2012-02-23 68 views

_下面的问题的程序给出了一系列例外情况Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError at testing_package.Compute.factorial(Compute.java:105)我不明白为什么我会得到这个错误。为什么我在这里得到java.lang.StackOverflowError?

问题:N个男孩和M个女孩正在从剧院学习演技。要进行游戏 ,他们需要组成一组包含不少于4个男孩和不少于1个女孩的P组演员。剧院要求你编写一个程序,告诉他们可以组成团队的方式数量。 注:组成应该是唯一的,而不是组成物的组成顺序。

import java.io.*; 

class Compute { 

private static int NFact; 
private static int N_Minus_R_Fact; 
private static int RFact; 
private static int fact=0; 

public static int readTheStrengthOfGroup() { 
    int strengthOfGroup=0; 
    try { 
     System.out.println("Enter the strength of group : "); 
     BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); 
     String read = reader.readLine(); 
     strengthOfGroup = Integer.parseInt(read); 
    } catch(Exception exc) { 
     return strengthOfGroup; 

public static int readTheNumberOfBoys() { 
    int boysToParticipate=0; 
    try { 
    System.out.println("Enter the number of boys to participate in the play : "); 
    BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); 
    String read = reader.readLine(); 
    boysToParticipate = Integer.parseInt(read); 
    } catch(Exception exc) { 
    return boysToParticipate; 

public static int readTheNumberOfGirls() { 
    int girlsToParticipate=0; 
    try { 
     System.out.println("Enter the number of girls to participate in the play : "); 
     BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); 
     String read = reader.readLine(); 
     girlsToParticipate = Integer.parseInt(read); 
    } catch(Exception exc) { 
    return girlsToParticipate; 

public static int compute(int strengthOfGroup , int boysToParticipate , int girlsToParticipate) { 
    if(boysToParticipate < 4 || girlsToParticipate < 1) { 
     return 0; 
    } else { 
     /* P >= 5 
     * N : Boys 
     * M : Girls 
     * result = M+N C P - { (N C 0)(M C P)+(N C 1)(M C P-1)+(N C 2)(M C P-2)+(N C 3)(M C P-3)+(N C P)(M C 0) } 
     int resultP_2 = 0; 
     int totalNumberOfParticipants = boysToParticipate + girlsToParticipate; 
     int totalNumberOfParticipants_C_strengthOfGroup = computeFactorial(totalNumberOfParticipants , strengthOfGroup); 
     for(int i = 0 ; i <= 4 ; i++) { 
          if(i == 4) { 
       resultP_2 = resultP_2 + (computeFactorial(boysToParticipate,strengthOfGroup) * computeFactorial(girlsToParticipate,0)); 
      }else { 
      resultP_2 = resultP_2 + (computeFactorial(boysToParticipate,i) * computeFactorial(girlsToParticipate,strengthOfGroup)); 
     int result = totalNumberOfParticipants_C_strengthOfGroup - resultP_2; 
     return result; 

public static int computeFactorial(int N , int R) { 
    if(R > N) { 
     throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Parameters"); 
    } else { 
     /* int NFact; 
     int N_Minus_R_Fact; 
     int RFact; */ 
     NFact = factorial(N); 
     N_Minus_R_Fact = factorial(N-R); 
     RFact = factorial(R); 


public static int factorial(int num) { 
    if(num == 1) { 
     return 1; 
    } else { 
     fact = num * factorial(num-1); // LINE 105 
     return fact; 

public static void main(String args[]) { 
    int strengthOfGroup = readTheStrengthOfGroup(); 
    int boysToParticipate = readTheNumberOfBoys(); 
    int girlsToParticipate = readTheNumberOfGirls(); 
    int result = compute(strengthOfGroup , boysToParticipate , girlsToParticipate); 
    System.out.println("Number of groups that can be formed : " + result); 


我评论过线人数105 enter image description here


您发布的代码有103行,其中有问题的行(105)? – aviad 2012-02-23 06:39:54


因为您正在使用递归方法。要解决它,无论是改进你的代码还是增加堆栈大小。 – 2012-02-23 06:41:13


@ aviad看到编辑。 – 2012-02-23 06:43:58



computeFactorial避免调用factorial如果R > N,但称它在所有其他情况下(R == NR < N),传递N-R。如果R == N,则N-R0。在factorial中,您正在检查是否num == 1和返回1,但是当num0时,您有factorial调用本身与num - 1,这是-1。然后它会自动再次调用num - 1,这是-2等等,并且负数越来越大(-1-2,...),直到您用完堆栈。

我还没有仔细阅读代码,但最起码​​,你需要有factorial回报1num == 0以及何时num == 10! = 1)。如果你给它一个负数,我也会抛出异常。


你能提出一些建议吗? – 2012-02-23 07:06:30


@SuhailGupta:基本上,不要将负数传递给'factorial',并单独更正'factorial',以便它接受'0'并返回正确的结果(像'1!= 1'一样返回正确的结果('0!= 1') )。如果你传递一个负数,我可能也会'factorial'抛出一个异常。我不是数学家,但我不认为你可以采取负数的阶乘;我确定你不能和平常一样'n! = n *(n-1)'公式。 – 2012-02-23 07:27:39


这个答案大部分是正确的 - 你偶尔会调用阶乘(0)。由于递归在1停止,这永远不会是好事。如果你将第102行从'if(num == 1){'改为'if(num == 0){',你的堆栈溢出问题就会消失。关于'R> N'的一点是无关紧要的 - 你已经正确地完成了这部分。但是你也有一个bug - 'return(NFact /(N_Minus_R_Fact-RFact))';'应该说'return(NFact /(N_Minus_R_Fact * RFact));'。另外,如果您希望使代码更加高效,...(继续留下评论)... – 2012-02-23 08:01:03
