2016-09-14 58 views


submission #,scores 
882,"Overall evaluation: 1 
Invite to interview: 1 
Strength or novelty of the idea (1): 4 
Strength or novelty of the idea (2): 4 
Strength or novelty of the idea (3): 3 
Use or provision of open data (1): 3 
Use or provision of open data (2): 3 
""Open by default"" (1): 4 
""Open by default"" (2): 4 
Value proposition and potential scale (1): 2 
Value proposition and potential scale (2): 1 
Market opportunity and timing (1): 3 
Market opportunity and timing (2): 1 
Triple bottom line impact (1): 2 
Triple bottom line impact (2): 2 
Triple bottom line impact (3): 4 
Knowledge and skills of the team (1): 1 
Knowledge and skills of the team (2): 2 
Capacity to realise the idea (1): 1 
Capacity to realise the idea (2): 3 
Capacity to realise the idea (3): 1 
Appropriateness of the budget to realise the idea: 3" 
882,"Overall evaluation: 2 
Invite to interview: 3 
Strength or novelty of the idea (1): 4 
Strength or novelty of the idea (2): 1 
Strength or novelty of the idea (3): 4 
Use or provision of open data (1): 4 
Use or provision of open data (2): 3 
""Open by default"" (1): 3 
""Open by default"" (2): 4 
Value proposition and potential scale (1): 4 
Value proposition and potential scale (2): 4 
Market opportunity and timing (1): 4 
Market opportunity and timing (2): 4 
Triple bottom line impact (1): 4 
Triple bottom line impact (2): 1 
Triple bottom line impact (3): 3 
Knowledge and skills of the team (1): 3 
Knowledge and skills of the team (2): 2 
Capacity to realise the idea (1): 2 
Capacity to realise the idea (2): 3 
Capacity to realise the idea (3): 3 
Appropriateness of the budget to realise the idea: 3" 
883,"Overall evaluation: 1 
Invite to interview: 1 
Strength or novelty of the idea (1): 4 
Strength or novelty of the idea (2): 3 
Strength or novelty of the idea (3): 4 
Use or provision of open data (1): 2 
Use or provision of open data (2): 3 
""Open by default"" (1): 3 
""Open by default"" (2): 3 
Value proposition and potential scale (1): 2 
Value proposition and potential scale (2): 1 
Market opportunity and timing (1): 3 
Market opportunity and timing (2): 1 
Triple bottom line impact (1): 1 
Triple bottom line impact (2): 4 
Triple bottom line impact (3): 2 
Knowledge and skills of the team (1): 3 
Knowledge and skills of the team (2): 3 
Capacity to realise the idea (1): 1 
Capacity to realise the idea (2): 3 
Capacity to realise the idea (3): 4 
Appropriateness of the budget to realise the idea: 3" 
883,"Overall evaluation: 1 
Invite to interview: 1 
Strength or novelty of the idea (1): 2 
Strength or novelty of the idea (2): 2 
Strength or novelty of the idea (3): 1 
Use or provision of open data (1): 2 
Use or provision of open data (2): 1 
""Open by default"" (1): 3 
""Open by default"" (2): 2 
Value proposition and potential scale (1): 2 
Value proposition and potential scale (2): 2 
Market opportunity and timing (1): 2 
Market opportunity and timing (2): 2 
Triple bottom line impact (1): 1 
Triple bottom line impact (2): 2 
Triple bottom line impact (3): 2 
Knowledge and skills of the team (1): 4 
Knowledge and skills of the team (2): 2 
Capacity to realise the idea (1): 2 
Capacity to realise the idea (2): 2 
Capacity to realise the idea (3): 3 
Appropriateness of the budget to realise the idea: 3" 
885,"Overall evaluation: 2 
Invite to interview: 1 
Strength or novelty of the idea (1): 2 
Strength or novelty of the idea (2): 2 
Strength or novelty of the idea (3): 2 
Use or provision of open data (1): 2 
Use or provision of open data (2): 2 
""Open by default"" (1): 2 
""Open by default"" (2): 2 
Value proposition and potential scale (1): 1 
Value proposition and potential scale (2): 2 
Market opportunity and timing (1): 2 
Market opportunity and timing (2): 1 
Triple bottom line impact (1): 2 
Triple bottom line impact (2): 1 
Triple bottom line impact (3): 1 
Knowledge and skills of the team (1): 4 
Knowledge and skills of the team (2): 2 
Capacity to realise the idea (1): 1 
Capacity to realise the idea (2): 3 
Capacity to realise the idea (3): 2 
Appropriateness of the budget to realise the idea: 3" 


map = {} 
for l in lines: 
    data = l.split('"Overall evaluation:') 
    if len(data) == 2: 
     if data[0] not in map.keys(): 
      map[data[0]] = (0,0) 
     map[data[0]] = (map[data[0]][0]+int(data[1]) , map[data[0]][1]+1) 
for x, y in map.items(): 
    print(str(x) + ", " + str(y[0]/y[1])) 

什么,我认为正在发生的事情是,它需要的两个Overall evaluation:数字的平均值并将其输出到提交号码旁边,是否正确?


顺便说一句,如果你的'map'是一个'collections.defaultdict(lambda:(0,0))',那么读起来会更容易一些 - 这样你就可以用条件逻辑来处理未跟踪的情况你的循环。 –


@CharlesDuffy CR想要代码OP写入,而不是代码他们想要解释给他们 – jonrsharpe


(使用变量名'map'也是不幸的,因为它与内置函数冲突)。 –




划分两个确实会返回平均值(尽管因为它们是整数,所以结果是四舍五入的 - 如果想要浮点结果而不是整数结果,可以考虑将一个或两个都转换为浮点)。


因此它会输出从两位评论者那里收到的所有分数的平均值?我应该把帖子转到CR吗? :/ –


不,不要将它移动到CR - @jonrsharpe是正确的,你没有写自己的代码不受欢迎。除非使用Python 3,否则它是平均值*,但是四舍五入为浮点值* –


err,除非使用Python 3,否则“舍入为整数值”。 –