2015-06-25 21 views


例子: '最新新闻边栏' https://news.google.com/ - '莫地图侧边栏' http://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=restaurants&find_loc=San+Francisco%2C+CA&ns=1

的问题是, '位置:粘;'在几个主流浏览器上不支持,所以我想避免使用它。有没有一种替代方法仅使用CSS来完成此操作?我还没有开始学习JavaScript,但是如果有人能够指示我从哪里开始学习它以达到期望的效果,我愿意比计划更快地开始。





// the beginning part is just like css. To find something, 
// \ | |/  use CSS and wrap it $('inside here') 
// \/ \/ \/ 
$('#superdiv').slideDown(800); // <----- slide down command, 
//         set with 800 millisecond duration 


// certain words have a special meaning in javascript, 
//  so we add '$' to the front to avoid errors 

// this variable is captured \/ with css and stored as '$sidebar' 
     var $sidebar = $("#superdiv"), 
    $window = $(window), 
    offset = $sidebar.offset(); // this gets the distance from our 
           // sidebar to the top of the screen 

$window.scroll(function() { 
    if ($window.scrollTop() > offset.top) { // if there is more space 
              // than the distance scrolled 
    $sidebar.stop().animate({ // stop the sidebar if it is moving, 
           // then start animation 
     marginTop: $window.scrollTop() - offset.top // slowly move the 
             // sidebar to the new location 
    } else { 
    $sidebar.stop().animate({ // otherwise stop the animation and 
     marginTop: 0    // bring the sidebar back to the top 
body { 
    background-color: lightblue; 
    border: 0; 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 
#superdiv { 
    background-color: orange; 
    position: absolute; 
    left: 0px; 
    width: 150px; 
    padding: 10px; 
    display: none; 
#superpage { 
    padding: 10px; 
#masterdiv { 
    padding-left: 170px; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div id="masterdiv"> 
    <div id="superdiv">This is your sidebar. 
    <br>Your menu items 
    <div id="superpage">Here's the page 


很抱歉这么晚才回复,但非常感谢这一点。它并不像我想要的那样工作,但它在一天结束时的创意并且让你很容易理解,所以这就是我可能最终要做的事情,直到我更深入地学习JavaScript为止。 – Tre


我认为,如果你需要jQuery的你可以看看这个答案: Fix object to top of browser window when scrolling

您需要使用到jQuery库导入到你的网站的 <head></head>

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js"></script> 

感谢您的链接,我会研究它,因为我学习JavaScript/jQuery的 – Tre