2013-12-20 42 views


有freetds的安装,当我在我的/ etc使用TSQL -C

Compile-time settings (established with the "configure" script) 
          Version: freetds v0.91 
      freetds.conf directory: /etc 
    MS db-lib source compatibility: yes 
     Sybase binary compatibility: yes 
         Thread safety: yes 
         iconv library: yes 
         TDS version: 4.2 
           iODBC: no 
          unixodbc: yes 
       SSPI "trusted" logins: no 
          Kerberos: yes 

但是检查TDS版本/ freetds.conf我已经设置了TDS版本8.0

     # TDS protocol version 
#  tds version = 8.0 

     # Whether to write a TDSDUMP file for diagnostic purposes 
     # (setting this to /tmp is insecure on a multi-user system) 
#  dump file = /tmp/freetds.log 
#  debug flags = 0xffff 
     tds version = 8.0 
     port = 1433 
     client charset = UTF-8 
     debug flags = 0x4fff 
     timeout = 180 
     connect timeout = 180 
     text size = 20971520 

我真的需要它被设置为8.0,因为我同时从Linux终点 “的Unico运行我的SQL查询面临这个问题使用DB-Library不能将数据发送给使用DB-Library的客户端“ 而我认为唯一修复方法之一是将tds版本标记为8.0,并将字符集标记为UTF-8

