2016-12-17 37 views


using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Security.Principal; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 

namespace MyAppNameSpace 
    static class DataManager 
     /* Create a dictionary that takes type "string" for its 
     * key (name) and type "object" for its value */ 
     public static Dictionary<string, object> Data = new Dictionary<string, object>(); 
     public static string FileName { get; private set; } 
     public static string ProgramFilesFolder; 

     // A method to clear all game data 
     public static void Clear() 

     public static void Save() 
      foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> DataPair in Data) 


     public static string GetData() 
      return File.ReadAllText(FileName); 

     public static void Setup() 
      ProgramFilesFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) + "/MyAppName"; 
     FileName = ProgramFilesFolder + "/MyAppData"; 
      if (!Directory.Exists(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) + "/MyAppName/README.txt")) 
        string text = "DO NOT move this folder. If you must, make sure to keep it " + 
        "in the same location as the SwingState it is. Also, do not edit the " + 
        "contents of the data file, which exists in this directory. " + 
        "This saves all of your progress in your game!"; 
       File.WriteAllText(ProgramFilesFolder + "/README.txt", text); 

       catch (Exception ex) 
        Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + ":" + ex.InnerException); 

      if (!File.Exists(FileName)) 
       Data = new Dictionary<string, object>() 
        { "Name:", null + "," }, 
        { "Age:", null + "," }, 
        { "Description:", null + "," }, 
        { "Gender:", null + "," }, 
        { "Level:", 1 + "," }, 
        { "Drawing:", false + "," }, 
        { "Uploaded:", false + "," }, 
        { "Template:", false + "," }, 
        { "Left1:", null + "," }, 
        { "Left2:", null + "," }, 
        { "Left3:", null + "," }, 
        { "Right1:", null + "," }, 
        { "Right2:", null + "," }, 
        { "Right3:", null + "," }, 
        { "Idle:", null + "," }, 
        { "Template Number:", null + "," } 

      else if (File.Exists(FileName)) 
       string[] DataText = File.ReadAllText(FileName).Split(','); 
       foreach (string s in DataText) 
        Data.Add(s.Split(':')[0], s.Split(':')[1]); 

AppData文件夹是应用程序数据的常见位置。 – Crowcoder


我不相信这会给我priveleges,无论。 – Akinni


这就是文件夹存在的原因,你试过了吗? – Crowcoder




ProgramFilesFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + "/MyAppName"; 
FileName = ProgramFilesFolder + "/MyAppData"; 
if (!Directory.Exists(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + "/MyAppName/README.txt"))