2017-02-10 54 views

Uisng PDFTron网络浏览器在ASP.NET或HTML页面来显示PDF或XOD文件时,我收到错误的 - “无法加载资源文件。这可能是由于服务器上的工作路径不正确或不支持.res MIME类型。PDFTron Web查看器在ASP.NET或HTML页面 - 加载PDF或XOD显示错误

$(function() { 
      var viewerElement = document.getElementById('viewer'); 
      var myWebViewer = new PDFTron.WebViewer({ 
       path: 'lib', 
       type: 'html5', 
       documentType: "pdf", 
       initialDoc: "lib/GettingStarted.pdf", 
       config: '', 
       streaming: false, 
       enableAnnotations: false, 
       enableOfflineMode: false, 
       enableReadOnlyMode: true  
      }, viewerElement); 


HTML1300: Navigation occurred. 
DOM7011: The code on this page disabled back and forward caching. For more information, see: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=291337 
SCRIPT7016: Use of XMLHttpRequest with the synchronous flag set to true is deprecated due to its impact on user-perceived site performance. 
browserLink (37,85652) 
SCRIPT7015: Setting withCredentials attribute for synchronous XMLHttpRequest is deprecated 
asm.js has been disabled as the script debugger is connected. Disconnect the debugger to enable asm.js. 
HTTP range requests not supported. Switching to streaming mode. 
ControlUtils.js (170,25) 
Error: error.ResourceLoadError 
PDFReaderControl.js (14,13) 
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). 
(XHR)GET - http://localhost:63936/lib/html5/pdf/pdfnet.res 
Could not use incremental download for url /lib/GettingStarted.pdf. Reason: Byte ranges are not supported by the server. 
CoreControls.js (669,43) 
asm.js has been disabled as the script debugger is connected. Disconnect the debugger to enable asm.js. 
Error: No response from frame: #\35 697 
browserLink (363,16590) 
     [functions]: , 
     __proto__: { }, 
     description: "No response from frame: #\35 697", 
     message: "No response from frame: #\35 697", 
     name: "Error", 
     stack: "Error: No response from frame: #\35 697 
    at A (http://localhost:56824/e61cf52526d049168d3be50fd1b6a801/browserLink:363:5795) 
    at Anonymous function (http://localhost:56824/e61cf52526d049168d3be50fd1b6a801/browserLink:363:21639)" 

SCRIPT0: could not load memory initializer PDFNetC.js.mem 
PDFNetC.js (36,1) 

404只是意味着没有发现 - 我不熟悉的题材,但请的位置存在。 – Booboobeaker


@Booboobeaker:是服务器上存在的文件 –




    <remove fileExtension=".js" /> 
    <mimeMap fileExtension=".js" mimeType="text/javascript" /> 
    <!-- PDFViewer --> 
    <!--Remove statement for each extension is for running it on IIS Express--> 
    <remove fileExtension=".json" /> 
    <mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json" /> 
    <remove fileExtension=".woff" /> 
    <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/font-woff" /> 
    <mimeMap fileExtension=".res" mimeType="text/plain" /> 
    <mimeMap fileExtension=".nmf" mimeType="text/plain" /> 
    <mimeMap fileExtension=".pexe" mimeType="text/plain" /> 
    <mimeMap fileExtension=".mem" mimeType="text/plain" /> 
    <mimeMap fileExtension=".brotli" mimeType="text/plain" /> 


使用您建议的web.config更改,现在可以在Web Viewer控件中成功显示PDF文件。但是,XOD文件仍然不显示。请建议。 –


