2016-07-22 73 views

我一直在关注使用Angular 2 universal实现应用程序的教程。在Heroku我越来越Angular 2 Universal Heroku部署

at=error code=H10 desc="App crashed" method=GET path="/" 


// the polyfills must be the first thing imported in node.js 
import 'angular2-universal/polyfills'; 

import * as path from 'path'; 
import * as express from 'express'; 
import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser'; 
import * as cookieParser from 'cookie-parser'; 

// Angular 2 
import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core'; 
// Angular 2 Universal 
import { expressEngine } from 'angular2-universal'; 

// enable prod for faster renders 

const app = express(); 
const ROOT = path.join(path.resolve(__dirname, '..')); 

// Express View 
app.engine('.html', expressEngine); 
app.set('views', __dirname); 
app.set('view engine', 'html'); 

app.use(cookieParser('Angular 2 Universal')); 

// Serve static files 
app.use('/assets', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'assets'), {maxAge: 30})); 
app.use(express.static(path.join(ROOT, 'dist/client'), {index: false})); 

import { serverApi } from './backend/api'; 
// Our API for demos only 
app.get('/data.json', serverApi); 

import { ngApp } from './main.node'; 
// Routes with html5pushstate 
// ensure routes match client-side-app 
app.get('/', ngApp); 
app.get('/about', ngApp); 
app.get('/about/*', ngApp); 
app.get('/home', ngApp); 
app.get('/home/*', ngApp); 
app.get('/ourwork', ngApp); 
app.get('/ourwork/*', ngApp); 
app.get('/services', ngApp); 
app.get('/services/*', ngApp); 
app.get('/portfolio', ngApp); 
app.get('/portfolio/*', ngApp); 
app.get('/contact', ngApp); 
app.get('/contact/*', ngApp); 

// use indexFile over ngApp only when there is too much load on the server 
function indexFile(req, res) { 
    // when there is too much load on the server just send 
    // the index.html without prerendering for client-only 
    res.sendFile('/index.html', {root: __dirname}); 

app.get('*', function(req, res) { 
    res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); 
    var pojo = { status: 404, message: 'No Content' }; 
    var json = JSON.stringify(pojo, null, 2); 

// Server 
app.listen(3000,() => { 
    console.log('Listening on: http://localhost:3000'); 





// Server 
app.listen((process.env.PORT || 3000),() => { 
    console.log('Listening on port %d', this.address().port); 


// Server 
app.listen(3000,() => { 
    console.log('Listening on: http://localhost:3000'); 



谢谢你的回应,不幸的是,当我加入这行的代码我开始在Heroku上得到以下错误。在__webpack_require__(/app/dist/server/index.js:21:30),在对象。 (/app/dist/server/index.js:53:21),在__webpack_require__(/app/dist/server/index.js:21:30)你是否熟悉我如何在Angular 2中修复这些错误通用启动包? – TyAnthoney


我不太了解你评论中的新错误。你可以将它们添加到你的问题? – acdcjunior


请忽略此评论^^我发现解决方案是我的开发依赖不同于我的prod依赖。谢谢 – TyAnthoney