2009-08-21 65 views

我读了几本书和有关卷积神经网络的文章,看来我理解这个概念,但我不知道如何把它像在下面的图像: alt text http://what-when-how.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/tmp725d63_thumb.png卷积神经网络 - 如何获取特征地图?



您可以列举您阅读的卷积神经网络的书籍/文章吗?提前致谢。 – lmsasu 2011-12-30 13:57:43


这是来自神经网络和学习机器,第三版的书 – 2011-12-30 15:22:21


我也很困惑,这个卷积实际上是非常重要的部分(因此名称'卷积NN'),但大多数人似乎专注于解释CNN如何工作,并忽略“如何获取功能地图”部分。 我很困惑(也很生气),直到我找到这个网站:http://www1.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/~irkhan/conn2.html 它用简单的英语解释了一切。 – 2013-04-20 05:08:48



这是CONV2函数的matlab帮助文件,用于CNN Matlab(获取卷积图层)。仔细阅读,你会看到你的答案。

%CONV2 Two dimensional convolution. 
% C = CONV2(A, B) performs the 2-D convolution of matrices A and B. 
% If [ma,na] = size(A), [mb,nb] = size(B), and [mc,nc] = size(C), then 
% mc = max([ma+mb-1,ma,mb]) and nc = max([na+nb-1,na,nb]). 
% C = CONV2(H1, H2, A) convolves A first with the vector H1 along the 
% rows and then with the vector H2 along the columns. If n1 = length(H1) 
% and n2 = length(H2), then mc = max([ma+n1-1,ma,n1]) and 
% nc = max([na+n2-1,na,n2]). 
% C = CONV2(..., SHAPE) returns a subsection of the 2-D 
% convolution with size specified by SHAPE: 
%  'full' - (default) returns the full 2-D convolution, 
%  'same' - returns the central part of the convolution 
%    that is the same size as A. 
%  'valid' - returns only those parts of the convolution 
%    that are computed without the zero-padded edges. 
%    **size(C) = max([ma-max(0,mb-1),na-max(0,nb-1)],0).** 