2015-07-21 41 views





这可能是简单的把技术/客户/第三方成用一个字段来区分不同类型的派对。然后你可以使用外键来提高效率。如果您必须在不同的表格中有派对类型,则可以在票据表中分开字段,每个字段都是各种表格的外键。如果没有更多细节(你的RDBMS,表结构),我不能得到更具体的结果:你的问题是非常开放的。 –


单个表的替代方案可能是将多个表的联合作为视图呈现。表现可能不会很好,并且你有责任确保唯一的ID(如你已经是!)。如果数据库是PostgreSQL,则可以使用表继承并重新提供各个表。 –


只有这三方或更多? –



您可以使用LEFT JOIN来实现您的要求: -

Set Nocount On; 

Declare @OfficeTickets Table 
    Id    Int Identity(1,1) 
    ,Column1  Varchar(100) 
    ,PartyType  Varchar(1) 
    ,TechnicianId Int Null 
    ,CustomerId  Int Null 
    ,ThirdPartyId Int Null 

Declare @OfficeTickets1 Table 
    Id    Int Identity(1,1) 
    ,Column1  Varchar(100) 
    ,TableName  Varchar(100) 
    ,TableId  Int Null 

Declare @Technician Table 
    Id    Int Identity(1,1) 
    ,TechnicianName Varchar(100) 

Declare @Customers Table 
    Id    Int Identity(1,1) 
    ,CustomerName Varchar(100) 

Declare @ThirdParty Table 
    Id    Int Identity(1,1) 
    ,ThirdPartyName Varchar(100) 

Insert Into @Technician(TechnicianName) Values 

Insert Into @Customers(CustomerName) Values 

Insert Into @ThirdParty(ThirdPartyName) Values 

Insert Into @OfficeTickets(Column1,PartyType,TechnicianId,CustomerId,ThirdPartyId) Values 

Insert Into @OfficeTickets1(Column1,TableName,TableId) Values 

---- taken separate columns for parties 
Select ot.Id 
From @OfficeTickets As ot 
     Left Join @Technician As t On ot.PartyType = 'T' And ot.TechnicianId = t.Id 
     Left Join @Customers As c On ot.PartyType = 'C' And ot.CustomerId = c.Id 
     Left Join @ThirdParty As tp On ot.PartyType = 'P' And ot.ThirdPartyId = tp.Id 

---- by TableName and TableId 
Select ot.Id 
From @OfficeTickets1 As ot 
     Left Join @Technician As t On ot.TableName = 'Technician' And ot.TableId = t.Id 
     Left Join @Customers As c On ot.TableName = 'Customers' And ot.TableId = c.Id 
     Left Join @ThirdParty As tp On ot.TableName = 'ThirdParty' And ot.TableId = tp.Id 

输出: -

enter image description here
