2013-03-26 45 views



Sub Click(Source As Button) 

    Dim s As New NotesSession 
    Dim db As NotesDatabase 
    Dim doc As NotesDocument 
    Dim subject As String 
    Dim maildoc As NotesDocument 
    Dim rtitem As NotesRichTextItem 
    Set db = s.CurrentDatabase 
    Set doc = New NotesDocument(s.CurrentDatabase) 
    Set maildoc = New NotesDocument(s.CurrentDatabase) 
    Set ritem = New NotesRichTextItem(maildoc, "Body") 

'Modify Subject, Location, Start Day and Time, End Day and Time before sending!! 

    doc.subject = "test" 
    doc.location = "bangalore" 
    Set startdatetime = New NotesDateTime("03/26/2013 04:00:00 PM") 
    Set enddatetime = New NotesDateTime("03/24/2008 05:00:00 PM") 


    doc.From = s.UserName 
    doc.Form = "Appointment" 
    doc.AppointmentType = "0" 
    doc.Chair = s.UserName 
    doc.StartDateTime = startdatetime.LSLocalTime 
    doc.EndDateTime = enddatetime.LSLocalTime 
    doc.CalendarDateTime = startdatetime.LSLocalTime 
    doc.TimeRange = Timevalue(doc.startdatetime(0)) & "-" & Timevalue(doc.enddatetime(0)) 
    doc.ExcludefromView = "D" 

    Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("_ViewIcon", 160) 
    Call doc.AppendItemValue("$BusyName", s.UserName) 
    Call doc.AppendItemValue("$BusyPriority", "1") 
    Call doc.AppendItemValue("$PublicAccess", "1") 
    Call doc.save(True,True) 

    Print "An entry for this event was successfully added to your calendar and an e-mail confirmation was sent." 
    Msgbox "Calendar successfully updated and e-mail confirmation sent.", 64, "Success" 

'Send e-mail confirmation 

    maildoc.Form = "Memo" 

'Modify Subject and Send to 

    maildoc.Subject = "test to send multiple emails" 
    Dim recip(2) As Variant 
    recip(0) = "" 
    recip(1) = "" 

    maildoc.sendto = recip 


    Call maildoc.Send(False) 

End Sub 

你的问题是什么?当你现在运行这个脚本时会发生什么? – 2013-03-26 13:15:45


那么脚本工作得很好..一旦他们点击按钮,无论日期和时间脚本中提到他们的日历。我想要的是在脚本中添加两个不同的日期,并且当点击它时,它应该在其日历中创建两个不同的条目。 – 2013-03-26 13:21:51


您是否在谈论创建重复预约?即,同一时间和相同的细节,但在两个不同的日子? – 2013-03-26 17:48:59



IBM已经发布了Lotus Notes日历约会模式here。如果您想在两天内创建重复预约,但每天都在同一天,请从第12页开始。有很多选项,但我认为您可能需要设置重复=“1 “,RepeatUnit =”C“并将RepeatCustom =设置为具有两个日期的数组。


IBM将发布的Lotus Notes C & S Schema doc移至here。上面找到的另一个链接是以前没有更新的版本。



w/you脚本存在的一个潜在问题是它将使用用户时区的时间。因此,如果任何用户在另一个时区并点击它,这些条目将被放置在错误的时间。您可以通过将3个字符的时区标识符放在值的末尾来解决该问题(例如“03/26/2013 04:00:00 PM PM EDT”)
