2011-07-19 53 views

我已经创建的位图1个像素宽& 256像素高度当我尝试绘制这个位图作为2个像素宽使用:的DrawImage()功能不起作用正确

public void DrawImage(Image image,RectangleF rect) 

位图不正确绘制,因为每个位图列之间都有白色细长条纹。 见下文

private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) 
    Graphics gr = e.Graphics; 

    Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 256); 
    for (int y = 0; y < 256; y++) 
     bitmap.SetPixel(0, y, Color.Red); 

    RectangleF rectf = new RectangleF(); 
    for (int x = 0; x < 500; x++) 
     float factor = 2; 
     rectf.X = x*factor; 
     rectf.Y = 0; 
     rectf.Width = fact; 
     rectf.Height = 500; 
     // should draw bitmap as 2 pixels wide but draws it with white slim stripes in between each bitmap colomn 
     gr.DrawImage(bitmap, rectf); 

为什么位图的高度做得不如目标矩形高? – Tigran




for (int x = 0; x < 500; x++) 
    float factor = 2; 
    rectf.X = x*factor; 
    rectf.Y = 0; 
    rectf.Width = fact; 
    rectf.Height = 500; 
    // should draw bitmap as 2 pixels wide 
    // but draws it with white slim stripes in between 
    // each bitmap colomn 
    gr.DrawImage(bitmap, rectf); 

这是你的代码片段。你坚持认为should draw bitmap as 2 pixels wide。对不起,但这是错误的。我会解释为什么。让我们看看这个循环是如何工作的。

  • x=0

  • 你左上X坐标设置为零。 rectf.X = x*factor;

  • gr.DrawImage(bitmap,rectf);您是矩形绘制1个像素宽的位图,起点为x坐标等于0

  • 循环结束,x变成现在1.

  • 左上X座标为2.

  • 绘图1像素宽的位图上的矩形,起始于X坐标等于2(正如你看到没有位图@ X = 1)



for (int x = 0; x < 500; x++) 
    float factor = 2; 
    rectf.X = x * factor; // x coord loops only through even numbers, thus there are white stripes 
    rectf.Y = 0; 
    rectf.Width = factor; 
    rectf.Height = 500; 
    // should draw bitmap as 2 pixels wide 
    // but draws it with white slim stripes in between 
    // each bitmap colomn 
    gr.DrawImage(bitmap, rectf); 
    rectf.X = x * factor + 1; // now x coord also loops through odd numbers, and combined with even coords there will be no white stripes. 
    gr.DrawImage(bitmap, rectf);  



