2014-03-27 97 views

这是我第一次编写实际尝试做某些事情的代码,并且在编写错误处理程序时遇到了一些麻烦。该代码尝试将“tosearch”与范围I1:I10相匹配。如果它找到匹配并且单元格为空,则要求用户输入。VBA Excel错误处理不匹配类型13


If IsError(myvalue = Application.Match(tosearch, Range("i1:i10"), 0)) Then 



Dim myvalue As String 
Dim myrng As Long 
Dim tosearch As String 
Dim myrnglimit As Long 
Dim Uchoose As String 
Dim animal As Variant 
Dim blankchck As String 

myrnglimit = 15 

For myrng = 2 To myrnglimit 

    'isblank check 
blankchck = Range("c" & myrng).Value 
    If blankchck = "" Then 

'sets tosearch as each cell 
tosearch = Range("a" & myrng).Value 

    'error checker then it matches each cell to the table hardcoded into the code 
If IsError(myvalue = Application.Match(tosearch, Range("i1:i10"), 0)) Then 
GoTo nextloop: 

     myvalue = Application.Match(tosearch, Range("i1:i10"), 0) 

    'fills in the second column with Animal data 
     animal = Range("j" & myvalue).Value 
     Range("a" & myrng).Offset(0, 1).Value = animal 

'User input for animal 
Uchoose = MsgBox("Excel says : " & Range("k" & myvalue).Value & ". So are " & animal & "     good?", vbYesNoCancel, "Status") 

If Uchoose = vbYes Then 
Range("a" & myrng).Offset(0, 2).Value = "Good" 
    ElseIf Uchoose = vbNo Then 
     Range("a" & myrng).Offset(0, 2).Value = "Bad" 
    ElseIf Uchoose = vbCancel Then 
     GoTo nextloop: 
End If 

'Select case to identify 1004 mismatch and skip 

'Error checker if 
End If 
'Avoidblank if 
End If 

Next myrng 

我不明白你的问题究竟是什么? – 2014-03-27 11:20:24


你应该使用'If IsError(Application.Match(tosearch,Range(“i1:i10”),0))然后'如果没有错误,将结果写入变量 –


这样做了,我不小心就离开了在错误捕捉器的'myvalue ='中,谢谢。 – user3468246
