2017-04-27 10 views


var input = [ 
     date: '2017-07-19', 
     number: 10 
     date: '2017-07-20', 
     number: 7.5 
     date: '2017-07-20', 
     number: 9 
     date: '2017-07-21', 
     number: 8 
     date: '2017-07-22', 
     number: 9.3 
     date: '2017-07-22', 
     number: 6 
     date: '2017-07-23', 
     number: 5.8 
     date: '2017-07-23', 
     number: 7.2 
     date: '2017-07-24', 
     number: 9 


var output = [ 
     date: '2017-07-19', 
     number: [10], 
     average: 10 
     date: '2017-07-20', 
     number: [10, 7.5, 9], 
     average: 8.8 
     date: '2017-07-21', 
     number: [10, 7.5, 9, 8], 
     average: 8.6 
     date: '2017-07-22', 
     number: [10, 7.5, 9, 8, 9.3, 6], 
     average: 8.3 
     date: '2017-07-23', 
     number: [10, 7.5, 9, 8, 9.3, 6, 5.8, 7.2], 
     average: 7.9 
     date: '2017-07-23', 
     number: [10, 7.5, 9, 8, 9.3, 6, 5.8, 7.2, 9], 
     average: 7.9 

到目前为止,我只能添加号码是什么使用相同的日期并计算数字的平均值。我不知道如何制作var output阵列。 非常感谢您的帮助!


我感到困惑的是'mean'? –


数字的平均值。我刚刚编辑了这个问题。 – Vic



function group(arr) { 
    // FIRST PART: group the objects and sum their numbers 
    var indexHash = {};       // helps us check whether or not a date is encountered and at which index the object for that date is stored 
    var output = arr.reduce(function(acc, o) { // for each object o in the array 
     var ind = indexHash[o.date];    // get the index for this date from the index hash (if any) 
     if(ind) {         // if there is (there is already an object fro this date) 
      acc[ind].number.push(o.number);  // then push this object's number to its array of numbers 
      acc[ind].mean += o.number;   // add this object's number to it's mean (mean will serve as a sum for later when we will divide it by the length) 
     else          // otherwise (if we haven't store an object for this particular date) 
      indexHash[o.date] = acc.push({  // ... then store one 
       "date": o.date,     // that has its date equal to this object's date 
       "number": [o.number],    // and that has its number array containing this object's number 
       "mean": o.number     // and that has its mean initialized with this object's number 
      }) - 1; 
     return acc; 
    }, []); 
    // SECOND PART: sort the array by date (if not necessary then remove this bit of code) 
    output.sort(function(a, b) { 
     a = new Date(a.date).getTime();  
     b = new Date(b.date).getTime(); 
     return a - b; 
    // THIRD PART: add the numbers of previous dates to the current date 
    var first = output.shift(), last = first;  // remove the first item of the array and store it (so we can get it back into the array later) and use it as the last seen object 
    output.forEach(function(o) {     // then for each object o 
     o.number = last.number.concat(o.number); // concat the last seen object's numbers to this object's number 
     o.mean += last.mean;      // add the sum of the last seen object's numbers to this object's sum 
     last = o;         // mark this object as the last seen object (so to add its numbers to the next object) 
    output.unshift(first);      // get back the first object (previously removed) to the array 
    // FORTH PART: calculate the mean 
    output.forEach(function(o) { 
     o.mean /= o.number.length;    // the mean property of each object represents the sum of its number, to get the actual mean we have to divide the sum by the length of the number array 
    return output; 


var input = [{"date":"2017-07-19","number":10},{"date":"2017-07-20","number":7.5},{"date":"2017-07-20","number":9},{"date":"2017-07-21","number":8},{"date":"2017-07-22","number":9.3},{"date":"2017-07-22","number":6},{"date":"2017-07-23","number":5.8},{"date":"2017-07-23","number":7.2},{"date":"2017-07-24","number":9}]; 



嗨易卜拉欣!非常感谢您的回答!但我想包括所有以前的编号中的下一个对象,例如'{ 日期 '2017年7月19日', 数:[10], 平均:10 },{ 日期 :' 2017-07-20', number:[10,7.5,9], average:8.8 }, { date:'2017-07-21', number:[10,7.5,9,8] , 平均:8.6 }'等。 – Vic


@Vic是啊!我刚刚注意到了!我马上编辑。 –


@Vic检查新的编辑! –



function mean(numbers) { 
    var sum = numbers.reduce(function(a, b) { return a + b; }); 
    return sum/numbers.length; 

// Sort the input array by date 
input.sort(function(a, b) { 
      return new Date(a.date) - new Date(b.date); 

// Add the first data-point to the output array 
var output = [{ date: input[0].date, 
       number: [input[0].number] }]; 

// Loop through the remaining input array elements 
for (var i=1; i<input.length; i++) { 

    var lastDate = output[output.length-1]; 

    if (input[i].date != lastDate.date) { 
    // This is a new date 
    // Calculate the average for the old date 
    lastDate.average = mean(lastDate.number); 

    // And create an output entry for the new date 
    output.push({ date: input[i].date, 
        number: lastDate.number.concat([input[i].number]) }); 
    // Set the number array to the previous date's number array with the newest number concatenated onto it 
    } else { 
    // If there is already an output entry for this date, then just add the new number 

// Calculate average for last date 
lastDate = output[output.length-1]; 
lastDate.average = mean(lastDate.number); 
