2015-09-27 98 views
sudo php -d detect_unicode=0 go-pear.phar 

无法创建PHP代码目录($ php_dir)/ usr/share/pear。无法安装PEAR

我需要更改/ usr/share上的权限吗?当前的权限是drwxr-XR-X



从这个链接:http://jason.pureconcepts.net/2012/10/install-pear-pecl-mac-os-x/ 有了这个指令,你不需要禁用“系统完整性保护”

The following instructions install PEAR and PECL on Mac OS X under /usr/local/. PECL is bundled with PEAR. So this is as simple as installing PEAR on Mac OS X. 

PEAR is PHP’s Package Repository and makes it easy to download and install PHP tools like PHPUnit and XDebug. I specifically recommend these two for every PHP developer. 

Download PEAR 
curl -O http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar 
sudo php -d detect_unicode=0 go-pear.phar 

Configure and Install PEAR 
You should now be at a prompt to configure PEAR. 

Type 1 and press return. 
Enter: /usr/local/pear 

Type 4 and press return. 
Enter: /usr/local/bin 

Press return 

Verify PEAR. You should be able to type: 

pear version 

Eventually, if you use any extensions or applications from PEAR, you may need to update PHP’s include path.