2016-11-06 76 views


function wrap(element) { 
    var text = element.getAttribute('data-original'); 
    if (!text) { 
    text = element.textContent.trim(); 
    element.setAttribute('data-original', text); 

    var words = text.split(/\s+/); 
    var result = '', 
    line = '', 
    reverseLine = false; 
    element.innerHTML = 'a'; 
    var height = element.offsetHeight; 

    for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { 
    var candidate = line + ' ' + words[i]; 
    element.innerHTML = result + candidate; 
    if (element.offsetHeight > height) { 
     height = element.offsetHeight; 
     result += '<div>' + line + '</div>'; 
     line = words[i]; 
    } else { 
     line = candidate; 
    if (line) result += '<div>' + line + '</div>'; 
    element.innerHTML = result; 

function wrapAll() { 
    [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('.text-inverse'), wrap); 
window.onresize = wrapAll;
.text-inverse div:nth-child(2n) { 
    direction: rtl; 
    unicode-bidi: bidi-override; 
    white-space: nowrap; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div class="courses"> 
    <time class="date" datetime="2016-11-08"></time> 
    <p class="course text-inverse">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec at cursus nisi. Morbi in quam eget quam aliquet laoreet vitae ac metus. Suspendisse nulla risus, faucibus vel lacus ac, sagittis accumsan nunc. Ut eleifend elit vitae commodo posuere. Donectincidunt, nulla vel ullamcorper tempor, nisl libero pretium tellus, eget luctus sem tellus in mi. Curabitur hendrerit urna in facilisis posuere. Ut ornare quis nibh et tincidunt. Mauris id orci a nisi lacinia eleifend sed id lectus.</p> 






  1. 上的空白分裂和产生阵列
  2. 反转的话的字符
  3. 的毗连颠倒顺序串


function wrap(element) { 
    var text = element.getAttribute('data-original'); 
    if (!text) { 
    text = element.textContent.trim(); 
    element.setAttribute('data-original', text); 

    var words = text.split(/\s+/); 
    var result = '', 
    line = '', 
    reverseLine = false; 
    element.innerHTML = 'a'; 
    var height = element.offsetHeight; 

    for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { 
    var word = words[i]; 
    var candidate = line + ' ' + word; 
    element.innerHTML = result + candidate; 
    if (element.offsetHeight > height) { 
     height = element.offsetHeight; 
     result += '<div>' + line + '</div>'; 
     line = word; 
    } else { 
     line = candidate; 
    if (line) result += '<div>' + line + '</div>'; 
    element.innerHTML = result; 

function wrapAll() { 
    [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('.text-inverse'), wrap); 
window.onresize = wrapAll; 



function reverseOddLinesWithChars() { 
    var textInverseHolder = document.getElementsByClassName("text-inverse")[0].children; 
    for (var i = 0, length = textInverseHolder.length; i < length; i++) { 
    var isOddLine = i%2; 
    if (isOddLine) { 
     var currentLine = textInverseHolder[i]; 
     var words = currentLine.innerHTML.split(" "); 
     var reversedWords = reverseCharOrderOfWords(words); 
     currentLine.innerHTML = reversedWords.join(" "); 

function reverseCharOrderOfWords(words) { 
    words.forEach(function (word, index, array) { 
     var newWord = word.split("").reverse().join(""); 
     newWord = placeDotOrCommaOnOtherSide(newWord); 
     words[index] = newWord; 

    return words; 

function placeDotOrCommaOnOtherSide(word) { 
    if (word.charAt(0) === ".") { 
    return returnCharOnOtherSide(word, "."); 
    } else if (word.charAt(0) === ",") { 
    return returnCharOnOtherSide(word, ","); 
    return word; 

function returnCharOnOtherSide(word, char) { 
    return word.split(char)[1] + char; 
.text-inverse div:nth-child(2n) { 
    direction: rtl; 
    unicode-bidi: bidi-override; 
    white-space: nowrap; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div class="courses"> 
    <time class="date" datetime="2016-11-08"></time> 
    <p class="course text-inverse">One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment.</p> 


你几乎得到它,但我需要这个字母,不是的话 – Blacksky


我看你改变你的答案。感谢您的提示,但它仍然是用于文字而不是用于信件...也许更多的想法? – Blacksky


对不起,我重新编辑了答案,因为我认为这个解决方案会更容易。我用字母替换前一个。 –