2014-10-22 56 views

我试图编写一个VBA来运行查询分配给MySQL只有当HCR_DM.HCR_DM_FACT表被完全加载。我使用该表中不同来源的计数来决定是否完全加载。ORACLE中的VBA LOOP SQL

当我运行下面的宏,我得到一个错误信息的做,当行,说Object doesn't support this property or method.



Const CNSTR = "Provider = OraOLEDB.Oracle; Data Source =CSDPRO; ODBC;DRIVER={Oracle ODBC Driver};SERVER=CSDPRO;User ID=HCR_SANDBOX;password=******" 

Sub FillWithSQLData(strSQL As String, wkSht As String) 
' Given a SQL query and worksheet, fills the worksheet with a data dump of the SQL query results 

' Define variables 
    Dim cn As ADODB.Connection 
    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset 

    Dim sql_count As String 

' Set variables 
    Set cn = New ADODB.Connection 
    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset 

' Connect to SQL Server 
    With cn 
     .ConnectionString = CNSTR 
    End With 

' Query SQL Server and return results as a data dump in cell A2 of the specified worksheet 
    With rs 
     .ActiveConnection = cn 

     sql_count = "select count(distinct a.src_table) from hcr_dm.hcr_dm_fact a" 

     Set rf = cn.Execute(sql_count) 
     Do While rf.Fields.Value = 8 

     .Open strSQL 


     Worksheets(wkSht).Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs 

    End With 

' Close connection 

    Set rs = Nothing 
    Set Conn = Nothing 

End Sub 

Sub Refresh() 

    ' Define SQL query 
    Dim mySQL As String 
    mySQL = "select a.oracle_fin_company_id || ' - ' || a.oracle_fin_company_desc as COMPANY " & _ 
      "From hcr_dm.legal_entity_summary a " & _ 
      "where a.Company_Header = 'Filed'" 

    ' Choose worksheet where results should be displayed 
    Dim myWkSht As String 
    myWkSht = "Sheet1" 

    ' Call connection sub 
    Call FillWithSQLData(mySQL, myWkSht) 

End Sub 

看起来有点乱。你在谈论MySQL,在你的ConnectionString中使用'OraOLEDB.Oracle'和'DRIVER = {Oracle ODBC Driver}'。对于正确的ConnectionString,请检查[ConnectionStrings.com](http://www.connectionstrings.com/)或[连接字符串](http://www.carlprothman.net/Default.aspx?tabid=81) – 2014-10-22 06:15:20




Set rf = cn.Execute(sql_count) 
Do While rf.Fields.Value = 8 


Set rs = cn.Execute(sql_count) 
Do While rs.Fields(0).Value = 8 

而且,请注意,您声明rs错字,但你使用Recordset填充​​。 我建议您使用Option Explicit声明来帮助找到这些信息。你可以阅读更多关于它here