
sealed trait Tree[A] 
case object EmptyTree extends Tree[Nothing] 
case class Leaf[A](value: A) extends Tree[A] 
case class Node[A](op: Seq[A] => A, branches: Tree[A]*) extends Tree[A] 


def create(acc: Tree[A], currentDepth: Int): Tree[A] = currentDepth match { 
    case maxDepth => Leaf(terminalSet(r.nextInt(terminalSet.length))) 
    case 0 => { 
     val op_pos = r.nextInt(fSetLength) 
     val branches: Seq[Tree[A]] = for (i <- 0 to r.nextInt(fSetLength)) yield create(EmptyTree, currentDepth+1) 
     Node(functionSet(op_pos)._1, branches:_*) 
    case _ => { 
     if (r.nextFloat() <= probF) { 
     val op_pos = r.nextInt(fSetLength) 
     val branches = for (i <- 0 to r.nextInt(fSetLength)) yield create(EmptyTree, currentDepth + 1) 
     Node(functionSet(op_pos)._1, branches:_*) 
    create(EmptyTree, 0) 

基本上create(EmptyTree, currentDepth + 1)它抱怨期待一个Tree[A]并接收EmptyTree.type


我更新了我的回答:我觉得你应该让你的'Tree'性状不变 –




你想要的是Tree协变:如果X <: Y然后Tree[X] <: Tree[Y]。然后,作为Nothing <: A任何A你得到EmptyTree.type <: Tree[A],你可以随时通过EmptyTree,只要你需要一个Tree[A]


这是一个很好的职位上协方差和逆变Scala中:Be friend with covariance and contravariance

UPDATEquestioning answer后,其实我已经看了你的构造函数Tree和定义,你不能使Tree协变。不幸的是,编译器不会抱怨(你看,它实际上应该抱怨更多)。您的opNodeSeq[A]是逆变,因此您不能使Node协变。在这一点上你可能会想:


,通过制定其超Tree协节点在实际中成为左右。 scalac实际上应该检查协变变量的所有子类型构造函数是否可协变。无论如何,代码显示该如下:

// you need a value for EmptyTree! thus default 
def evaluateTree[Z](tree: Tree[Z], default: Z): Z = 
    tree match { 
    case EmptyTree => default 
    case Leaf(value) => value 
    // note how you need to essentially cast here 
    case Node(op: (Seq[Z] => Z), args @ _*) => 
     op(args map { branches => evaluateTree(branches, default) }) 

trait A 
trait B extends A 

val notNice: Tree[A] = Node[B]({ bs: Seq[B] => bs.head }, EmptyTree) 
// ClassCastException! 
val uhoh = evaluateTree(notNice, new A {}) 


sealed trait Tree[A] 
case class EmptyTree[A]() extends Tree[A] 
case class Leaf[A](value: A) extends Tree[A] 
// I wouldn't use varargs here, make a method for that if you want 
case class Node[A](op: Seq[A] => A, branches: Tree[A]*) extends Tree[A] 
// for convenience, it could be inside `Tree` companion 
def emptyTree[A]: EmptyTree[A] = EmptyTree() 

def evaluateTree[Z](tree: Tree[Z], default: Z): Z = 
    tree match { 
    case EmptyTree() => 
    case Leaf(value) => 
    // no need to match generic types or anything here 
    case Node(op, args @ _*) => 
     op(args map { branches => evaluateTree(branches, default) }) 

trait A 
trait B extends A 

// doesn't work now 
// val notNice: Tree[A] = Node[B]({ bs: Seq[B] => bs.head }, emptyTree) 
val notNice: Tree[B] = Node[B]({ bs: Seq[B] => bs.head }, emptyTree) 

// doesn't compile, no class cast exception 
// val uhoh = evaluateTree(notNice, new A {}) 

https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-6944是值得一试。 –


...和https://issues.scala-lang。组织/浏览/ SI-7952 –


我终于明白了。我也需要匹配泛型类型!非常感谢你 顺便说一句,当你说'//我不会在这里使用可变参数,请为此做一个方法。哪种方法?这是我发现有一棵拥有任意数量分支的树的唯一方式 –