2011-12-18 102 views



我用一些相同的原则可以适用于任何其他的这些(我大多使用junit)。这些是非常劳动密集型的 - 没有办法自动找到并运行测试。你可以考虑使用nunitc++/cli


// **************************************************************** 
// This is free software licensed under the NUnit license. You 
// may obtain a copy of the license as well as information regarding 
// copyright ownership at http://nunit.org/?p=license&r=2.4. 
// **************************************************************** 

using namespace NUnit::Framework; 
using NUnit::Framework::Is; 
using NUnit::Framework::Text; 
using NUnit::Framework::List; 
using NUnit::Framework::Has; 
using System::String; 

namespace NUnitSamples 
    public ref class AssertSyntaxTests : AssertionHelper 
     void IsNull() 
      Object ^nada = nullptr; 

      // Classic syntax 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(nada, Is::Null); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(nada, Null); 

     void IsNotNull() 
      // Classic syntax 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(42, Is::Not->Null); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(42, Not->Null); 

     void IsTrue() 
      // Classic syntax 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(2+2==4, Is::True); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(2+2==4, True); 

     void IsFalse() 
      // Classic syntax 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(2+2==5, Is::False); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(2+2==5, False); 

     void IsNaN() 
      double d = double::NaN; 
      float f = float::NaN; 

      // Classic syntax 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(d, Is::NaN); 
      Assert::That(f, Is::NaN); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(d, NaN); 
      Expect(f, NaN); 

     void EmptyStringTests() 
      // Classic syntax 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That("", Is::Empty); 
      Assert::That("Hello!", Is::Not->Empty); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect("", Empty); 
      Expect("Hello!", Not->Empty); 

     void EmptyCollectionTests() 
      // Classic syntax 
      Assert::IsEmpty(gcnew array<bool>(0)); 
      Assert::IsNotEmpty(gcnew array<int>(3)); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(gcnew array<bool>(0), Is::Empty); 
      Assert::That(gcnew array<int>(3), Is::Not->Empty); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(gcnew array<bool>(0), Empty); 
      Expect(gcnew array<int>(3), Not->Empty); 

     void ExactTypeTests() 
      // Classic syntax workarounds) 
      String^ greeting = "Hello"; 
      Assert::AreEqual(String::typeid, greeting->GetType()); 
      Assert::AreEqual("System.String", greeting->GetType()->FullName); 
      Assert::AreNotEqual(int::typeid, greeting->GetType()); 
      Assert::AreNotEqual("System.Int32", greeting->GetType()->FullName); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(greeting, Is::TypeOf(String::typeid)); 
      Assert::That(greeting, Is::Not->TypeOf(int::typeid)); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect("Hello", TypeOf(String::typeid)); 
      Expect("Hello", Not->TypeOf(int::typeid)); 

     void InstanceOfTypeTests() 
      // Classic syntax 
      Assert::IsInstanceOfType(String::typeid, "Hello"); 
      Assert::IsNotInstanceOfType(String::typeid, 5); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That("Hello", Is::InstanceOfType(String::typeid)); 
      Assert::That(5, Is::Not->InstanceOfType(String::typeid)); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect("Hello", InstanceOfType(String::typeid)); 
      Expect(5, Not->InstanceOfType(String::typeid)); 

     void AssignableFromTypeTests() 
      // Classic syntax 
      Assert::IsAssignableFrom(String::typeid, "Hello"); 
      Assert::IsNotAssignableFrom(String::typeid, 5); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That("Hello", Is::AssignableFrom(String::typeid)); 
      Assert::That(5, Is::Not->AssignableFrom(String::typeid)); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect("Hello", AssignableFrom(String::typeid)); 
      Expect(5, Not->AssignableFrom(String::typeid)); 

     void SubstringTests() 
      String^ phrase = "Hello World!"; 
      array<String^>^ strings = {"abc", "bad", "dba" }; 

      // Classic Syntax 
      StringAssert::Contains("World", phrase); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(phrase, Contains("World")); 
      // Only available using new syntax 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::DoesNotContain("goodbye")); 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::Contains("WORLD")->IgnoreCase); 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::DoesNotContain("BYE")->IgnoreCase); 
      Assert::That(strings, Text::All->Contains("b")); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(phrase, Contains("World")); 
      // Only available using new syntax 
      Expect(phrase, Not->Contains("goodbye")); 
      Expect(phrase, Contains("WORLD")->IgnoreCase); 
      Expect(phrase, Not->Contains("BYE")->IgnoreCase); 
      Expect(strings, All->Contains("b")); 

     void StartsWithTests() 
      String^ phrase = "Hello World!"; 
      array<String^>^ greetings = { "Hello!", "Hi!", "Hola!" }; 

      // Classic syntax 
      StringAssert::StartsWith("Hello", phrase); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::StartsWith("Hello")); 
      // Only available using new syntax 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::DoesNotStartWith("Hi!")); 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::StartsWith("HeLLo")->IgnoreCase); 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::DoesNotStartWith("HI")->IgnoreCase); 
      Assert::That(greetings, Text::All->StartsWith("h")->IgnoreCase); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(phrase, StartsWith("Hello")); 
      // Only available using new syntax 
      Expect(phrase, Not->StartsWith("Hi!")); 
      Expect(phrase, StartsWith("HeLLo")->IgnoreCase); 
      Expect(phrase, Not->StartsWith("HI")->IgnoreCase); 
      Expect(greetings, All->StartsWith("h")->IgnoreCase); 

     void EndsWithTests() 
      String^ phrase = "Hello World!"; 
      array<String^>^ greetings = { "Hello!", "Hi!", "Hola!" }; 

      // Classic Syntax 
      StringAssert::EndsWith("!", phrase); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::EndsWith("!")); 
      // Only available using new syntax 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::DoesNotEndWith("?")); 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::EndsWith("WORLD!")->IgnoreCase); 
      Assert::That(greetings, Text::All->EndsWith("!")); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(phrase, EndsWith("!")); 
      // Only available using new syntax 
      Expect(phrase, Not->EndsWith("?")); 
      Expect(phrase, EndsWith("WORLD!")->IgnoreCase); 
      Expect(greetings, All->EndsWith("!")); 

     void EqualIgnoringCaseTests() 
      String^ phrase = "Hello World!"; 

      // Classic syntax 
      StringAssert::AreEqualIgnoringCase("hello world!",phrase); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(phrase, Is::EqualTo("hello world!")->IgnoreCase); 
      //Only available using new syntax 
      Assert::That(phrase, Is::Not->EqualTo("goodbye world!")->IgnoreCase); 
      Assert::That(gcnew array<String^> { "Hello", "World" }, 
       Is::EqualTo(gcnew array<Object^> { "HELLO", "WORLD" })->IgnoreCase); 
      Assert::That(gcnew array<String^> {"HELLO", "Hello", "hello" }, 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(phrase, EqualTo("hello world!")->IgnoreCase); 
      //Only available using new syntax 
      Expect(phrase, Not->EqualTo("goodbye world!")->IgnoreCase); 
      Expect(gcnew array<String^> { "Hello", "World" }, 
       EqualTo(gcnew array<Object^> { "HELLO", "WORLD" })->IgnoreCase); 
      Expect(gcnew array<String^> {"HELLO", "Hello", "hello" }, 

     void RegularExpressionTests() 
      String^ phrase = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."; 
      array<String^>^ quotes = { "Never say never", "It's never too late", "Nevermore!" }; 

      // Classic syntax 
      StringAssert::IsMatch("all good men", phrase); 
      StringAssert::IsMatch("Now.*come", phrase); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::Matches("all good men")); 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::Matches("Now.*come")); 
      // Only available using new syntax 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::DoesNotMatch("all.*men.*good")); 
      Assert::That(phrase, Text::Matches("ALL")->IgnoreCase); 
      Assert::That(quotes, Text::All->Matches("never")->IgnoreCase); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(phrase, Matches("all good men")); 
      Expect(phrase, Matches("Now.*come")); 
      // Only available using new syntax 
      Expect(phrase, Not->Matches("all.*men.*good")); 
      Expect(phrase, Matches("ALL")->IgnoreCase); 
      Expect(quotes, All->Matches("never")->IgnoreCase); 

     void EqualityTests() 
      array<int>^ i3 = { 1, 2, 3 }; 
      array<double>^ d3 = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }; 
      array<int>^ iunequal = { 1, 3, 2 }; 

      // Classic Syntax 
      Assert::AreEqual(4, 2 + 2); 
      Assert::AreEqual(i3, d3); 
      Assert::AreNotEqual(5, 2 + 2); 
      Assert::AreNotEqual(i3, iunequal); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(2 + 2, Is::EqualTo(4)); 
      Assert::That(2 + 2 == 4); 
      Assert::That(i3, Is::EqualTo(d3)); 
      Assert::That(2 + 2, Is::Not->EqualTo(5)); 
      Assert::That(i3, Is::Not->EqualTo(iunequal)); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(2 + 2, EqualTo(4)); 
      Expect(2 + 2 == 4); 
      Expect(i3, EqualTo(d3)); 
      Expect(2 + 2, Not->EqualTo(5)); 
      Expect(i3, Not->EqualTo(iunequal)); 

     void EqualityTestsWithTolerance() 
      // CLassic syntax 
      Assert::AreEqual(5.0, 4.99, 0.05); 
      Assert::AreEqual(5.0F, 4.99F, 0.05F); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(4.99L, Is::EqualTo(5.0L)->Within(0.05L)); 
      Assert::That(4.99f, Is::EqualTo(5.0f)->Within(0.05f)); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(4.99L, EqualTo(5.0L)->Within(0.05L)); 
      Expect(4.99f, EqualTo(5.0f)->Within(0.05f)); 

     void ComparisonTests() 
      // Classic Syntax 
      Assert::Greater(7, 3); 
      Assert::GreaterOrEqual(7, 3); 
      Assert::GreaterOrEqual(7, 7); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(7, Is::GreaterThan(3)); 
      Assert::That(7, Is::GreaterThanOrEqualTo(3)); 
      Assert::That(7, Is::AtLeast(3)); 
      Assert::That(7, Is::GreaterThanOrEqualTo(7)); 
      Assert::That(7, Is::AtLeast(7)); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(7, GreaterThan(3)); 
      Expect(7, GreaterThanOrEqualTo(3)); 
      Expect(7, AtLeast(3)); 
      Expect(7, GreaterThanOrEqualTo(7)); 
      Expect(7, AtLeast(7)); 

      // Classic syntax 
      Assert::Less(3, 7); 
      Assert::LessOrEqual(3, 7); 
      Assert::LessOrEqual(3, 3); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(3, Is::LessThan(7)); 
      Assert::That(3, Is::LessThanOrEqualTo(7)); 
      Assert::That(3, Is::AtMost(7)); 
      Assert::That(3, Is::LessThanOrEqualTo(3)); 
      Assert::That(3, Is::AtMost(3)); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(3, LessThan(7)); 
      Expect(3, LessThanOrEqualTo(7)); 
      Expect(3, AtMost(7)); 
      Expect(3, LessThanOrEqualTo(3)); 
      Expect(3, AtMost(3)); 

     void AllItemsTests() 
      array<Object^>^ ints = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; 
      array<Object^>^ strings = { "abc", "bad", "cab", "bad", "dad" }; 

      // Classic syntax 
      CollectionAssert::AllItemsAreInstancesOfType(ints, int::typeid); 
      CollectionAssert::AllItemsAreInstancesOfType(strings, String::typeid); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(ints, Is::All->Not->Null); 
      Assert::That(ints, Is::All->InstanceOfType(int::typeid)); 
      Assert::That(strings, Is::All->InstanceOfType(String::typeid)); 
      Assert::That(ints, Is::Unique); 
      // Only available using new syntax 
      Assert::That(strings, Is::Not->Unique); 
      Assert::That(ints, Is::All->GreaterThan(0)); 
      Assert::That(strings, Text::All->Contains("a")); 
      Assert::That(strings, Has::Some->StartsWith("ba")); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(ints, All->Not->Null); 
      Expect(ints, All->InstanceOfType(int::typeid)); 
      Expect(strings, All->InstanceOfType(String::typeid)); 
      Expect(ints, Unique); 
      // Only available using new syntax 
      Expect(strings, Not->Unique); 
      Expect(ints, All->GreaterThan(0)); 
      Expect(strings, All->Contains("a")); 
      Expect(strings, Some->StartsWith("ba")); 

     void SomeItemsTests() 
      array<Object^>^ mixed = { 1, 2, "3", nullptr, "four", 100 }; 
      array<Object^>^ strings = { "abc", "bad", "cab", "bad", "dad" }; 

      // Not available using the classic syntax 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(mixed, Has::Some->Null); 
      Assert::That(mixed, Has::Some->InstanceOfType(int::typeid)); 
      Assert::That(mixed, Has::Some->InstanceOfType(String::typeid)); 
      Assert::That(strings, Has::Some->StartsWith("ba")); 
      Assert::That(strings, Has::Some->Not->StartsWith("ba")); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(mixed, Some->Null); 
      Expect(mixed, Some->InstanceOfType(int::typeid)); 
      Expect(mixed, Some->InstanceOfType(String::typeid)); 
      Expect(strings, Some->StartsWith("ba")); 
      Expect(strings, Some->Not->StartsWith("ba")); 

     void NoItemsTests() 
      array<Object^>^ ints = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; 
      array<Object^>^ strings = { "abc", "bad", "cab", "bad", "dad" }; 

      // Not available using the classic syntax 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(ints, Has::None->Null); 
      Assert::That(ints, Has::None->InstanceOfType(String::typeid)); 
      Assert::That(ints, Has::None->GreaterThan(99)); 
      Assert::That(strings, Has::None->StartsWith("qu")); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(ints, None->Null); 
      Expect(ints, None->InstanceOfType(String::typeid)); 
      Expect(ints, None->GreaterThan(99)); 
      Expect(strings, None->StartsWith("qu")); 

     void CollectionContainsTests() 
      array<int>^ iarray = { 1, 2, 3 }; 
      array<String^>^ sarray = { "a", "b", "c" }; 

      // Classic syntax 
      Assert::Contains(3, iarray); 
      Assert::Contains("b", sarray); 
      CollectionAssert::Contains(iarray, 3); 
      CollectionAssert::Contains(sarray, "b"); 
      CollectionAssert::DoesNotContain(sarray, "x"); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(iarray, Has::Member(3)); 
      Assert::That(sarray, Has::Member("b")); 
      Assert::That(sarray, Has::No->Member("x")); // Yuck! 
      Assert::That(sarray, !Has::Member("x")); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(iarray, Contains(3)); 
      Expect(sarray, Contains("b")); 
      Expect(sarray, Not->Contains("x")); 
      Expect(sarray, !Contains("x")); 

     void CollectionEquivalenceTests() 
      array<int>^ ints1to5 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; 

      // Classic syntax 
      CollectionAssert::AreEquivalent(gcnew array<int> { 2, 1, 4, 3, 5 }, ints1to5); 
      CollectionAssert::AreNotEquivalent(gcnew array<int> { 2, 2, 4, 3, 5 }, ints1to5); 
      CollectionAssert::AreNotEquivalent(gcnew array<int> { 2, 4, 3, 5 }, ints1to5); 
      CollectionAssert::AreNotEquivalent(gcnew array<int> { 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 5 }, ints1to5); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(gcnew array<int> { 2, 1, 4, 3, 5 }, Is::EquivalentTo(ints1to5)); 
      Assert::That(gcnew array<int> { 2, 2, 4, 3, 5 }, Is::Not->EquivalentTo(ints1to5)); 
      Assert::That(gcnew array<int> { 2, 4, 3, 5 }, Is::Not->EquivalentTo(ints1to5)); 
      Assert::That(gcnew array<int> { 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 5 }, Is::Not->EquivalentTo(ints1to5)); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(gcnew array<int> { 2, 1, 4, 3, 5 }, EquivalentTo(ints1to5)); 
      Expect(gcnew array<int> { 2, 2, 4, 3, 5 }, Not->EquivalentTo(ints1to5)); 
      Expect(gcnew array<int> { 2, 4, 3, 5 }, Not->EquivalentTo(ints1to5)); 
      Expect(gcnew array<int> { 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 5 }, Not->EquivalentTo(ints1to5)); 

     void SubsetTests() 
      array<int>^ ints1to5 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; 

      // Classic syntax 
      CollectionAssert::IsSubsetOf(gcnew array<int> { 1, 3, 5 }, ints1to5); 
      CollectionAssert::IsSubsetOf(gcnew array<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, ints1to5); 
      CollectionAssert::IsNotSubsetOf(gcnew array<int> { 2, 4, 6 }, ints1to5); 
      CollectionAssert::IsNotSubsetOf(gcnew array<int> { 1, 2, 2, 2, 5 }, ints1to5); 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(gcnew array<int> { 1, 3, 5 }, Is::SubsetOf(ints1to5)); 
      Assert::That(gcnew array<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, Is::SubsetOf(ints1to5)); 
      Assert::That(gcnew array<int> { 2, 4, 6 }, Is::Not->SubsetOf(ints1to5)); 
      Assert::That(gcnew array<int> { 1, 2, 2, 2, 5 }, Is::Not->SubsetOf(ints1to5)); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(gcnew array<int> { 1, 3, 5 }, SubsetOf(ints1to5)); 
      Expect(gcnew array<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, SubsetOf(ints1to5)); 
      Expect(gcnew array<int> { 2, 4, 6 }, Not->SubsetOf(ints1to5)); 
      Expect(gcnew array<int> { 1, 2, 2, 2, 5 }, Not->SubsetOf(ints1to5)); 

     void PropertyTests() 
      array<String^>^ strings = { "abc", "bca", "xyz" }; 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That("Hello", Has::Property("Length")->EqualTo(5)); 
      Assert::That("Hello", Has::Length->EqualTo(5)); 
      Assert::That(strings , Has::All->Property("Length")->EqualTo(3)); 
      Assert::That(strings, Has::All->Length->EqualTo(3)); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect("Hello", Property("Length")->EqualTo(5)); 
      Expect("Hello", Length->EqualTo(5)); 
      Expect(strings, All->Property("Length")->EqualTo(3)); 
      Expect(strings, All->Length->EqualTo(3)); 

     void NotTests() 
      // Not available using the classic syntax 

      // Helper syntax 
      Assert::That(42, Is::Not->Null); 
      Assert::That(42, Is::Not->True); 
      Assert::That(42, Is::Not->False); 
      Assert::That(2.5, Is::Not->NaN); 
      Assert::That(2 + 2, Is::Not->EqualTo(3)); 
      Assert::That(2 + 2, Is::Not->Not->EqualTo(4)); 
      Assert::That(2 + 2, Is::Not->Not->Not->EqualTo(5)); 

      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(42, Not->Null); 
      Expect(42, Not->True); 
      Expect(42, Not->False); 
      Expect(2.5, Not->NaN); 
      Expect(2 + 2, Not->EqualTo(3)); 
      Expect(2 + 2, Not->Not->EqualTo(4)); 
      Expect(2 + 2, Not->Not->Not->EqualTo(5)); 

     void NotOperator() 
      // The ! operator is only available in the new syntax 
      Assert::That(42, !Is::Null); 
      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(42, !Null); 

     void AndOperator() 
      // The & operator is only available in the new syntax 
      Assert::That(7, Is::GreaterThan(5) & Is::LessThan(10)); 
      // Inherited syntax 
      Expect(7, GreaterThan(5) & LessThan(10)); 

     void OrOperator() 
      // The | operator is only available in the new syntax 
      Assert::That(3, Is::LessThan(5) | Is::GreaterThan(10)); 
      Expect(3, LessThan(5) | GreaterThan(10)); 

     void ComplexTests() 
      Assert::That(7, Is::Not->Null & Is::Not->LessThan(5) & Is::Not->GreaterThan(10)); 
      Expect(7, Not->Null & Not->LessThan(5) & Not->GreaterThan(10)); 

      Assert::That(7, !Is::Null & !Is::LessThan(5) & !Is::GreaterThan(10)); 
      Expect(7, !Null & !LessThan(5) & !GreaterThan(10)); 

     // This method contains assertions that should not compile 
     // You can check by uncommenting it. 
     //void WillNotCompile() 
     // Assert::That(42, Is::Not); 
     // Assert::That(42, Is::All); 
     // Assert::That(42, Is::Null->Not); 
     // Assert::That(42, Is::Not->Null->GreaterThan(10)); 
     // Assert::That(42, Is::GreaterThan(10)->LessThan(99)); 

     // object[] c = new object[0]; 
     // Assert::That(c, Is::Null->All); 
     // Assert::That(c, Is::Not->All); 
     // Assert::That(c, Is::All->Not); 

我认为nunit或C++/cli是托管代码。我们的MFC代码将不包含.NET框架。他们仍然可以运行MFC的测试吗? – 2011-12-18 18:54:39


测试类是用C++/cli编写的。你可以从C++/cli调用你的常规C++代码。 iirc,您必须将您的应用程序打包为一个dll。我从nunit下载中添加了一些示例代码。除了在nunit中,nunit几乎与junit相同,每个测试都有一个新类别* not *。 – 2011-12-18 19:16:25


你说得对。我用过很多nunit,但没有想过这种方式。我会尝试。谢谢 – 2011-12-18 19:25:02



我用谷歌测试,因为文档包含如何使用Visual Studio中的测试整合很好的例子,让他们自动运行 - 但


良好的文档应该是主要因素之一,选择之一,尤其是对我们。谢谢! – 2011-12-18 18:51:20
