2013-01-20 42 views

我需要添加一个“清除计算器”的按钮,以及一个在butPanel上退出程序的按钮。它还需要非常基本的Java代码,因为我是一个初学者,并且有一个可怕的comp.sci。老师。我有一个有退出按钮的代码示例,但我不确定如何将它放入我的程序中。我已经尝试了很多。 此外,如果有更好的方式来“错误检查”,将不胜感激。如何向该程序添加退出按钮?如何“清除”?

import java.awt.*; 
import java.awt.event.*; 
import javax.swing.*; 

public class Calculator2 extends JFrame implements ActionListener 
    JLabel heading = new JLabel ("2. Calculator"); 
    JLabel intro1 = new JLabel ("This program stimulates a four-function calculator."); 
    JLabel intro2 = new JLabel ("It takes an operator and a number. It can add, subtract,"); 
    JLabel intro3 = new JLabel (" multiply and divide. Enter in the format eg. '+35'. "); 
    JLabel inLabel = new JLabel ("  Operation: "); 
    JLabel outLabel = new JLabel ("  Total:   "); 
    JTextField inOper = new JTextField (7); 
    JTextField outTota = new JTextField (7); // intro 

JPanel titlePanel = new JPanel(); 
JPanel intro1Panel = new JPanel(); 
JPanel intro2Panel = new JPanel(); 
JPanel intro3Panel = new JPanel(); 
JPanel operPanel = new JPanel(); 
JPanel totaPanel = new JPanel(); 
JPanel butPanel = new JPanel(); 

String operTemp; 
String totaTemp; 

public Calculator2() 
    setTitle ("C - 2."); 
    inOper.addActionListener (this); 
    outTota.setEditable (false); 
    getContentPane().setLayout (new FlowLayout()); 

    titlePanel.add (heading); 
    intro1Panel.add (intro1); 
    intro2Panel.add (intro2); 
    intro3Panel.add (intro3); 
    operPanel.add (inLabel); 
    operPanel.add (inOper); 
    totaPanel.add (outLabel); 
    totaPanel.add (outTota); //adds components to panels 

    getContentPane().add (titlePanel); 
    getContentPane().add (intro1Panel); 
    getContentPane().add (intro2Panel); 
    getContentPane().add (intro3Panel); 
    getContentPane().add (operPanel); 
    getContentPane().add (totaPanel); //Adds panels to Frame 

    setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 

public static int isInteger (String input) 
     Integer.parseInt (input); 
     return Integer.parseInt (input); 
    catch (NumberFormatException nfe) 
     return 0; 
} //isInteger method 

// The application 
public String calculate (String operation, String newtotal) 
    int total = isInteger (newtotal); 
    String totalS; 
    char operator; 
    int number = 0; 
    operator = operation.charAt (0); 

    if (operator == '+') 
     number = isInteger (operation.substring (1)); 
     total = total + number; 
     totalS = Integer.toString (total); 

    else if (operator == '-') 
     number = isInteger (operation.substring (1)); 
     total = total - number; 
     totalS = Integer.toString (total); 

    else if (operator == '*') 
     number = isInteger (operation.substring (1)); 
     total = total * number; 
     totalS = Integer.toString (total); 

    else if (operator == '/') 
     number = isInteger (operation.substring (1)); 
     total = total/number; 
     totalS = Integer.toString (total); 
     totalS = ("ERROR"); 

    if (number == 0) 
     totalS = ("ERROR"); 
    return totalS; 
} // calculate method 

public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) 
    String userIn = inOper.getText(); 
    String totalIn = outTota.getText(); 
     totaTemp = calculate (userIn, totalIn); 
     outTota.setText (totaTemp + ""); 
    catch (Exception ex) 
     outTota.setText ("ERROR"); 

public static void main (String[] args) 
    Calculator2 calc = new Calculator2(); 
    calc.setSize (350, 350); 
    calc.setResizable (false); 
    calc.setVisible (true); 




JButton exitButton = new JButton("Exit"); 
JButton clearButton = new JButton("Clear"); 


butPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); 


exitButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 
clearButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 
    // TODO: clear the stuff here 

+1 JPanel默认在API中实现FlowLayout :-) – mKorbel


谢谢!我想我忽略了:) –


是的,我有这一切,但我不知道在哪里把它放在我的代码:$ – javanoob
