2011-05-10 92 views





感谢保罗......我不知道,我不得不从Hadoop的主目录下运行它 – shshnk 2011-05-10 15:35:15


@shshnk - 如果解决了这个问题,你可以请标明了一个问题,回答?我对StackOverflow相当陌生,但我认为社区鼓励这一点。如果你仍然卡住,让我知道,以及我会进一步挖掘。谢谢,保罗 – 2011-05-10 16:29:12

The check_basic_env.sh Script 

#! /bin/sh 
# This block is trying to do the basics of checking to see if 
# the HADOOP_HOME and the JAVA_HOME variables have been set correctly 
# and if they are not been set, suggest a setting in line with the earlier examples 
# The script actually tests for: 
# the presence of the java binary and the hadoop script, 
# and verifies that the expected versions are present 
# that the version of java and hadoop is as expected (warning if not) 
# that the version of java and hadoop referred to by the 
# JAVA_HOME and HADOOP_HOME environment variables are default version to run. 
# The 'if [' construct you see is a shortcut for 'if test' .... 
# the -z tests for a zero length string 
# the -d tests for a directory 
# the -x tests for the execute bit 
# -eq tests numbers 
# = tests strings 
# man test will describe all of the options 
# The '1>&2' construct directs the standard output of the 
# command to the standard error stream. 
if [ -z "$HADOOP_HOME" ]; then 
    echo "The HADOOP_HOME environment variable is not set" 1>&2 
    if [ -d ~/src/hadoop-0.19.0 ]; then 
     echo "Try export HADOOP_HOME=~/src/hadoop-0.19.0" 1>&2 
    exit 1; 
# This block is trying to do the basics of checking to see if 
# the JAVA_HOME variable has been set 
# and if it hasn't been set, suggest a setting in line with the earlier examples 
if [ -z "$JAVA_HOME" ]; then 
    echo "The JAVA HOME environment variable is not set" 1>&2 
    if [ -d /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_07 ]; then 
     echo "Try export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_07" 1>&2 
    exit 1 

# We are now going to see if a java program and hadoop programs 
# are in the path, and if they are the ones we are expecting. 
# The which command returns the full path to the first instance 
# of the program in the PATH environment variable 
JAVA_BIN=`which java` 
HADOOP_BIN=`which hadoop` 
# Check for the presence of java in the path and suggest an 
# appropriate path setting if java is not found 
if [ -z "${JAVA_BIN}" ]; then 
    echo "The java binary was not found using your PATH settings" 1>&2 
    if [ -x ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ]; then 
     echo 'Try export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin' 1>&2 
    exit 1 
# Check for the presence of hadoop in the path and suggest an 
# appropriate path setting if java is not found 
if [ -z "${HADOOP_BIN}" ]; then 
    echo "The hadoop binary was not found using your PATH settings" 1>&2 
    if [ -x ${HADOOP_HOME}/bin/hadoop ]; then 
     echo 'Try export PATH=${HADOOP_HOME}/bin:${PATH}' 1>&2 
    exit 1 
# Double check that the version of java installed in ${JAVA_HOME} 
# is the one stated in the examples. 
# If you have installed a different version your results may vary. 
if ! ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -version 2>&1 | grep -q 1.6.0_07; then 
    (echo –n "Your JAVA_HOME version of java is not the" 
    echo –n " 1.6.0_07 version, your results may vary from" 
    echo " the book examples.") 1>&2 
# Double check that the java in the PATH is the expected version. 
if ! java -version 2>&1 | grep -q 1.6.0_07; then 
    (echo –n "Your default java version is not the 1.6.0_07 " 
    echo –n "version, your results may vary from the book" 
    echo " examples.") 1>&2 

    # Try to get the location of the hadoop core jar file 
    # This is used to verify the version of hadoop installed 
    HADOOP_JAR=`ls -1 ${HADOOP_HOME}/hadoop-0.19.0-core.jar` 
    HADOOP_ALT_JAR=`ls -1 ${HADOOP_HOME}/hadoop-*-core.jar` 
    # If a hadoop jar was not found, either the installation 
    # was incorrect or a different version installed 
    if [ -z "${HADOOP_JAR}" -a -z "${HADOOP_ALT_JAR}" ]; then 
     (echo –n "Your HADOOP_HOME does not provide a hadoop" 
     echo –n " core jar. Your installation probably needs" 
     echo –n " to be redone or the HADOOP_HOME environment" 
     echo variable needs to be correctly set.") 1>&2 
     exit 1 
    if [ -z "${HADOOP_JAR}" -a ! -z "${HADOOP_ALT_JAR}" ]; then 
     (echo –n "Your hadoop version appears to be different" 
     echo –n " than the 0.19.0 version, your results may vary" 
     echo " from the book examples.") 1>&2 
    if [ `pwd` != ${HADOOP_HOME} ]; then 
     (echo –n 'Please change your working directory to" 
     echo –n " ${HADOOP_HOME}. cd ${HADOOP_HOME} <Enter>") 1>&2 
     exit 1 
    echo "You are good to go" 
    echo –n "your JAVA_HOME is set to ${JAVA_HOME} which " 
    echo "appears to exist and be the right version for the examples." 
    echo –n "your HADOOP_HOME is set to ${HADOOP_HOME} which " 
    echo "appears to exist and be the right version for the examples." 
    echo "your java program is the one in ${JAVA_HOME}" 
    echo "your hadoop program is the one in ${HADOOP_HOME}" 
    echo –n "The shell current working directory is ${HADOOP_HOME} " 
    echo "as the examples require." 
    if [ "${JAVA_BIN}" = "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" ]; then 
     echo "Your PATH appears to have the JAVA_HOME java program as the default java." 
     echo –n "Your PATH does not appear to provide the JAVA_HOME" 
     echo " java program as the default java." 

if [ "${HADOOP_BIN}" = "${HADOOP_HOME}/bin/hadoop" ]; then 
    echo –n "Your PATH appears to have the HADOOP_HOME" 
    echo " hadoop program as the default hadoop." 
    echo –n "Your PATH does not appear to provide the the HADOOP_HOME " 
    echo "hadoop program as the default hadoop program." 
exit 0 

该脚本将帮助您检查所有的env变量和配置。 试试这个bash脚本,通过存储它的hadoop根目录。 通过简单地写入./check_basic_env.sh来运行它。


hadoop脚本和其他有用的脚本位于{hadoop_install_directory}/bin目录中。当然,可以将此目录添加到$ PATH或从/ usr/bin或$ HOME/bin创建符号链接。
