2014-03-18 83 views

道歉,如果这是一个长长的啰嗦,我真的很感谢这里的答案,因为我很难得到这个工作。perl +读取多个csv文件+操作文件+提供output_files

从这个问题构建here,我有这个脚本在csv文件(orig.csv)上工作,并提供我想要的csv文件(format.csv)。我想要的是使其更通用,并接受任意数量的'.csv'文件,并为每个输入文件提供'output_ csv'。谁能帮忙?


    use strict; 
    use warnings; 

    open my $orig_fh, '<', 'orig.csv' or die $!; 
    open my $format_fh, '>', 'format.csv' or die $!; 

    print $format_fh scalar <$orig_fh>; # Copy header line 

    my %data; 
    my @labels; 

    while (<$orig_fh>) { 
     my @fields = split /,/, $_, -1; 
     my ($label, $max_val) = @fields[1,12]; 
     if (exists $data{$label}) { 
     my $prev_max_val = $data{$label}[12] || 0; 
     $data{$label} = \@fields if $max_val and $max_val > $prev_max_val; 
     else { 
     $data{$label} = \@fields; 
     push @labels, $label; 

    for my $label (@labels) { 
     print $format_fh join(',', @{ $data{$label} }), "\n"; 


    use strict; 
    use warnings; 
    #If you want to open a new output file for every input file 
    #Do it in your loop, not here. 
    #my $outfile = "KAC.pdb"; 
    #open(my $fh, '>>', $outfile); 
    opendir(DIR, "/data/tmp") or die "$!"; 
    my @files = readdir(DIR); 
    closedir DIR; 
    foreach my $file (@files) { 
    open(FH, "/data/tmp/$file") or die "$!"; 
    my $outfile = "output_$file"; #Add a prefix (anything, doesn't have to say 'output') 
    open(my $fh, '>', $outfile); 
    while (<FH>) { 
    my ($line) = $_; 
    if ($line =~ m/KAC 50/) { 
    print $fh $_; 

脚本读取目录中的所有文件,并找到符合这个字符串“ KAC 50',然后将该行附加到该inputfileoutput_$file。所以会有1 output_$file对于每个被读这个剧本,我已经注意到

问题inputfile并一直在寻找解决: - 它会读取“”和'..'文件并产生一个 'output_'。和'output_ ..'文件 - 它也会对此脚本文件执行相同的操作。


use Cwd qw(); 
my $path = Cwd::cwd(); 
print "$path\n"; 

opendir(DIR, $path) or die "$!"; # open the current directory 
open(FH, "$path/$file") or die "$!"; #open the file 


[email protected] ~/Perl 
$ perl formatfile_QforStackOverflow.pl 
Parentheses missing around "my" list at formatfile_QforStackOverflow.pl line 13. 
source dir -> /home/UserName/Perl 
Can't use string ("/home/UserName/Perl/format_or"...) as a symbol ref while "strict refs" in use at formatfile_QforStackOverflow.pl line 28. 


use strict; 
    use warnings; 
    use autodie; # this is used for the multiple files part... 

    #START::Getting current working directory 
    use Cwd qw(); 
    my $source_dir = Cwd::cwd(); 
    #END::Getting current working directory 

    print "source dir -> $source_dir\n"; 
    my $output_prefix = 'format_'; 

    opendir my $dh, $source_dir; #Changing this to work on current directory; changing back 

    for my $file (readdir($dh)) { 
     next if $file !~ /\.csv$/; 
     next if $file =~ /^\Q$output_prefix\E/; 

     my $orig_file = "$source_dir/$file"; 
     my $format_file = "$source_dir/$output_prefix$file"; 

     # .... old processing code here ... 
     ## Start:: This part works on one file edited for this script ## 
     #open my $orig_fh, '<', 'orig.csv' or die $!; #line 14 and 15 above already do this!! 
     #open my $format_fh, '>', 'format.csv' or die $!; 

     #print $format_fh scalar <$orig_fh>; # Copy header line #orig needs changeing 
     print $format_file scalar <$orig_file>; # Copy header line 

     my %data; 
     my @labels; 

     #while (<$orig_fh>) { #orig needs changing 
     while (<$orig_file>) { 
      my @fields = split /,/, $_, -1; 
      my ($label, $max_val) = @fields[1,12]; 
      if (exists $data{$label}) { 
      my $prev_max_val = $data{$label}[12] || 0; 
      $data{$label} = \@fields if $max_val and $max_val > $prev_max_val; 
      else { 
      $data{$label} = \@fields; 
      push @labels, $label; 

     for my $label (@labels) { 
      #print $format_fh join(',', @{ $data{$label} }), "\n"; #orig needs changing 
      print $format_file join(',', @{ $data{$label} }), "\n"; 
     ## END:: This part works on one file edited for this script ## 






use strict; 
use warnings; 
use autodie; 

my $source_dir = '/some/dir/with/cvs/files'; 
my $output_prefix = 'format_'; 

opendir my $dh, $source_dir; 
for my $file (readdir($dh)) { 
    next if $file !~ /\.csv$/; 
    next if $file =~ /^\Q$output_prefix\E/; 

    my $orig_file = "$source_dir/$file"; 
    my $format_file = "$source_dir/$output_prefix$file"; 

    .... old processing code here ... 




对不起,我认为这很清楚,我只是将格式化的文件保存在同一目录中,但他们会有一个前缀来区分。这是否是一种好的做法? tks – HattrickNZ


只要你正确地编写代码,这是一个很好的练习。我所展示的你将完成大部分工作。你最终需要学习更多的编程技巧,而不是把论坛上其他人提供的代码拼凑在一起。祝你好运。 – Miller


仍然出现错误,将不胜感激您的建议,编辑我的Q,tks – HattrickNZ