2015-11-03 66 views

我需要在JqueryUI滑块中添加6个点子。 PIPS的范围从2000年,2010年,2020年,2030年,2040年,2050年。我无法得到添加这些点的理解功能。而且,当前滑块已经被编码以用于步进滑动效果。这里是我使用的代码:如何在jqueryUI滑块中添加PIPS滑块

<div id="slider"></div> 
    $(function() { 

var extensionMethods = { 

      pips: function(settings) { 

       options = { 

        first: "number", // "pip" , false 
        last: "number", // "pip" , false 
        rest: "pip"  // "number" , false 


       $.extend(options, settings); 

       // get rid of all pips that might already exist. 

       // we need teh amount of pips to create. 
       var pips = this.options.max - this.options.min;     

        // for every stop in the slider, we create a pip. 
        for(i=0; i<=pips; i++) { 

         // hold a span element for the pip 
         var s = $('<span class="ui-slider-pip"><span class="ui-slider-line"></span><span class="ui-slider-number">'+i+'</span></span>'); 

         // add a class so css can handle the display 
         // we'll hide numbers by default in CSS, and show them if set. 
         // we'll also use CSS to hide the pip altogether. 
         if(0 == i) { 
          if("number" == options.first) { s.addClass('ui-slider-pip-number'); } 
          if(false == options.first) { s.addClass('ui-slider-pip-hide'); } 
         } else if (pips == i) { 
          if("number" == options.last) { s.addClass('ui-slider-pip-number'); } 
          if(false == options.last) { s.addClass('ui-slider-pip-hide'); } 
         } else { 
          if("number" == options.rest) { s.addClass('ui-slider-pip-number'); } 
          if(false == options.rest) { s.addClass('ui-slider-pip-hide'); } 

         // if it's a horizontal slider we'll set the left offset, 
         // and the top if it's vertical. 
         if(this.options.orientation == "horizontal") 
          s.css({ left: '' + (100/pips)*i + '%' }); 
          s.css({ top: '' + (100/pips)*i + '%' }); 

         // append the span to the slider. 




     $.extend(true, $['ui']['slider'].prototype, extensionMethods); 

      min: 0, 
      max: 600, 
      step: 100, 

      // on slide adjust width of all rects 
      slide: function(event, ui) { 

         .attr("width", function (d) { 

您需要正确地使用该插件,请参考文档:http://simeydotme.github.io/jQuery-ui-Slider-Pips/ :) –
