y5 = { 20, 125, 100, 40, 105, 75 }; 
     double[] y6 = { 220, 125, 100, 40, 105, 75 }; 

     double[] x = {time}; 

     BarItem myBar = myPane.AddBar("Quality A", x, y, Color.Red); 


正如你所看到的,我得到int中的数字。我知道如何转换,所以这不是问题。我的问题是:如何在图表中获取它? 我想把它放在图中,1分钟后,一整套新的整数将到达。然后我想要旧的集合,以及图中的新集合。 最后一行是给你看我如何控制我的系列。

我正在使用visual studio c#,并在winform内部打毛。



 public partial class Chart : Form 
    public Chart() 

    private void SetSize() 
     zedGraphControl1.Location = new Point(10, 10); 
     // Leave a small margin around the outside of the control 

     zedGraphControl1.Size = new Size(ClientRectangle.Width - 20, 
           ClientRectangle.Height - 20); 

    private void Chart_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 

    private void CreateGraph(ZedGraphControl zg1) 
     GraphPane myPane = zedGraphControl1.GraphPane; 
     myPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Date; 

     PointPairList PPLa = new PointPairList(); 
     PointPairList PPLb = new PointPairList(); 
     PointPairList PPLc = new PointPairList(); 
     PointPairList PPLd = new PointPairList(); 
     PointPairList PPLe = new PointPairList(); 
     PointPairList PPLf = new PointPairList(); 

     int Max = 1; 

     for (int i = 0; i < Max; i++) 
      DateTime dtime = DateTime.Now; 

      //int a = ctrscan.analyzeNewScanQuality1A(); 
      //int b = ctrscan.analyzeNewScanQuality1B(); 
      //int c = ctrscan.analyzeNewScanQuality1C(); 
      //int d = ctrscan.analyzeNewScanQuality1D(); 
      //int e = ctrscan.analyzeNewScanQuality1E(); 
      //int f = ctrscan.analyzeNewScanQuality1F(); 

      int a = 1; 
      int b = 1; 
      int c = 2; 
      int d = 1; 
      int e = 3; 
      int f = 2; 

      double date = (double)new XDate(dtime); 

      PPLa.Add(date, (double)a); 
      PPLb.Add(date, (double)b); 
      PPLc.Add(date, (double)c); 
      PPLd.Add(date, (double)d); 
      PPLe.Add(date, (double)e); 
      PPLf.Add(date, (double)f); 

      BarItem myBara = myPane.AddBar("Bar A", PPLa, Color.Red); 
      BarItem myBarb = myPane.AddBar("Bar B", PPLb, Color.Blue); 
      BarItem myBarc = myPane.AddBar("Bar C", PPLc, Color.Green); 
      BarItem myBard = myPane.AddBar("Bar D", PPLd, Color.Black); 
      BarItem myBare = myPane.AddBar("Bar E", PPLe, Color.Yellow); 
      BarItem myBarf = myPane.AddBar("Bar F", PPLf, Color.Orange); 


      // sleep(1 minute); 


    private void Chart_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) 




该图不显示'? –


可能没有足够的额外东西补充:你有一个zedgraphControl添加到你的表单,设计? 我用所有的东西为你做了一个编辑(即使是一个小样本来显示图表 – Moonlight


所以,你要我让这个在一个新的类别 而我在myPane出现错误。 XAxis.Type = AxisType.Date; 它希望我写myPane.XAxis.Type = ZedGrpah.AxisType.Date; –