2011-06-30 58 views

这是旧WP插件返回已签名的Amazon S3 URL的功能,但我无法使其工作!当我访问它返回的标识的URL,我得到这个:Amazon S3以PHP签名的URL

The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method.

function s3Url($text) { 
    $AWS_S3_KEY = 'KEY'; 
    $tag_pattern = '/(\[S3 bucket\=(.*?)\ text\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/S3\])/i'; 

    define("AWS_S3_KEY", $AWS_S3_KEY); // replace this with your AWS S3 key 
    define("AWS_S3_SECRET", $AWS_S3_SECRET); // replace this with your secret key. 
    $expires = time()+get_option('expire_seconds'); 

    if (preg_match_all ($tag_pattern, $text, $matches)) { 

     for ($m=0; $m<count($matches[0]); $m++) { 
      $bucket = $matches[2][$m]; 
      $link_text = $matches[3][$m]; 
      $resource = $matches[4][$m]; 

      $string_to_sign = "GET\n\n\n$expires\n/".str_replace(".s3.amazonaws.com","",$bucket)."/$resource"; 

      //$string_to_sign = "GET\n\n\n{$expires}\n/{$bucket}/{$resource}"; 
      $signature = urlencode(base64_encode((hash_hmac("sha1", utf8_encode($string_to_sign), AWS_S3_SECRET, TRUE)))); 

      $authentication_params = "AWSAccessKeyId=".AWS_S3_KEY; 
      $authentication_params.= "&Expires={$expires}"; 
      $authentication_params.= "&Signature={$signature}"; 

      $tag_pattern_match = "/(\[S3 bucket\=(.*?)\ text\={$link_text}\]{$resource}\[\/S3\])/i"; 

      if(strlen($link_text) == 0) 
       $link = "http://{$bucket}/{$resource}?{$authentication_params}"; 
       $link = "<a href='http://{$bucket}/{$resource}?{$authentication_params}'>{$link_text}</a>"; 

      $text = preg_replace($tag_pattern_match,$link,$text); 

    return $text; 



Amazon AWS PHP SDK提供的示例:sdk-latest\sdk-1.3.5\sdk-1.3.5\_samples\cli-s3_get_urls_for_uploads.php下面的代码工作得很好:

 /* Execute our queue of batched requests. This may take a few seconds to a 
     few minutes depending on the size of the files and how fast your upload 
     speeds are. */ 
    $file_upload_response = $s3->batch()->send(); 

    /* Since a batch of requests will return multiple responses, let's 
     make sure they ALL came back successfully using `areOK()` (singular 
     responses use `isOK()`). */ 
    if ($file_upload_response->areOK()) 
     // Loop through the individual filenames 
     foreach ($individual_filenames as $filename) 
      /* Display a URL for each of the files we uploaded. Since uploads default to 
       private (you can choose to override this setting when uploading), we'll 
       pre-authenticate the file URL for the next 5 minutes. */ 
      echo $s3->get_object_url($bucket, $filename, '5 minutes') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; 