2017-07-24 78 views

我试图在我的项目中使用msbuild Artifactory插件。经过一段时间与依赖关系摔跤后,我设法使Artifactory项目能够工作,但尽管我没有收到任何错误,并且构建成功,但是没有任何内容正在发布到Artifactory。没有发布到带有msbuild artifactory插件的artifactory


    MSBuild Artifactory Plugin 
    For more details, please go to the plugin Wiki site - http://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/MSBuild+Artifactory+Plugin 

<!--Credentials for Artifactory--> 

<!-- Resolution--> 

<!--Enable Artifactory plugin to override Nuget "Package Restore" --> 
<!--Root URL of the Artifactory server. e.g., http://domain:port/artifactory--> 
<!--NuGet repository key to resolve from. Usually remote or virtual repository--> 
    To override the user credentials for the resolution process, uncomment the two fields below. 

<!-- Deployment--> 

<!--Enable Artifactory plugin to publish artifacts --> 
<!--Root URL of the Artifactory server. e.g., http://domain:port/artifactory--> 

<!--Enable Artifactory plugin to publish Build Info --> 

    Under <Deployments> you can add multiple <Deploy> elements which define the sets of files to deploy to Artifactory. Each <Deploy> element contains the following: 

     Here you can supply path to files, that the plugin will collect. The path is relative to the project and to any other projects referenced to him in the solution. 
     The usage of Regular Expressions, is not mandatory. 
     Regular Expressions must be in format of a Capturing Group (inside Brackets). 
     More information about Capturing Group, can be found here: http://www.regular-expressions.info/brackets.html 
     A path inside the Artifactory deployment repository. 
     If you used Regular Expressions in the <InputPattern>, you may use $# symbols in the <OutputPattern> to refer to the Capturing Groups you defined in the <InputPattern>. 
     This mechanism enables you to dynamically construct the target path. 
     Artifactory properties that will be attached to every file that the <InputPattren> finds. 
     Each Property is defined in a separate <Property> tag. 


    <!--All Nuget files under the bin folder deployed to the root of the deploy repository--> 

    $1 refers to (.+) capturing group 

    <!--All DLL files one or more level under the obj folder deployed with custom properties under the 'myproject' folder of the deploy repository.--> 

     <Property key="qa" val="ready" /> 
     <Property key="myprop" val="myval" /> 


<!-- Environment Variables--> 
    Environment variables that will be included as part of the published build info. 
    Patterns may contain the * and the ? wildcards. Include patterns are applied before any exclude patterns. 
    <!--<Pattern key=""/>--> 
    <Pattern key="*password*"/> 
    <Pattern key="*key*"/> 
    <Pattern key="*secret*"/> 

<!-- License Control--> 
    Enable if you want a license scan to run automatically after the build is complete. 
    Only available with Artifactory Pro! 
    <Recipient email="[email protected]"/> 
    <!--If Nuget package license is not identified by Artifactory, run license discovery inside the package. [RESOURCE INTENSIVE]--> 
    <!--<Scope value="Debug"/>--> 

    <!--<Recipient email="[email protected]"/>--> 
    <!--<Scope value="Debug"/>--> 

    If the build is not running under TFS, uncomment the two elements below. 
    The build name and number can be passed as build/environment variables. 

<!--Network Configuration--> 

<!--Timeout(seconds) for the plugin deployment client--> 


<!--TFS Integration--> 

<!--In order to get a full http url address to the TFS build page through the Artifactory Build info , the plugin needs the Team Project name--> 


我使用的是visual studio 2015,带有nuget包管理器3.4.4,所以我不需要从nuget 2.7开始需要.nuget文件夹,但是我在我的项目中创建了一个.nuget文件夹,甚至添加了nuget .exe文件,但似乎没有帮助。我一直无法让Visual Studio自动添加它们。




如果可能的话,你可以从文件中一些帮助:HTTPS://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/MSBuild+Artifactory+Plugin –


嗨多数民众赞成在引导我一直使用,我发现我需要将标记更改为true并添加一个标记,但现在我得到一个403错误:( –



的问题是,我需要改变标签为真,并添加标签,但我发现了Artifactory的詹金斯插件有一个通用的选项上传这些文物,所以我真的不需要使用de MSBuild Artifactory插件。

