2012-10-16 24 views

我想使用apple脚本在excel 2011中创建多个系列的图表。如何使用apple脚本在excel中创建多个系列

tell application "Microsoft Excel" 
    tell worksheet "Sheet1" of active workbook 
     set obj to make new chart object at end with properties {left position:20, top:88, width:33, height:90} 
     set ochart to chart of obj 
     set chart type of ochart to column clustered 
     set series 1 of series collection to ochart 
     tell series 1 
      set xvalues to "=Sheet1!$B$7:$B$10" 
      set name to "shartseries1" 
     end tell 
    end tell 
end tell 





tell application "Microsoft Excel" 
    tell worksheet "Sheet1" of active workbook 
     set obj to make new chart object at end with properties {left position:20, top:88, width:33, height:90} 
     set ochart to chart of obj 
     tell ochart 
      set chart type to column clustered 
      set newSeries to make new series at end with properties {series values:"=Sheet1!$B$7:$B$10", xvalues:"=Sheet1!$B$7:$B$10", name:"shartseries1"} 
     end tell 
    end tell 
end tell 

嗨,如果一系列的价值是“= {1}”,那么脚本就是通过错误即“Microsoft Excel中得到了一个错误:无法使类系列”。请使用属性{系列值:“= {1}”}设置新系列,以便制作新系列,请重播 – user1705318
