2013-12-17 56 views

我试图在观看Udacity中的“Intro to AI”课程后实施统一成本搜索。但是,我的算法没有得到正确的路径。在这里发布前一直在尝试一整天。我添加了一张地图来帮助可视化场景。该算法应找到从阿拉德到布加勒斯特的最短加权路径Romania Map统一成本搜索实施

import java.util.PriorityQueue; 
import java.util.HashSet; 
import java.util.Set; 
import java.util.Collections; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.Comparator; 

//diff between uniform cost search and dijkstra algo is that UCS has a goal 

public class UniformCostSearchAlgo{ 
    public static void main(String[] args){ 

     //initialize the graph base on the Romania map 
     Node n1 = new Node("Arad"); 
     Node n2 = new Node("Zerind"); 
     Node n3 = new Node("Oradea"); 
     Node n4 = new Node("Sibiu"); 
     Node n5 = new Node("Fagaras"); 
     Node n6 = new Node("Rimnicu Vilcea"); 
     Node n7 = new Node("Pitesti"); 
     Node n8 = new Node("Timisoara"); 
     Node n9 = new Node("Lugoj"); 
     Node n10 = new Node("Mehadia"); 
     Node n11 = new Node("Drobeta"); 
     Node n12 = new Node("Craiova"); 
     Node n13 = new Node("Bucharest"); 
     Node n14 = new Node("Giurgiu"); 

     //initialize the edges 
     n1.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n2,75), 
      new Edge(n4,140), 
      new Edge(n8,118) 

     n2.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n1,75), 
      new Edge(n3,71) 

     n3.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n2,71), 
      new Edge(n4,151) 

     n4.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n1,140), 
      new Edge(n5,99), 
      new Edge(n3,151), 
      new Edge(n6,80), 

     n5.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n4,99), 
      new Edge(n13,211) 

     n6.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n4,80), 
      new Edge(n7,97), 
      new Edge(n12,146) 

     n7.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n6,97), 
      new Edge(n13,101), 
      new Edge(n12,138) 

     n8.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n1,118), 
      new Edge(n9,111) 

     n9.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n8,111), 
      new Edge(n10,70) 

     n10.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n9,70), 
      new Edge(n11,75) 

     n11.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n10,75), 
      new Edge(n12,120) 

     n12.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n11,120), 
      new Edge(n6,146), 
      new Edge(n7,138) 

     n13.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n7,101), 
      new Edge(n14,90), 
      new Edge(n5,211) 

     n14.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n13,90) 


     List<Node> path = printPath(n13); 

     System.out.println("Path: " + path); 


    public static void UniformCostSearch(Node source, Node goal){ 

     source.pathCost = 0; 
     PriorityQueue<Node> queue = new PriorityQueue<Node>(20, 
      new Comparator<Node>(){ 

       //override compare method 
       public int compare(Node i, Node j){ 
        if(i.pathCost > j.pathCost){ 
         return 1; 

        else if (i.pathCost < j.pathCost){ 
         return -1; 

         return 0; 


     Set<Node> explored = new HashSet<Node>(); 
     boolean found = false; 

     //while frontier is not empty 

      Node current = queue.poll(); 

       found = true; 


      for(Edge e: current.adjacencies){ 
       Node child = e.target; 
       double cost = e.cost; 
       child.pathCost = current.pathCost + cost; 

       if(!explored.contains(child) && !queue.contains(child)){ 

        child.parent = current; 



       else if((queue.contains(child))&&(child.pathCost>current.pathCost)){ 

        current = child; 




    public static List<Node> printPath(Node target){ 
     List<Node> path = new ArrayList<Node>(); 
     for(Node node = target; node!=null; node = node.parent){ 


     return path; 



class Node{ 

    public final String value; 
    public double pathCost; 
    public Edge[] adjacencies; 
    public Node parent; 

    public Node(String val){ 

     value = val; 


    public String toString(){ 
     return value; 


class Edge{ 
    public final double cost; 
    public final Node target; 

    public Edge(Node targetNode, double costVal){ 
     cost = costVal; 
     target = targetNode; 


你在期待和你想说什么? – Dom


@Dom,我添加了一张地图来解释更多。我试图找到从阿拉德到布加勒斯特的最短路线。路径应该是[Arad,Sibiu,Rimnicu Vilcea,皮特什蒂,布加勒斯特]。但我越来越[Arad,Sibiu,Fagaras,布加勒斯特] –


不要忘记接受答案。 –



哇。我设法弄清楚了!显然,我添加了双向边而不是单向边。而不是让Edge e1从节点A到节点B,边e2从节点B到节点A,我删除e2,使它成为单个有向图。因此,该算法起作用!


但是该示例中的图不是定向的,并且该算法应该适用于无向图。此外,队列可能有问题。 java.util.PriorityQueue并不是真正用于减少像在最短路径算法中获得的密钥的密钥。您可以通过删除节点并重新添加它来获得该效果,但这与预期的复杂程度不同。 'PriorityQueue'用于一旦对象被插入后键(/优先级)不会改变的情况。 –





import java.util.PriorityQueue; 
import java.util.HashSet; 
import java.util.Set; 
import java.util.Collections; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.Comparator; 

//diff between uniform cost search and dijkstra algo is that UCS has a goal 

public class UniformCostSearchAlgo{ 
    public static void main(String[] args){ 

     //initialize the graph base on the Romania map 
     Node n1 = new Node("Arad"); 
     Node n2 = new Node("Zerind"); 
     Node n3 = new Node("Oradea"); 
     Node n4 = new Node("Sibiu"); 
     Node n5 = new Node("Fagaras"); 
     Node n6 = new Node("Rimnicu Vilcea"); 
     Node n7 = new Node("Pitesti"); 
     Node n8 = new Node("Timisoara"); 
     Node n9 = new Node("Lugoj"); 
     Node n10 = new Node("Mehadia"); 
     Node n11 = new Node("Drobeta"); 
     Node n12 = new Node("Craiova"); 
     Node n13 = new Node("Bucharest"); 
     Node n14 = new Node("Giurgiu"); 

     //initialize the edges 
     n1.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n2,75), 
      new Edge(n4,140), 
      new Edge(n8,118) 

     n2.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n1,75), 
      new Edge(n3,71) 

     n3.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n2,71), 
      new Edge(n4,151) 

     n4.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n1,140), 
      new Edge(n5,99), 
      new Edge(n3,151), 
      new Edge(n6,80), 

     n5.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n4,99), 
      new Edge(n13,211) 

     n6.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n4,80), 
      new Edge(n7,97), 
      new Edge(n12,146) 

     n7.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n6,97), 
      new Edge(n13,101), 
      new Edge(n12,138) 

     n8.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n1,118), 
      new Edge(n9,111) 

     n9.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n8,111), 
      new Edge(n10,70) 

     n10.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n9,70), 
      new Edge(n11,75) 

     n11.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n10,75), 
      new Edge(n12,120) 

     n12.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n11,120), 
      new Edge(n6,146), 
      new Edge(n7,138) 

     n13.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n7,101), 
      new Edge(n14,90), 
      new Edge(n5,211) 

     n14.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ 
      new Edge(n13,90) 


     List<Node> path = printPath(n13); 

     System.out.println("Path: " + path); 


    public static void UniformCostSearch(Node source, Node goal){ 

     source.pathCost = 0; 
     PriorityQueue<Node> queue = new PriorityQueue<Node>(20, 
      new Comparator<Node>(){ 

       //override compare method 
       public int compare(Node i, Node j){ 
        if(i.pathCost > j.pathCost){ 
         return 1; 

        else if (i.pathCost < j.pathCost){ 
         return -1; 

         return 0; 


     Set<Node> explored = new HashSet<Node>(); 
     boolean found = false; 

     //while frontier is not empty 

      Node current = queue.poll(); 

       found = true; 


      for(Edge e: current.adjacencies){ 
       Node child = e.target; 
       double cost = e.cost; 
       child.pathCost = current.pathCost + cost; 

       if(!explored.contains(child) && !queue.contains(child)){ 

        child.parent = current; 


       else if((queue.contains(child))&&(child.pathCost>current.pathCost)){ 

        // the next two calls decrease the key of the node in the queue 



    public static List<Node> printPath(Node target){ 
     List<Node> path = new ArrayList<Node>(); 
     for(Node node = target; node!=null; node = node.parent){ 


     return path; 



class Node{ 

    public final String value; 
    public double pathCost; 
    public Edge[] adjacencies; 
    public Node parent; 

    public Node(String val){ 

     value = val; 


    public String toString(){ 
     return value; 


class Edge{ 
    public final double cost; 
    public final Node target; 

    public Edge(Node targetNode, double costVal){ 
     cost = costVal; 
     target = targetNode; 


谢谢@Viktor。现在,如果我将Fagaras到Buscharest的距离更改为更低的值(例如1),这将使路径更短,则算法现在不会返回此新的较短路径。当它现在应该是[Arad,Sibiu,Fagaras,Bucharest]时,它仍然保持[Arad,Sibiu,Rimnicu Vilcea,Pitesti,Bucharest]。有任何想法吗? –


@ Ray.R.Chua你能检查你是否正确设置了边长并重新编译了?对我来说,更新的算法显示预期的结果。查看ideone上的运行:http://ideone.com/KCqfXM –



import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.Collections; 
import java.util.Comparator; 
import java.util.HashSet; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.PriorityQueue; 
import java.util.Set; 

public class UniformCostSearchAlgo { 

public static void main(String[] args) { 
Node n1 = new Node("Arad"); 
Node n2 = new Node("Zerind"); 
Node n3 = new Node("Oradea"); 
Node n4 = new Node("Sibiu"); 
Node n5 = new Node("Fagaras"); 
Node n6 = new Node("Rimnicu Vilcea"); 
Node n7 = new Node("Pitesti"); 
Node n8 = new Node("Timisoara"); 
Node n9 = new Node("Lugoj"); 
Node n10 = new Node("Mehadia"); 
Node n11 = new Node("Drobeta"); 
Node n12 = new Node("Craiova"); 
Node n13 = new Node("Bucharest"); 
Node n14 = new Node("Giurgiu"); 

// initialize the edges 
n1.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n2, 75), new Edge(n4, 140), 
     new Edge(n8, 118) }; 

n2.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n1, 75), new Edge(n3, 71) }; 

n3.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n2, 71), new Edge(n4, 151) }; 

n4.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n1, 140), new Edge(n5, 99), 
     new Edge(n3, 151), new Edge(n6, 80), }; 

n5.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n4, 99), new Edge(n13, 211) }; 

n6.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n4, 80), new Edge(n7, 97), 
     new Edge(n12, 146) }; 

n7.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n6, 97), new Edge(n13, 101), 
     new Edge(n12, 138) }; 

n8.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n1, 118), new Edge(n9, 111) }; 

n9.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n8, 111), new Edge(n10, 70) }; 

n10.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n9, 70), new Edge(n11, 75) }; 

n11.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n10, 75), new Edge(n12, 120) }; 

n12.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n11, 120), new Edge(n6, 146), 
     new Edge(n7, 138) }; 

n13.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n7, 101), new Edge(n14, 90), 
     new Edge(n5, 211) }; 

n14.adjacencies = new Edge[] { new Edge(n13, 90) }; 

UniformCostSearch(n1, n13); 

List<Node> path = printPath(n13); 

System.out.println("Path: " + path); 


public static void UniformCostSearch(Node source, Node goal) { 

List<Node> list = new ArrayList<Node>(); 
source.pathCost = 0; 
PriorityQueue<Node> queue = new PriorityQueue<Node>(20, 
     new Comparator<Node>() { 

      // override compare method 
      public int compare(Node i, Node j) { 
       if ((i.pathCost > j.pathCost)) { 
        return 1; 

       else if (i.pathCost < j.pathCost) { 
        return -1; 

       else { 
        return 0; 


Set<Node> explored = new HashSet<Node>(); 
List<Node> path = new ArrayList<Node>(); 

// while frontier is not empty 
do { 

    Node current = queue.poll(); 
    for (Node node = current; node != null; node = node.parent) { 
    if (current.value.equals(goal.value)) { 
     goal.parent = current.parent; 
     goal.pathCost = current.pathCost; 


    for (Edge e : current.adjacencies) { 
     Node child = e.target; 
     double cost = e.cost; 
     if ((queue.contains(child) || explored.contains(child)) 
       && !path.contains(child)) { 
      Node n = new Node(child); 
      list.get(list.size() - 1).pathCost = current.pathCost 
        + cost; 
      list.get(list.size() - 1).parent = current; 
      queue.add(list.get(list.size() - 1)); 

      System.out.println(list.get(list.size() - 1)); 
     } else if (!path.contains(child)) { 
      child.pathCost = current.pathCost + cost; 
      child.parent = current; 


} while (!queue.isEmpty()); 


public static List<Node> printPath(Node target) { 
List<Node> path = new ArrayList<Node>(); 
for (Node node = target; node != null; node = node.parent) { 


return path; 

class Node { 
public final String value; 
public double pathCost; 
public Edge[] adjacencies; 
public Node parent; 

public Node(String val) { 

value = val; 


public Node(Node node) { 
int i = 0; 
adjacencies = new Edge[node.adjacencies.length]; 
value = node.value; 
pathCost = node.pathCost; 
for (Edge e : node.adjacencies) { 
    adjacencies[i++] = e; 
parent = node.parent; 

public String toString() { 
return value + pathCost + " "; 

class Edge { 
public final double cost; 
public final Node target; 

public Edge(Node targetNode, double costVal) { 
cost = costVal; 
target = targetNode; 



请添加一句话来解释您的代码。 –



else if((queue.contains(child))&&(child.pathCost>current.pathCost)){ 

          current = child; 


else if((queue.contains(child))&&(child.pathCost>current.pathCost+cost)){ 

          child.pathCost = current.pathCost+cost; 
