2015-11-10 25 views

由于这个博客建议 blogImageMagic不工作在Windows

我的环境 的Windows 7 64位 XAMPP 5.6.12 32位

  1. 我安装ImageMagic的Windows(32位)
  2. 设置ImageMagic和MAGICK_HOME变量的环境路径
  3. 下载php_imagick.dll并粘贴到C:\ xampp \ php \ ext中,文件名以CORE_RL开头_ *在C:\ XAMPP的\ apache的\ BIN


the programme can't start because VCOMP110.DLL is missing from your computer. try reinstall program to fix this problem

我不知道为什么会发生错误。 我也安装了,选择vcredist_x64.exe




The program can't start because VCOMP110.DLL is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

这意味着你没有安装Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012。您可以从这个网页下载:https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679


是的我安装了vcredist_x86.exe并在system32中检查了vcomp110.dll。它仍然给我错误。对不起,我之前没有提到过这个 –


安装后可能需要重新启动。你安装了哪个版本的ImageMagick? – dlemstra


我也这样做了:D,并且我安装了ImageMagick-6.9.2-5-Q16-x86-dll.exe –

I am late here, but maybe it helps someone, you can check the Architecture using phpinfo(). 
ImageMagick + Imagick + PHP on XAMPP 
32bit OS 
XAMPP v3.2.1 
Step for install 
Install Imagick (PHP Extention). 
Install DLL of extension module. 
Setting DLL. 
1. Install ImageMagick (PHP Extention) under C:/ 
Install PHP Extention. 
You must install correct version which corresponded to your OS version. i installed 32 bit version ImageMagick-6.9.1-10-Q16-x86-dll.exe. 
Confirm extension_dir of phpinfo(); below is ok. 
extention_dir C:/xampp/php/ext 
2. Install DLL & Setting 
2-1. Install PHP Extension 
Install by PECL 
!! Then confirm phpinfo(); you should select install. 
Case of enabled > php_imagick.dll, TS 
Case of disabled > php_imagick.dll, NTS 

2-2. DLL file move into extension folder 
php_imagick.dll in download folder move to C:/xampp/php/ext 
2-3. CORE_RL_* move into Apache binary folder 
CORE_RL_* file move into C:/xampp/apache/bin 
2-4. Add extension to php.ini 
You should write extension=php_imagick.dll on php.ini (!! Write under [PECL]). 
3. Setting Environment 
Add MAGICK_HOME to your environment PATH. 
Try phpinfo(); 
4. convert image on CLI 
>convert wizard: wizard.jpg 
>convert wizard.jpg win: 
But in this state, ImageMagick number of supported formats is 0 and ImageMagick supported formats is no value so you should do below. 
All *_.dll file in C:/ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16/modules/coders copy to C:/xampp/apache/bin 
All *_.dll file in C:/ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16/modules/filters copy to C:/xampp/apache/bin 
All *_.dll file in C:/ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16/modules/coders copy to C:/ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16 
All *_.dll file in C:/ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16/modules/filters copy to C:/ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16 
Restart Apache 

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