2015-12-03 198 views



//displayTree() with crossing issue 
public void displayTree(Graphics g, Node localTree, int x, int y, int level) 

     // Display the root 
     int verticalGap = 50; 
     int horizontalGap = 250/level; 

     g.drawOval(x, y, radius, radius); 
     g.drawString(localTree.getKey() + "", x + (radius/4) , y + 20); 

     if (localTree.getLeft() != null) { 
     // Draw a line to the left node 
     lineToLeftChild(g, x - horizontalGap, y + verticalGap, x, y); 
     // Draw the left subtree recursively 
     displayTree(g, localTree.leftChild, x - horizontalGap, y + verticalGap, level + 1); 

    if (localTree.rightChild != null) { 
     // Draw a line to the right node 
     lineToRightChild(g, x + horizontalGap, y + verticalGap, x, y); 
     // Draw the right subtree recursively 
     displayTree(g, localTree.rightChild, x + horizontalGap, y + verticalGap, level + 1); 
    }//end displayTree() 

    //Line to child 
    private void lineToLeftChild(Graphics g, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { 
     g.drawLine(x1 + (radius/2), y1, x2, y2 + (radius/2)); 
    }//end LinetoLeft 

    //Line to child 
    private void lineToRightChild(Graphics g, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { 
     g.drawLine(x1 + (radius /2), y1, (x2 + radius) , y2 + (radius/2)); 
    }//end line to Right() 




Screenshot with crossing nodes


你想支持多少个关卡?您可以计算某个级别上最大节点数量的最小空间(例如,根节点下面的6个级别为2^6 = 10个像素= 64个节点),每个更高级别为空间的两倍。

您也可以使用不同的方式来显示你的树,像这样的“文件管理器”就像从The Java Tutorials - How to Use Trees,那里的孩子节点占用同样大的空间的做法,因为他们需要:

File manager like tree




// Main class TreeFromScratch: 

import java.awt.BorderLayout; 
import javax.swing.*; 

public class TreeFromScratch { 
    public static void main(final String[] arguments) { 
     SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> new TreeFromScratch().createAndShowGui()); 

    private void createAndShowGui() { 
     final JFrame frame = new JFrame("Stack Overflow"); 
     frame.setBounds(100, 100, 1200, 600); 

     final JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); 
     final Node tree = createTree(); 
     panel.add(new CustomTree(tree), BorderLayout.CENTER); 


    private Node createTree() { 
     final Node tree = new Node('a'); 
     tree.leftChild = new Node('b'); 

     tree.leftChild.leftChild = new Node('c'); 
     tree.leftChild.leftChild.leftChild = new Node('d'); 
     tree.leftChild.leftChild.leftChild.leftChild = new Node('e'); 
     tree.leftChild.leftChild.leftChild.leftChild.leftChild = new Node('f'); 

     tree.leftChild.rightChild = new Node('g'); 
     tree.leftChild.rightChild.rightChild = new Node('h'); 
     tree.leftChild.rightChild.rightChild.rightChild = new Node('i'); 
     tree.leftChild.rightChild.rightChild.rightChild.rightChild = new Node('j'); 

     tree.rightChild = new Node('k'); 
     tree.rightChild.leftChild = new Node('l'); 
     tree.rightChild.leftChild.leftChild = new Node('m'); 
     tree.rightChild.leftChild.leftChild.leftChild = new Node('n'); 
     tree.rightChild.leftChild.leftChild.leftChild.leftChild = new Node('o'); 

     return tree; 

// Class CustomTree: 

import java.awt.Graphics; 
import javax.swing.JPanel; 

public class CustomTree extends JPanel { 
    private Node tree; 
    private int radius = 40; 

    public CustomTree(Node tree) { 
     this.tree = tree; 

    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { 
     displayTree(g, tree, 660, 100, 1); 

    //displayTree() with crossing issue 
    public void displayTree(Graphics g, Node localTree, int x, int y, int level) { 
     // Display the root 
     int verticalGap = 50; 
     //int horizontalGap = 250/level; 
     int horizontalGap = (int) (660/Math.pow(2, level)); 

     g.drawOval(x, y, radius, radius); 
     g.drawString(localTree.getKey() + "", x + (radius/4), y + 20); 

     if (localTree.getLeft() != null) { 
      // Draw a line to the left node 
      lineToLeftChild(g, x - horizontalGap, y + verticalGap, x, y); 
      // Draw the left subtree recursively 
      displayTree(g, localTree.leftChild, x - horizontalGap, y + verticalGap, 
         level + 1); 

     if (localTree.rightChild != null) { 
      // Draw a line to the right node 
      lineToRightChild(g, x + horizontalGap, y + verticalGap, x, y); 
      // Draw the right subtree recursively 
      displayTree(g, localTree.rightChild, x + horizontalGap, y + verticalGap, 
         level + 1); 
    }//end displayTree() 

    //Line to child 
    private void lineToLeftChild(Graphics g, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { 
     g.drawLine(x1 + (radius/2), y1, x2, y2 + (radius/2)); 
    }//end LinetoLeft 

    //Line to child 
    private void lineToRightChild(Graphics g, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { 
     g.drawLine(x1 + (radius/2), y1, (x2 + radius), y2 + (radius/2)); 
    }//end line to Right() 

// Class Node: 

public class Node { 
    private char key; 
    protected Node leftChild; 
    protected Node rightChild; 

    public Node(char key) { 
     this.key = key; 

    public char getKey() { 
     return key; 

    public Node getLeft() { 
     return leftChild; 


Screenshot without crossing nodes