2012-11-12 50 views

我有一个包含多个工作表的excel文件。 我需要比较两个工作表(1)TotalList和(2)cList超过25列,在这两个工作表栏中是相同的。如何比较不同工作表中的两列

在分栏列表的起始行是3 在TotalList的起始行是5

现在,我得比较来自CLIST对E &˚F列,TotalListē&˚F列,如果没有找到它,然后在TotalList表格末尾添加整行,并用黄色突出显示。

Public Function compare() 
    Dim LoopRang As Range 
    Dim FoundRang As Range 
    Dim ColNam 
    Dim TotRows As Long 

    LeaData = "Shhet2" 
    ConsolData = "Sheet1" 

    TotRows = Worksheets(LeaData).Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Row 
    TotRows1 = Worksheets(ConsolData).Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Row 
    'TotRows = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(LeaData).UsedRange.Rows.Count 
    ColNam = "$F$3:$F" & TotRows 
    ColNam1 = "$F$5:$F" & TotRows1 
    For Each LoopRang In Sheets(LeaData).Range(ColNam) 
     Set FoundRang = Sheets(ConsolData).Range(ColNam1).Find(LoopRang, lookat:=xlWhole) 
     For Each FoundRang In Sheets(ConsolData).Range(ColNam1) 
      If FoundRang & FoundRang.Offset(0, -1) <> LoopRang & LoopRang.Offset(0, -1) Then  
       TotRows = Worksheets(ConsolData).Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Row 
       ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(LeaData).Rows(LoopRang.Row).Copy ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ConsolData).Rows(TotRows + 1) 
       ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ConsolData).Rows(TotRows + 1).Interior.Color = vbYellow 
       GoTo NextLine 
      End If 
     Next FoundRang 
    Next LoopRang 

End Function 

请帮助VBA代码。 在此先感谢...


一个路径:http://superuser.com/a/496277/ 85273 – Brad


@OP:请告诉我们你到目前为止所做的事情。这不是免费的脚本服务,这是针对有编程问题的程序员,因为他们被卡住或想要改进脚本,这类事情。因此,请向我们发送您的脚本,并告诉我们您卡在哪里,我们将尽我们所能帮助。 –


更新了上面的代码,在上面的代码中,它正在复制已经在工作表中的数据。 – user1049518




  1. 集显式的选项打开。这是通过工具>选项> 编辑器(选项卡)>需要变量声明完成的。现在,您必须在使用它们之前声明所有变量为 。
  2. 在声明它时总是声明一个变量类型。如果您不确定要起诉什么或者是否可以采用不同的类型(不可取!!),请使用Variable
  3. 对所有变量使用标准命名约定。矿井是一个以str开头的字符串,dblr等的一个范围。所以strTest,dblProfitrOriginal。同时给你的变量意味着名字!
  4. 为您的Excel电子表格提供有意义的名称或标题(标题是您在Excel中看到的内容,名称是您可以在VBA中直接引用的名称)。请避免使用标题,而应参考名称,因为用户只需打开VBA窗口即可轻松更改标题,但只能使用该名称。


Option Explicit 

Public Function Compare() 

     Dim rOriginal As Range   'row records in the lookup sheet (cList = Sheet2) 
     Dim rFind As Range    'row record in the target sheet (TotalList = Sheet1) 
     Dim rTableOriginal As Range  'row records in the lookup sheet (cList = Sheet2) 
     Dim rTableFind As Range   'row record in the target sheet (TotalList = Sheet1) 
     Dim shOriginal As Worksheet 
     Dim shFind As Worksheet 
     Dim booFound As Boolean 

     'Initiate all used objects and variables 
     Set shOriginal = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2") 
     Set shFind = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") 
     Set rTableOriginal = shOriginal.Range(shOriginal.Rows(3), shOriginal.Rows(shOriginal.Rows.Count).End(xlUp)) 
     Set rTableFind = shFind.Range(shFind.Rows(5), shFind.Rows(shFind.Rows.Count).End(xlUp)) 
     booFound = False 

     For Each rOriginal In rTableOriginal.Rows 
      booFound = False 
      For Each rFind In rTableFind.Rows 
       'Check if the E and F column contain the same information 
       If rOriginal.Cells(1, 5) = rFind.Cells(1, 5) And rOriginal.Cells(1, 6) = rFind.Cells(1, 6) Then 
        'The record is found so we can search for the next one 
        booFound = True 
        GoTo FindNextOriginal 'Alternatively use Exit For 
       End If 
      Next rFind 

      'In case the code is extended I always use a boolean and an If statement to make sure we cannot 
      'by accident end up in this copy-paste-apply_yellow part!! 
      If Not booFound Then 
       'If not found then copy form the Original sheet ... 
       '... paste on the Find sheet and apply the Yellow interior color 
       With rTableFind.Rows(rTableFind.Rows.Count + 1) 
        .Interior.Color = vbYellow 
       End With 
       'Extend the range so we add another record at the bottom again 
       Set rTableFind = shFind.Range(rTableFind, rTableFind.Rows(rTableFind.Rows.Count + 1)) 
      End If 

     Next rOriginal 

End Function 