2012-01-31 31 views

如果一个参数是一个C++函数对象(函数),我该如何推导静态?is_functor C++特征类可能吗?

template <typename F> 
void test(F f) {} 



'is_function :: value'怎么样? – Fiktik 2012-01-31 17:03:40


http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.c++.moderated/msg/e5fbc9305539f699可能会对您感兴趣。 – pmr 2012-01-31 17:14:35


你只是想测试函数或任何可调用的对象吗?似乎某些SFINAE使用'result_of'特征可以识别任何可调用类型。我有点惊讶,似乎没有任何'std :: is_callable'特质。 – bames53 2012-01-31 19:40:28


template<typename T, typename Sign>         
struct is_functor 
    typedef char yes[1];            
    typedef char no [2];            
    template <typename U, U> struct type_check;      
    template <typename _1> static yes &chk(type_check<Sign, &_1::operator()>*); 
    template <typename > static no &chk(...);      
    static bool const value = sizeof(chk<T>(nullptr)) == sizeof(yes);  

改变自this answer


template<typename T> 
typename std::enable_if<is_functor<T, void(T::*)()>::value>::type func() 

'typename decltype'?如果'operator()'超载,你的解决方案将不起作用。 – kennytm 2012-02-01 15:40:38


您对函数的定义不完整。一个标准的函子是一个函数指针或一个重载'operator()'的对象。 – 2012-02-01 15:59:31


我发布了一个不同的解决方案; @MaximYegorushkin,但新的不会改变,嗯 – David 2012-02-01 16:00:14



  1. 对于编译器,一个免费的功能是什么,从根本上不同一个类过载的函数函数operator()。因此,我们必须在实施时分别处理这两种情况。尽管这不是问题,但我们可以隐藏用户的实现细节。
  2. 我们需要知道你想调用的函数的签名。这通常不是问题,它确实有很好的副作用,我们的特质能够很好地处理重载。



// build R (*)(Args...) from R (Args...) 
// compile error if signature is not a valid function signature 
template <typename, typename> 
struct build_free_function; 

template <typename F, typename R, typename ... Args> 
struct build_free_function<F, R (Args...)> 
{ using type = R (*)(Args...); }; 


// determine whether a free function pointer F has signature S 
template <typename F, typename S> 
struct is_function_with_signature 
    // check whether F and the function pointer of S are of the same 
    // type 
    static bool constexpr value = std::is_same< 
     F, typename build_free_function<F, S>::type 



template <typename T> 
struct defines_functor_operator 
    typedef char (& yes)[1]; 
    typedef char (& no)[2]; 

    // we need a template here to enable SFINAE 
    template <typename U> 
    static yes deduce(char (*)[sizeof(&U::operator())]); 
    // fallback 
    template <typename> static no deduce(...); 

    static bool constexpr value = sizeof(deduce<T>(0)) == sizeof(yes); 


template <typename T, T> struct check; 

现在check<void (C::*)() const, &C::operator()>只会是一个有效的模板实例,如果C确实有void C::operator()() const。但要做到这一点,我们首先必须将C和签名结合到一个成员函数指针。正如我们已经看到的,我们需要担心两个额外的情况,我们不必关心免费功能:constvolatile函数。此外,它几乎是相同的:

// build R (C::*)(Args...) from R (Args...) 
//  R (C::*)(Args...) const from R (Args...) const 
//  R (C::*)(Args...) volatile from R (Args...) volatile 
// compile error if signature is not a valid member function signature 
template <typename, typename> 
struct build_class_function; 

template <typename C, typename R, typename ... Args> 
struct build_class_function<C, R (Args...)> 
{ using type = R (C::*)(Args...); }; 

template <typename C, typename R, typename ... Args> 
struct build_class_function<C, R (Args...) const> 
{ using type = R (C::*)(Args...) const; }; 

template <typename C, typename R, typename ... Args> 
struct build_class_function<C, R (Args...) volatile> 
{ using type = R (C::*)(Args...) volatile; }; 


// determine whether a class C has an operator() with signature S 
template <typename C, typename S> 
struct is_functor_with_signature 
    typedef char (& yes)[1]; 
    typedef char (& no)[2]; 

    // helper struct to determine that C::operator() does indeed have 
    // the desired signature; &C::operator() is only of type 
    // R (C::*)(Args...) if this is true 
    template <typename T, T> struct check; 

    // T is needed to enable SFINAE 
    template <typename T> static yes deduce(check< 
     typename build_class_function<C, S>::type, &T::operator()> *); 
    // fallback if check helper could not be built 
    template <typename> static no deduce(...); 

    static bool constexpr value = sizeof(deduce<C>(0)) == sizeof(yes); 


我们差不多完成了。现在我们只需要决定何时使用我们的免费函数,以及何时使用类函子元函数。幸运的是,C++ 11为我们提供了一个std::is_class特性,我们可以使用它。所以我们要做的就是专注于布尔参数:

// C is a class, delegate to is_functor_with_signature 
template <typename C, typename S, bool> 
struct is_callable_impl 
    : std::integral_constant< 
     bool, is_functor_with_signature<C, S>::value 

// F is not a class, delegate to is_function_with_signature 
template <typename F, typename S> 
struct is_callable_impl<F, S, false> 
    : std::integral_constant< 
     bool, is_function_with_signature<F, S>::value 


// Determine whether type Callable is callable with signature Signature. 
// Compliant with functors, i.e. classes that declare operator(); and free 
// function pointers: R (*)(Args...), but not R (Args...)! 
template <typename Callable, typename Signature> 
struct is_callable 
    : is_callable_impl< 
     Callable, Signature, 



namespace // implementation detail 
    // build R (*)(Args...) from R (Args...) 
    // compile error if signature is not a valid function signature 
    template <typename, typename> 
    struct build_free_function; 

    template <typename F, typename R, typename ... Args> 
    struct build_free_function<F, R (Args...)> 
    { using type = R (*)(Args...); }; 

    // build R (C::*)(Args...) from R (Args...) 
    //  R (C::*)(Args...) const from R (Args...) const 
    //  R (C::*)(Args...) volatile from R (Args...) volatile 
    // compile error if signature is not a valid member function signature 
    template <typename, typename> 
    struct build_class_function; 

    template <typename C, typename R, typename ... Args> 
    struct build_class_function<C, R (Args...)> 
    { using type = R (C::*)(Args...); }; 

    template <typename C, typename R, typename ... Args> 
    struct build_class_function<C, R (Args...) const> 
    { using type = R (C::*)(Args...) const; }; 

    template <typename C, typename R, typename ... Args> 
    struct build_class_function<C, R (Args...) volatile> 
    { using type = R (C::*)(Args...) volatile; }; 

    // determine whether a class C has an operator() with signature S 
    template <typename C, typename S> 
    struct is_functor_with_signature 
     typedef char (& yes)[1]; 
     typedef char (& no)[2]; 

     // helper struct to determine that C::operator() does indeed have 
     // the desired signature; &C::operator() is only of type 
     // R (C::*)(Args...) if this is true 
     template <typename T, T> struct check; 

     // T is needed to enable SFINAE 
     template <typename T> static yes deduce(check< 
      typename build_class_function<C, S>::type, &T::operator()> *); 
     // fallback if check helper could not be built 
     template <typename> static no deduce(...); 

     static bool constexpr value = sizeof(deduce<C>(0)) == sizeof(yes); 

    // determine whether a free function pointer F has signature S 
    template <typename F, typename S> 
    struct is_function_with_signature 
     // check whether F and the function pointer of S are of the same 
     // type 
     static bool constexpr value = std::is_same< 
      F, typename build_free_function<F, S>::type 

    // C is a class, delegate to is_functor_with_signature 
    template <typename C, typename S, bool> 
    struct is_callable_impl 
     : std::integral_constant< 
      bool, is_functor_with_signature<C, S>::value 

    // F is not a class, delegate to is_function_with_signature 
    template <typename F, typename S> 
    struct is_callable_impl<F, S, false> 
     : std::integral_constant< 
      bool, is_function_with_signature<F, S>::value 

// Determine whether type Callable is callable with signature Signature. 
// Compliant with functors, i.e. classes that declare operator(); and free 
// function pointers: R (*)(Args...), but not R (Args...)! 
template <typename Callable, typename Signature> 
struct is_callable 
    : is_callable_impl< 
     Callable, Signature, 




哇。哇。哇。哇。 – mark 2016-11-20 00:55:40


虽然这并不重载功能,所有其他情况下(免费函数,类实施工作实例operator()和lambdas)这个简短的解决方案在C++ 11中工作:

template <typename T, typename Signature> 
struct is_callable: std::is_convertible<T,std::function<Signature>> { }; 

注意:std::is_callable将在C++ 17中可用。